In the forest

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist cover Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also this is a domestic and monster au, Tyrian's bottom half body is scorpion and Watts of course is a human also enjoy this I'm running out of ideas almosg dhsjhshjahjahu-

Arthur has just come home from running away from a party James dragged him into, Arthur looked around for his white cat Poppy "Poppy? Poppy where are you?" He called out for his cat and see's the backyard door open "Damnit Poppy not again" Arthur speed walk to the backyard door "Poppy what are you doing out-" Arthur was cut off by seeing a man's half bottom of his body of a scorpion, who is playing with his cat with his scorpion tail over Poppy.

There was a long silence in that moment "Uh, your cat is cute" He said looking at Arthur laughing nervous, "MY CAT!" Arthur yelled starting to panicking, but Poppy just rolls over laying on the grass "Who and WHAT are you and what are you doing in my backyard?" Arthur said yet still panicking "Well first, my name is Tyrian and second I am half scorpion obviously and finally third I was just scaring some humans until I see this cute cat, and who are you?" Tyrian pets Poppy on top of her head "Uh Arthur, her name is Poppy by the way" Arthur pointed out "Yeah I heard that until you saw me" Tyrian laughs tries to lighten up the mood and Arthur almost feels embarrassed.

"So uh come around here?" Arthur tries to act smoothly "Yes I do, frankly I wish to be human so I often come here to learn some human things" Tyrian said clasping his hands, Poppy hops onto Tyrian's shoulder "Oh, well I mean if your half scorpion shouldn't you have a witch in the forest? Like in the fairytales?" Arthur asked being curious "Oh you mean Salem?" Tyrian looks up to Arthur "Salem? I guess, I think I have heard of her around these parts, from what I heard she terrifies children and well of course she's a witch" Arthur said crossing his arms "Mhm, yes she is well known, I asked her about being human and she is actually working on it, as her loyal hunter I can imagine she would do this for me" Tyrian smiles "Well I suppose you're welcome to my house anytime you need, I can teach you more about humans" Arthur smiles at Tyrian "Are you serious? Oh thank you!" Tyrian jumped in excited and Poppy jumped down and Arthur nods.

A few week later pass, Arthur and Tyrian have gotten really close with each other. Tyrian has made so many visits at Arthur's house with so far no one else having to visit until now. Arthur and Tyrian were just relaxing and talking until a knock at the door and Tyrian quickly rushed to the bathroom hiding in there, Arthur got up to answer the door "James? What are you doing here?" Arthur asked nervously "I just thought I could take a visit" James answered smiling. Tyrian explored the bathroom being fascinated "Ooh what's this?" Tyrian turns on the shower and immediately falls making a loud thump "What was that?" James asked being concerned "Oh uh, just Poppy you know how she is just tearing curtain and turning on the shower, you know how she is" Arthur answered and laughs nervously "You challenge me water? I'll fight you" Tyrian deadpan clenching his fists, yeah he fought the water.

"Well anyway, I hope the best for you Arthur and I'll see you around" James smiles walking away "Ah thank you, I'll see you around as well James" Arthur said closing the door behind him and Tyrian comes out of the water with his hands wet "So apparently I tried fighting water" Tyrian said drying his hands "You're an idiot, I love that" Arthur said face palming "You what now?" Tyrian looks at Arthur, but before either of them could respond a woman with white skin with a long black dress with white hair that looks like a bun, and with black eyes with pure red pupils and red veins on her arms and seemingly on the side of her eyes "I didn't mean to interrupt but Tyrian I believe your fool of a wish can come true" She said pulling out a potion "Wait is that Salem?" Arthur asks looking at Salem "Yes I am, glad you have heard of me as I have heard of you Watts" Salem looked at Arthur and back to Tyrian "The only fall to this is you can't turn back half scorpion if your willing to do it then I suppose I support you, make the decision Tyrian but acknowledge the flaw in it" Salem walked over to Tyrian handing the potion to him.

"I need time, let me think please and I apologize" Tyrian looked to Salem as she hands him the potion to his hands and then looks to Arthur grinning, Tyrian walked into the bathroom closing the door behind him. Salem sits on the sofa "Oh wow this is soft" Salem rubs her hand on the couch as Poppy hops onto her lap, Salem starts petting the cat "Oh my this is softer, what a cute creature" Salem softly smiles "It's a cat, and her name is Poppy" Arthur pointed out "Mhm, but Watts let me ask you this question, are you in love with Tyrian?" Salem asks Arthur and he starts to become nervous and begins to stutter at this question before he can answer with "Well yes I am but, I thought I couldn't but unlike humans here Tyrian is quite special and among humans" Arthur answered puts his hand on his head.

"Tyrian wants to be human because of YOU, he wants to be with you but unfortunately because he is half scorpion he can't just show up in the human world holding your hand, besides he had said if he had to turn human it would have been for love" Salem looks at Arthur, and he was absolutely silent. Soon enough the door opened revealing Tyrian hanging onto the door with his bottom half gone, he finally was human "I think I need a little help" Tyrian said letting go of the door almost trembling and Arthur quickly walks to Tyrian helping him to stand "My job here is done, I hope I see you both soon" Salem slightly smiled to the both of them as she disappeared, as they watched her disappear Tyrian had the feeling they would see her again "Are you happy with being human?" Arthur asks Tyrian "Of course I am" Tyrian responds smiling, Poppy suddenly knocks over a plate on the kitchen table "POPPY NO!" Arthur lets go of Tyrian without thinking and runs over to clean up the broken pieces of the plate.

Tyrian keeps his balance but almost seems to falls "Ha I'm doing it!" Tyrian laughed almost maniacally, Arthur looks at Tyrian and smiles "Well if your happy then I'm happy" Arthur said doing a thumbs up with one of his hands and the other throwing the broken pieces away but he would feel sorry for Tyrian he had to turn human for another human of a fool. Arthur walks over to Tyrian who is trying not to be an absolute mess "So uh Tyrian would you like to go out with me? As in a date?" Arthur asked with confidence, or not but he did asked, Tyrian looks at Arthur for a moment before giving a kiss and of course Arthur kisses back, when the kiss broke they just smiled "I would love that" Tyrian puts his arms around Arthur again trying to keep his balance.

Their date was absolutely lovely, they had so many silly and chaotic moments and Tyrian loved meeting new people. When Tyrian and Arthur came home they just lay on the sofa along with Poppy watching some goofy romantic movie and making jokes, they do absolutely love each other and Arthur was happy to see Tyrian to just happen to play with Poppy in the backyard.

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