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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also I thought this would be a good idea??? also this counts as one of the rouge au fics so hAH I hope you enjoy, also yeah, spring fic I guess???

It was a spring evening where the colors of the forest in Patch was a beautiful sight, it was especially a delightful idea to garden, and that's exactly what Tyrian was planning to do even if it sounded terribly boring to him, although it was Taiyang who kept suggesting the idea of gardening. While the faunus was in the backyard of his and Arthur's home, the doctor was out in the town for a couple of things they needed and now after a hour or so passed, Arthur returns home in no sight of Tyrian "Dear I'm back from the town, where are you?" He called out for the faunus and yet there wasn't an answer, the doctor assumed he was still asleep so he shrugged it off. It was then Arthur heard Tyrian from the background, the doctor quickly went to the backyard with a puzzling face to see Tyrian just laying on the grass with some flowers looking as if he failed a simple task "Is there an reason why you're laying on the grass with dirt under your nails?" Arthur questioned with a small smug look on his face, the faunus was surprised by the doctor and sat up from the grass "It appears that maybe I thought gardening was easier. And I was immediately wrong." Tyrian explained hearing Arthur slightly laugh as he looked over to see the mess of dirt and such "I'm sure it was your best effort Tyrian." Arthur says walking up to the faunus to help him up from the ground, he was a bit irritated by the dirt the doctor got in his hands "It would be more of a disaster if you were to garden as well." Tyrian teased a bit, Arthur tilted his head a bit and had a smug smile "Then why not work together on this little garden?" He offered seeing the faunus' golden eyes light up and smiled "I thought someone like you wouldn't want to get their hands dirty." The faunus teased once again and yet gladly accepted Arthur's help with the little garden "I'm still more than glad to help, besides I'll be wearing gloves for this matter." Arthur said as he went back inside the house to get gloves for the both of them. The doctor returns to the backyard with gloves and some gardening tools Tyrian forgot about "Firstly, the soil is prepared and tested, correct?" Arthur questioned with the faunus giving a nod for his answer "I already have the list of instructions dear." He informed as the faunus pulls out a small paper and handed it over to Arthur, the doctor was somewhat impressed "I'm surprised you would do anything like gardening, is there any other reasons why?" Arthur questioned as he and Tyrian slowly began working with the garden, the faunus slightly laughed before answering the question "At first I thought it was boring, then it became more of a peaceful thought." Tyrian explained seeing Arthur smile more when the faunus was enjoying something that could calm him.

They both went to work with planting flowers with one shovel, a vase, and a sack of soil and yet it was still a disaster "This should be easy, how are we failing this?" Arthur was disappointed almost as if he was slightly stressed as well "We're just new to this Arthur, at some point we'll figure it out." Tyrian remarked calmly, the doctor sighed and smiled a bit at the faunus reassurance "I hope, but we're never telling Taiyang about this gardening because we both know fully he will bother us about it." Arthur pointed out, Tyrian agreed with the doctor by laughing and nodding "You're certainly correct about that then." Tyrian says with another laugh, the doctor smiled a bit and continued on with working on the garden. While the little garden of theirs was going well, Tyrian got sick of wearing the gloves and took them off "That feels so much better now." The faunus says in such relief, Arthur glanced over to Tyrian before continuing to work "Just make sure to not get any dirt on me." Arthur reminded giving a small idea for Tyrian, he had a smug smile on his face "Is that so? You got a bit of dirt on your cheek." Tyrian lied as Arthur looked at him with a puzzling face "Where?" The doctor asked, it was then the faunus' chance to actual get dirt on Arthur, Tyrian raised his hand to cup the doctor's cheek with dirt on his hand "Now you do." He teased as the doctor scoffed at the dirt on his cheek and to be ever so foolishly to fall into one of Tyrian's tricks "Very funny darling." Arthur says sarcastically, the faunus smiled and laughed "It is very much Arthur dear." He taunted with that smug smile on his face still "You're lucky that you are endearing." Says Arthur smiling a bit at Tyrian "I know, it's how I charm you isn't it?" Tyrian said making Arthur flustered, the doctor chose to not respond to such an accurate comment the faunus made. To the point where they began to work, Tyrian had the shovel to dig holes for the flowers to be planted "I believe it's going rather well, don't you think?" Tyrian asked with a proud smile across his face, Arthur was rather a bit quiet with his thoughts but he gave a smile and nod at the faunus "What's gotten you so quiet Arthur?" He questioned the doctor once again in hoping he would speak to the faunus "Nothing to worry dear, just some fleeting thoughts is all." Arthur spoke finally to reassure Tyrian, although it wasn't any fleeting thoughts it was worry that was silencing Arthur into his thoughts "I see, well I hope it's not anything of being harsh on yourself." Tyrian says as they continued on with the garden in some silence and yet with small glances where they smiled at each other.

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