One peaceful morning

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This is kinda short but it was an idea popping into my head and a friend did help as well, and I'm pretty sure you can guess what au is this, not canon but of course domestic where faunuses exist 

It was quite a peaceful morning Arthur has woken up to, with of course Tyrian clinging onto him as well with his all his hair unbraided everywhere. But when Arthur tried getting up he couldn't because of Tyrian clinging just a bit more "Just a few more minutes." Tyrian mumbled tiredly to Arthur and the doctor sighed in defeat as he was already in defeat so he continued to let the faunus stay there clinging onto the doctor just for a bit more. Arthur knew this is a comfort for Tyrian and just surprisingly enough he's accepting it as he tries more and more to get use to being clinged onto.

A few minutes have already passed and Arthur lost track of time as well, he was just awake the whole time stroking Tyrian's hair gently and when it was all peace Cinder barged in without warning "We ran out of eggs." Cinder dead pan with a smirk across her face "You barge in just to say that? Pathetic, we ran out of eggs so buy them at the store yourself." Arthur replied to Cinder in a mocking tone "And seems like you're a bit lazy just because you have your boyfriend clinged onto you." Cinder mocked back with Arthur only responding to grabbing one of his slippers and throwing it at Cinder's face but before she can even think of an revenge, Hazel called her and Cinder scoffed "You win this one." Cinder once dead pan again looking at Arthur being annoyed and walking away and to Hazel.

With a few more minutes past Arthur was finally over being annoyed with Cinder, well only this time but he continued to gently stroke Tyrian's hair but Tyrian's tail reacted by swaying slowly left and right. Arthur didn't flinch by the sight of this, he actually kind of enjoyed it for knowing the fact either Tyrian feels safe or joyous by Arthur "A beautiful sight." Arthur told himself of course implying Tyrian seeing as he peacefully sleeps but at this point Arthur remembered all the joyful and light-hearted memories such as their first date, the first kiss, annoying Cinder by flirting with each other, that one time where they accidentally caused a small fire to the microwave, and many more memories to bring a grin on Arthur's face and perhaps even if were absolutely chaotic moments Arthur still enjoyed those moments and loved Tyrian.

Tyrian's tail started swaying slowly and Tyrian started gripping on Arthur more, the doctor knew it was a sign for either an nightmare and he exactly knows what to do. Arthur's arm wrapped around Tyrian more with one hand on Tyrian's back and the other on Tyrian's head and started singing softly, he knows it will work because it worked on him when he was a child when Arthur had nightmares as well. For a few more moments Tyrian's tail sways happily and finally feeling safe once again and Arthur going immediately back to stroking Tyrian's hair, only for a moment where Arthur realized it's been more than a few minutes staying like this "I need to make breakfast for the both of us, or lunch depending on the time." Arthur said trying to get up again but to only fail and he sighs in defeat again "Tyrian if you can hear me, we can compromise this situation." Arthur offered already having an idea "I'm listening." Tyrian mumbled as his tail continued to sway left and right.

Soon enough Arthur did actually get up from bed, but with Tyrian still clinging onto Arthur and to explain this simply Tyrian's legs were around Arthur's hips and with Tyrian's arms wrapped around Arthur holding onto him for support and with Mercury seeing this when he walked into the kitchen "What am I looking at?" Mercury asked visibly confused "Sir this is my emotional support scorpion." Arthur replied in slight annoyance at Mercury's question "Do you want me to go get Hazel to help or not?" Mercury asked crossing his arms with a smirk across his face "That would actually helpful, so yes." Arthur answered watching Mercury walk away laughing a bit. It's safe to say with Hazel helping Arthur make breakfast when Tyrian was clinging onto Arthur and nothing chaotic happened, well expect for Tyrian's tail knocking down a few things but it was still peaceful.

At some point Tyrian was in defeat and didn't cling onto Arthur because they had to eat breakfast but surprisingly the doctor enjoyed having the scorpion faunus cling onto him, but he has carried Tyrian before many times just as much as Tyrian has also carried Arthur. "Arthur dear did I hear you singing in my sleep?" Tyrian asked being curious and quite flattered "I did actually, you seemed to be having a nightmare and because I love you I did what I could." Arthur replied looking at Tyrian and his tail swaying left and right with Tyrian approaching Arthur giving him a quick kiss on the cheek for as a thank you "Well then I must hear you sing sometimes dear." Tyrian said with absolute admiration and affection "Perhaps you will when you need it, that or some other reason." Arthur said grinning a bit "When I need it? You're truly a reward Arthur for saying that." Tyrian said smiling lovingly and alongside of Arthur being absolutely flustered "If you want as well you can join me going back to bed." Tyrian offered without bothering the fact it's daytime and by that Arthur sighs with the fact he's going back to sleep "You know what? I gladly will." Arthur said with accepting Tyrian's offer of course.

The two went back to sleep tangled in each other's arms and sleeping peacefully, that was when there was a chaotic shenanigan happening outside their room but they ignored the chaos and continued to stay like this "Do you think I can defeat a squirrel?" Tyrian asked clinging onto Arthur and looking up at him "Probably, but for the sake of it please don't." Arthur begged a bit but that will only encourage Tyrian more "As for right now, I won't." Tyrian said mischievously and laughing a bit "Well do expect me to spray both you and the squirrel." Arthur said kissing on Tyrian's forehead and with Tyrian continuing to be flustered and chaotic, they continued to stay like this for half of the day and snatching snacks from the kitchen and watching horror movies from Arthur's scroll, it's still considered to be more of a peaceful day.

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