To the Unhinged

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist Maelwyth on tumblr! Anyways this is just a lil something I had in mind to write, of course with murder and my attempts of battle descriptions but anyways, this will also have a bit of an warning for Tyrian, well for being Tyrian, all murderous and such

In the dark gloom of the night, Tyrian and Arthur were sent to complete a small task for their goddess, which of course involved with blood spilling upon on Tyrian's hands. As Tyrian kept Arthur protected by the enemies, the faunus of course dropped lifeless bodies on the ground by his tail and his Queen's Servants. As Tyrian cackled, the faunus continued his absolutely joyous massacre, while Arthur on the other hand was busy to achieve what he and Tyrian were sent for, Arthur noticed the little blood on the coat and scolded "Tyrian dear if you would be so kind, stop getting blood around here!" Arthur shouted to Tyrian, but all the response the doctor got was a hysterical laugh "I'm simply enjoying myself darling!" Tyrian responded with another laugh, Arthur rolled his eyes and continued to work. But it wasn't until then an enemy would attack Arthur just as he got everything that he and Tyrian needed to accomplish their mission, the doctor would draw out his revolver and engage into a battle with the enemy as they draw out a sword, unfortunately for Arthur was beaten down by the enemy as only a few bruises along with small bleeding scars from the skin of the doctor, and yet Tyrian has been doing his own little massacre that he hasn't realized that Arthur was beaten down by an enemy stronger than him. Arthur fell to the ground with enough injuries to keep him weakened, the enemy had the sword pointed at Arthur's throat, the doctor saw his revolver nearby him and saw an attempt to grab it. But other enemies would surround Arthur when he tried to grab ahold of his revolver, as Tyrian smiled to the lifeless body as his final enemy to his massacre, the faunus turned around to see Arthur fallen to the floor with injuries and a sword pointed to his throat, Tyrian's golden eyes widened in fear "Arthur!" Tyrian shouted out his name with panic, with a blink of a eye the faunus' eyes would turn violet as rage would overcome the faunus. Quickly there would be blood splattered on the floor as Tyrian stabbed into the enemy with his sword pointed at Arthur's throat, the doctor's eyes would widened as he watched the lifeless body drop to the ground as the enemies that surrounded him had pointed their weapons at Tyrian, the faunus let's out a maniacal laugh as he jumped at the enemies, poisoning them with his tail and letting his Queen's Servants slash through their throats so gracefully. Arthur caught a glimpse of a feral look in Tyrian's violet eyes, the doctor watched as every enemy has fallen to the ground with blood and their blood on Tyrian's hands, Tyrian turned to look at Arthur with such genuine concern, even with the feral look in his eyes "Doctor, are you alright?" Tyrian worriedly asked, wiping away the blood that was splattered across his cheek, Arthur slowly nodded his head and quickly got up from the ground "I'll be fine when we leave the mission immediately, we already have what we came here for." Arthur replied with reassurance that their mission was done, Tyrian nodded his head at the doctor "Then let's leave, darling." Tyrian says with a smirk on his face as he gently grabbed ahold of Arthur's arm as they both ran.

Unfortunately, there was more enemies sent for Arthur and Tyrian "I swear to gods I won't be getting sleep, won't I?" Arthur complained as he saw the enemies, drawing out his revolver as Tyrian would just heinously chuckle and held Arthur's hand "It's alright darling, I'll take care of it." The faunus reassured with a little smile on his face as he would plant a simple kiss on top of Arthur's hand, the doctor grew a bit concerned and sighed "I only ask that you won't be reckless." Arthur slowly let's go of Tyrian's hand, the faunus smiles widely at him with a feral look on him "Oh, Arthur you know I can't keep my promises." Tyrian slyly reminded Arthur, the doctor sighed tiredly and gave him a strict and a bit of a worried look "Don't be sly with me, Tyrian. Just please be safe." Arthur slightly pleaded, Tyrian was only a bit taken aback to the doctor's plead, for Arthur to show such vulnerability was strangely endearing for Tyrian, the faunus had to promise the doctor and his worries "Fine, just for you I'll be safe, Arthur." Tyrian says as he gives another kiss on the top of Arthur's hand and giving Arthur a small soft smile before he runs off to go and slaughter those enemies as Arthur kept himself safe and to at least take care a few of his wounds. Arthur had watched Tyrian taking the lives of those enemies that came to attack them, of course Tyrian looked absolutely feral and joyful, the doctor smiled a bit to himself "At least Tyrian is enjoying himself." Arthur told himself, slightly adoring Tyrian's cackling laughter and his widened smile. And so for a while Arthur sits back and watched the faunus having to slaughter enemies left and right, until the doctor noticed an enemy sneaking up behind to Tyrian to hurt him, Arthur's eyes widened in panic and gathered up all his strength to return the favor of Tyrian having to save Arthur. Then, as Arthur raced to the enemy sneaking up behind Tyrian and tackled him down, letting himself get hurt instead and in the glimpse of Tyrian's eyes, he saw Arthur letting the enemy hurt him instead of Tyrian, just so that the doctor would get hurt instead of the faunus. Tyrian's golden eyes widened in both panic and fear, along with the anger in the pit of his stomach grows like an wildfire "Bastard!" Tyrian furiously yelled at the enemy hurting Arthur, the faunus had grabbed that enemy by their head and pulled them away from Arthur, in a blink of an eye the enemy was scarred by Tyrian's tail and the body would drop with the color of blood and purple. Tyrian just softly chuckled and turns around to look at Arthur "I saved you once again, my dear doctor." Tyrian smiled widely at his partner, Arthur scoffed and shrugged "In some sense I've saved you as well." Arthur remarked and referred to the dead enemy laying with their blood mixed with poison, Tyrian was in awe. When more enemies came to Arthur and Tyrian, the doctor just sighed tiredly as the faunus would just laugh "Once again, I'll handle it." Tyrian reassured Arthur, the faunus would welcome to enemies to him for his own little trap. Left and right was bodies falling to the ground with their blood laying with them, with a few enemies to attempt to hurt Arthur while Tyrian was busy himself, it was enough for the faunus to imagine that it was his fault that the doctor was hurt. Tyrian then easily becomes unhinged.

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