Valentine's Day fic

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! I really can't tell if I would've made this domestic or canon, but honestly it seems more right for domestic? It's either that or I didn't have an a bright idea for canon but anyways hope you enjoy this!

Arthur had planned his and Tyrian's Valentine's Day such as a recreating one of their favorite dates which was at an romantic dinner alongside of stargazing but and as much as they're both excited to spend the day together although unfortunately business has caught the faunus and it causes their plan to backfire a little "Arthur honey I'm so sorry, I could rescheduled and we can continue our date for today." Tyrian suggested and felt guilty having to make Arthur wait but little did he know that Arthur was willing to wait "There's no need to apologize darling, we'll just need meet at the restaurant." Arthur offered as a plan and while Tyrian felt guilty still he accepts that plan "Perfect. I'll see you there dear." Tyrian said giving a kiss to the doctor's lips, Arthur was more than happy to reciprocate and kisses the faunus back and when the kiss broke they smiled at each other. As Tyrian already left to do his task Arthur got himself ready in a neat suit "Alright, I'll just need to wait for a little then pick up flowers, that would be a good idea right?" Arthur asked himself and scratched his chin thinking to himself, to his opinion it's a bit of a cliché to bring flowers to a date especially on Valentine's Day but Tyrian swoons for things such as that and so Arthur thought of getting a single red rose for the faunus and surely he knows that Tyrian would admire it. After a while of just being in the house when it almost becomes time to meet up at their date Arthur decides to go out to get one rose, once the doctor did Arthur didn't realize how slightly late he was and going back with Tyrian, he is waiting for Arthur to arrive and yet even if he was slightly late the faunus was patient enough to wait and finally when Arthur did arrive he still had one rose in hand, in which Tyrian doesn't notice "You're quite late although I reassure you of course I'm not disappointed or mad I'm just surprised you, Arthur Watts, were late for a date especially on Valentine's Day." Tyrian teased walking up to Arthur to wrap his arms around Arthur's neck, even the doctor himself was surprised he was late only by the slightest "I never dare to be late for such occasions like these, this is only just one time I'm here and yet I have yet to arrive." Arthur pointed out as Tyrian laughed a bit and unwraps his arm around Arthur's neck, and to his surprise when the doctor gave him the rose he was flattered "A flower? For me? You're quite the charm darling." Tyrian said sounding surprised and as he took the rose from his dear doctor to admire it and keep it "Well if you wanted a bouquet of flowers I would be more than glad to buy that for you." Arthur said making Tyrian flattered, although while there was time to flatter each other they instead walk into the restaurant hand in hand to begin their date.

The couple had already ordered and still waiting for their order but as they wait Tyrian and Arthur they talked a bit and brought up memories of each other together "Do you remember our first Valentine's when you tried to bake something and you had the kitchen a whole mess?" Tyrian still teases Arthur for it as well, as for the doctor he just face palmed still disappointed in himself for that incident "You were exhausted and I wanted to be nice and make something for you." Arthur exclaimed and yet Tyrian can't help himself but laugh and smile "Dear trust me you were so kind to do that, it still makes me happy but again you almost burned the kitchen." Tyrian said a little bit teasing as well and Arthur scoffed a bit "You're not going to let that down aren't you?" Arthur asked making the question get a small laugh out of Tyrian as he nodded yes in response "I'm sure you have plenty of memories of me that you won't let down." Tyrian reassured and Arthur can't even pick one, but as they continued to talk soon the food they ordered arrives and so Tyrian and Arthur dine and talk more, it was a lovely time for the couple to share together. While the couple dine and talked until they finished the food it was just about time to leave and pay "Shall we go darling?" Arthur asked after happily paying as he saw Tyrian smiled widely from ear to ear "Of course dear, we do have other plans to recreate this date now don't we?" Tyrian replied as the couple got up from their table to hold hands to walk out of the restaurant together and as they do the faunus and the doctor will continue their date "So, should we go stargaze then?" Asked Tyrian as he still smiled at Arthur and held his hand still "Well, that is part of the plan is it not?" Arthur asked back and so the couple made their way back to nearby their home and yet they walk into a forest. Within a few more minutes Tyrian and Arthur made their way into a charming spot where they can see all the stars shining with clouds nearby, but neither of them didn't mind the clouds.

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