Rouge time

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also this doesn't really involve anything with volume 8 or some parts of volume 7 because it's my fic, they're already together in this

Arthur escaped the clutches of James, it wasn't easy either alongside of leaving some bruises and such but Arthur didn't worry about that, he was running around Mantle to find Tyrian. He expected finding Tyrian out of the shadows of Mantle or lurking to find his prey but little did the doctor know that his dear love was looking for him as well as the both worried for the other. As Grimm roamed around Mantle the both were lucky enough to have their weapons with them by their side and fighting whichever grimm came at them, Arthur continued to run but when he finally saw Tyrian in the middle of the street "Tyrian!" Arthur shouted seeing Tyrian immediately react to Arthur shouting his name and he was happy and relieved as well to see Arthur.

 "Arthur!" Tyrian shouted his name back and running towards Arthur and giving him a warm embrace of a hug alongside of Arthur immediately hugging back "I was worried if you've abandoned me." Arthur said breaking the hug and making Tyrian both concerned and confused "And why would I do that? What makes you even think that as well?" Tyrian asked cupping Arthur's cheeks, it's true that he wouldn't abandoned his dear doctor "I'm no use for our grace anymore, everyone knows it's true as well." Arthur explained as it brought a wave of fear for Tyrian and his hands slipped from Arthur's cheeks, he worried for Arthur "You still are, I assure you of it dear doctor, and you know I love you as well." Tyrian tried his best to comfort but luckily Arthur already knows he's trying his best "We can worry about this later Tyrian, we need to go." Arthur said grabbing a hold onto Tyrian's hand and Tyrian nodded in response. Tyrian and Arthur held hands as they ran around Mantle, to be perfectly honest the both didn't know where to go but ideas did ensue "We need to go back to our goddess." Tyrian practically demanded, the both of them stopped running and Arthur looked at Tyrian with concern "Our goddess? She abandoned us Tyrian." Arthur said seeing Tyrian's expression turn into doubt and shock, as much as he wants to he won't believe it "She would never, besides if she ever did our blood will be in her hands." Tyrian snapped back at Arthur, although before their mission Tyrian has overhead their goddess discarding Arthur after their mission "She wouldn't." Tyrian mumbled, at this very moment he has never felt doubt towards Salem until now.

"Tyrian our grace made you get lost in her grasp, she manipulates you even if you don't know, she doesn't care for the both of us and she won't hesitate to leave the both of us behind." Arthur said laying his hand on Tyrian's shoulder, the faunus grabs a hold of the doctor's hand grasping onto it "That's not true, it never has been because if it wasn't for her I could be dead." Tyrian almost made it as a threat although little did he remember Arthur has saved him as well "You were strong enough to survive and escape yourself, you deserve so much better than this life Salem lead you into." Arthur actually made a good point but Tyrian still remembers that Salem will abandon Arthur he didn't want that for him, it was selfish and cruel even Tyrian may admit that "Arthur you truly made me feel loved, and I hope I did that for you as well, unfortunately for you that you're right." Tyrian admitted having to think Arthur deserves the truth "About what Tyrian?" Arthur asked raising an eyebrow "Our goddess, I overheard her that she will have to discard you after our mission was done." Tyrian said looking away from Arthur while the doctor was shock and felt betrayed by their goddess.

It took time for Arthur to process on Tyrian's confession, this wasn't the first time Arthur felt betrayed "I knew it." Was all Arthur could say and when Tyrian finally looked at Arthur he saw his expression to be slightly fear "Arthur I'm so dearly sorry, I should have stopped her from doing it I could have convinced her to let you stay." Tyrian apologized over and over again starting to realize everything Salem has done was to hurt the rest of the faction, once again he didn't want that for Arthur "We can run away." Arthur said holding onto both of Tyrian's hands "Arthur we already are devoted to our goddess, we can't escape her clutches." Tyrian said in fear with alongside of doubting they can start a new life "We have the chance right now, I love you truly and I want what's best for you especially when it doesn't lead to our demise." Arthur gave the offer of running away, it's not only a offer but it's what he wants "I want what's the best for you as well darling, but we don't even know where to run away, we both abandoned our homes." Tyrian reminded and now convinced that they should run away "We'll make our way up as we go, it's our choice now to settle wherever we go and to be perfectly honest, I'll go wherever you go Tyrian." Arthur said raising Tyrian's hand to plant a gentle kiss on it, Tyrian slightly smiled "Together we can make that decision darling." Tyrian said now starting to smile widely.

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