As a shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This is light angst and mostly fluff, maybe some blood but not really, this is a domestic criminal au due to what the idea was in this so where faunuses exist so, and honestly if you've noticed the amount of times that has been involved with hair in these fics, congratulations but not only that the title of this fic is from Hozier with the song called Shrike

Tyrian has been sent on a small mission, without Arthur but then the doctor decided he should make dinner for when Tyrian gets back home, but the faunus should've been home soon and Arthur begins to worry "Tyrian should've been home by now, should I call him?" Arthur asked himself getting a bit more worried even and paces around the house until he stopped to hear rain started pour down outside "Please come home soon." Arthur said to himself with worry, and with seconds later he hears a knock on the door and Arthur immediately rushed to the door only to find Tyrian injured and wet by the rain with his hair unbraided into a tangled mess, Arthur quickly snatched his jacket to put it on Tyrian and brining him inside the house carefully "Arthur I'm fine, these are just scratches." Tyrian spoke before grunting in pain "Obviously not, I'm getting you patched up immediately." Arthur said holding back the fear and panic he has, although while Tyrian listened he had a small glance the fact that Arthur made dinner and it was just sitting there on the table "You made dinner?" Tyrian asked not paying attention really to his injuries and Arthur's reaction, he gave a small weak smile to Arthur to the nice gesture of it as well "I can explain that later darling, stay awake." Arthur said as he brings Tyrian to his office with trying his best to not fail Tyrian on this.

Moments pass when Arthur patches up Tyrian's bruises and cuts with Arthur's jacket off of course but after getting patched up Tyrian puts on Arthur's jacket again for comfort, and while Arthur was taking care of Tyrian the doctor was quiet the whole time, that was until Tyrian spoke "Arthur, are you okay?" Tyrian asked but Arthur continued to be quiet for a bit more before responding to Tyrian, the doctor had to gather everything he would have to say to the faunus "I was worried about you." Arthur admitted with the worry in his tone only Tyrian gets use to, but then again he felt empathetic for it even if he tried to reassure Arthur every time he can be careful, so for this he has to tread lightly "And that's why I love you, it's rare for someone to worry about me, of all people." Tyrian made that as a light joke, although for Arthur being worried for Tyrian it wasn't really "Of course I'm worried, you know I would be." From that exact moment Arthur spoke those words the rain poured more a loud almost terrifying thunder roaring into the skies, it immediately made Tyrian terrified and hold on tight onto wearing Arthur's jacket. Arthur watched Tyrian be in absolute fear and immediately reacted with rushing over to Tyrian to comfort him "I'm here, you're safe." Arthur said comfortingly putting his arms around Tyrian to hug him reassuring him he's safe away from getting injured again "I'm so sorry." Tyrian said beginning to quietly apologize over and over again "It's okay Tyrian, I'm just glad you're safe now." Arthur tried to comfort once again and with that Tyrial practically melted into the comfort "Well doctor with you of course I am." Tyrian responded at least with something light, Arthur sighed of relief and smiled a bit "Then I'm glad." Arthur really was glad someone like Tyrian has admitted to feel safe around Arthur.

In their own little comfort moment Arthur began to stroke Tyrian's hair for a while and in result Tyrian began to smile more until he felt Arthur's hand be stuck in his hair just a bit, he could get it out he just doesn't know how yet "Did you just get your hand stuck in my hair?" Tyrian asked slowly beginning to laugh with Arthur being immediately embarrassed "Maybe?" Arthur responded trying to get his hand out but with every attempt it hasn't worked "Just give me a second then we'll fix your hair." Arthur made sure of it as well and a minute passes he finally got his hand out of Tyrian's hair "Thank gods, I thought we would have to cut your hair." Arthur joked and with that Tyrian lightly nudged Arthur with his elbow and laughed a bit as well "How dare you suggest that Arthur Watts." Tyrian said with a bit of a dramatic tone as Arthur laughed a bit and getting a brush, and to be honest before he started to work on to brush Tyrian's hair there's some tangles to deal with but luckily Arthur was there to fix it. Finally when Arthur started to brush, although while it could be calming the sounds of thunder still scared Tyrian, and every time a thunder roared across the sky Tyrian shivered in fear "Are you alright there Tyrian?" Arthur asked being concerned of course, Tyrian would try to change that subject but now he can't really, or at least try to "I'm fine darling, it's just the mission has been a bit tough, and with the storm going on it didn't help." Tyrian answered gripping on his arm while of course while wearing Arthur's jacket and with that it made Arthur scared a bit as well for Tyrian "I'm so sorry Tyrian, please know I would've been there." Arthur would've made that as a promise, and he swear he did "Don't worry I know you would've been there, but I'm safe now." Tyrian also promised that as well, at the very least with Arthur, by words of those it made Arthur smile. Then when Arthur began to braid Tyrian's hair the rain and thunder hasn't stopped but now with the faunus with his lovely doctor to keep him safe it's quite calming "So what's the context for that food on the kitchen table?" Tyrian asked all of a sudden and with that question is made Arthur disappointed in himself "Well that was dinner, sense you seem to be exhausted from missions, I thought I might as well cook dinner so you wouldn't have to wait while being exhausted." Arthur explained and immediately Tyrian was flattered "Arthur darling, that was certainly sweet of you, I love it." Tyrian meant it as well of course but Arthur still wanted to have cook "Well as you know I love you as well, with everything that has weighed on your shoulders and everything you did should be appreciated and rewarded." And once again Arthur has flattered Tyrian, finally when Arthur was done braiding Tyrian turned around to face Arthur and gave him a kiss on the cheek with Arthur smiling "And that my dear lovely doctor, is for everything you do that should be appreciated as well." Tyrian said smiling widely with Arthur getting flustered like Tyrian.

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