Assassins au

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This was actually something to do than the other chapters, besides this was a fun idea

The midnight sky was covered with clouds with rain pouring down from the clouds, Tyrian runs swiftly down the streets of his and Arthur's neighborhood as the rain drops on his skin slowly as the blood from the faunus' small wounds makes a small trail of blood on his skin, it was clear that Tyrian was finished with a mission of his to assassinate some rich man, but while the thrill of the thought of slaughtering that target of Tyrian's gives him shivers but even by then while it was still late at night the faunus still needs to get home "If I don't get home soon enough-" Tyrian then noticed Arthur's house and he smiles widely ear to ear, the faunus knew that the doctor could help with small wounds of Tyrian's as if the faunus thinks he can just walk away from his wounds and yet Arthur helps to take care of Tyrian's wounds. Something urged Tyrian to knock on the door of Arthur's house, even if the doctor could take care of the faunus' such small wounds another part of Tyrian wanted to see Arthur, and so finally with enough time standing in the rain Tyrian decided to walk up to Arthur's front door of his house and knock on the door just loud enough for Arthur to hear, and while inside the house Arthur was peacefully reading a book and sitting on his sofa of course the doctor heard the knocking on the door, Arthur sighs and stands up from the sofa and lays the book on the sofa and walks up to his door to open it and when he saw Tyrian standing there with raindrops trailing down his skin with some blood getting in mix of the raindrops on the faunus and what exactly saw on Arthur's arm was a simple bandage wrapped around a wound of his, but eventually when one of them had to speak it was Arthur's concerned in his voice "What are you doing standing in the rain, Tyrian?" He questioned a bit worriedly, a warm smile came across Tyrian's face to such concern Arthur had "Well you know that I can't explain that much Arthur." Tyrian said as he titled his head slightly to the side as Arthur sighed a bit and invited the faunus to come into the house, which Tyrian was more than happy to accept sense that Arthur can help with the faunus' wounds "Perhaps you need to explain some of these injuries you've had, you know that I would be concerned." Arthur responded while closing the door behind him when Tyrian stepped inside the house, the faunus may have hesitated for a moment when Arthur said that because the doctor didn't know about Tyrian being an assassin and neither did the faunus know about Arthur being a assassin as well and neither of them would want to admit that to the other if it would put them in danger somehow "Just a little fight, of course I won and gotten a few injuries." And yet that was a lie, as it was mentioned earlier Tyrian was on his mission to assassinate someone, Arthur scoffed at the faunus as the doctor gestured at Tyrian to sit down at the sofa and so Arthur gets whatever he needs to take care of Tyrian's small wounds and scars.

Tyrian watches as Arthur carefully stops the bleeding to cleans off the wound and apply antibiotic on the wound and change the dressing, the faunus couldn't help but smile softly at the doctor taking care of him "What are you smiling for?" Arthur questioned when he noticed that soft smile on Tyrian's face "That's because of you, Arthur. Thank you for taking care of these small wounds." Tyrian noticed how Arthur slightly blushed, the doctor gave a nod to him "As usual someone, and by someone it's usually has to be me, has to take care of you and your wounds." Arthur says being as professional as he could be, Tyrian chuckled a bit "Yes well it's usually you because I trust you the most." The faunus said as he stands up from the sofa, the doctor felt surprised a bit but he smiles a bit and felt glad that Tyrian trusts him, of course for how long they've known each other "Now if you excuse me I should get going, correct?" Tyrian wouldn't want to be anything like a burden to Arthur but the doctor didn't mind at all either if the faunus stays or leaves, but sense it was raining Arthur couldn't simply let Tyrian go back into the rain "Tyrian wait, it's raining outside still, you're more than welcome to stay for the night." Arthur insisted while once again trying to be professional, although Tyrian on the other hand tilted his head slightly in confusion "Are you sure that you want me to stay for the night?" Tyrian sounded surprised a bit, and sure there may have been some nights where the faunus does stay in the doctor's home for only one night, but it always caught Tyrian surprised whenever Arthur offers to Tyrian that he could stay for a night at the doctor's house "Yes, I'm sure Tyrian. Besides it's raining out there, and you wouldn't want to catch a cold now would you?" Arthur says and laughed a bit to himself as the doctor puts away some of the medical supplies, Tyrian finds himself admiring Arthur being dearly kind to Tyrian, the faunus stops admiring the doctor for only a moment to respond to what Arthur said "I accept your offer then Arthur, as long if I'm not a burden." Tyrian says as he sits back down on the sofa, Arthur looks over to Tyrian after putting away the medical supplies he needed to take care of Tyrian "Of course you're not a burden, I'd never want you to feel like that, I'd be worried if you do." Arthur reassured him, it was strangely sweet and kind of the doctor to be this way to Tyrian, and which the doctor's reassurance made the faunus lightly blushed to that reassurance "Arthur Watts being worried about me? Have you gotten soft?" Tyrian lightheartedly teased Arthur and softly chuckled afterwards teasing the doctor, but overall the faunus thought it was sweet of Arthur to be all but kind and taking care of Tyrian "Perhaps I am a bit soft as you said." Arthur remarked, although he could not let Tyrian distract him from his assassination missions, and that goes same for Tyrian about the doctor "What made you a bit soft then?" Tyrian questioned with a small smug smile across his face, Arthur wanted to tell Tyrian that it was the faunus himself but something was holding the doctor back from telling Tyrian he's in love and right before Arthur could answer and explain Tyrian's question that feeling of the doctor holding back takes over "Don't worry about it." Arthur told him with some strictness to his voice, Tyrian doesn't mind how Arthur gently told the faunus to back off, and so the night continues.

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