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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This is a domestic au where faunuses exist, but anyways happy Halloween everyone! Make sure to be safe and take care of yourselves

It was 3am when Arthur woke up with no sight of Tyrian whatsoever, Arthur got up from the bed leaving their shared room and seeing Halloween decorations everywhere, Arthur found Tyrian putting up more Halloween decorations "Tyrian it's an ungodly hour to be putting up Halloween decorations, besides there's already some of them at the front yard" Arthur was still tired, this wasn't the first time Tyrian got up at 3am to put up decorations "But it's Halloween my dear doctor" Tyrian defended but that was his excuse every time, "Tyrian I love you but so help me gods will they look over you when I pull out a pan" With no hesitation Arthur actually dragged Tyrian back to sleep. At least when morning comes he can do more and more Halloween decorations.

Finally when morning arises Tyrian rushed out of bed to do more Halloween decorations leading to waking up everyone and having to help him every so often, but to Tyrian's surprise Hazel helped with the Halloween decorations out of most of them "So is everyone dressing up for Halloween?" Cinder asked only to be slightly annoyed "Of course, what could be Halloween without costumes?" Roman pointed out with Neo nodding in agreement with Roman "Don't forget scarring children, for me that's the best part of it" Tyrian piped in letting out a small laugh, of course to him that's the best part of Halloween "Tyrian dear you almost got punched by that valkyrie girl for scaring the pine boy" Arthur has brought up that memory and not to mention Emerald did cheer for Nora almost punching Tyrian.

Hours past everyone got ready for Halloween, Arthur actually did get in costume as he was Dr. Frankenstein and Tyrian was going to be Dr. Frankenstein's monster once he was done with the costume of course "Arthur Watts getting in costume? Did you hit your head or did you fall under a spell?" Mercury joked only to be punched in the arm by Emerald "Trust me child I'm only getting in costume for Tyrian and that's all" Arthur snapped back at Mercury only leading for Mercury to laugh a bit. For a few more minutes Tyrian was finally done with putting on the costume and comes out as an actual good Dr. Frankenstein's monster "Absolutely stunning Tyrian, a perfect option to scare children" Arthur meant that as a compliment "Thank you darling but I may be more grateful and ecstatic you are doing this with me" Tyrian smiled letting his hand hold onto Arthur's hand. 

But as nightfall arrives the trick or treaters were soon to arrive right at their door for candy "Trick or treat!" The children yell happily watching the door open "Oh you children look spooky!" Tyrian smiled getting the bowl of candy "He'a not doing anything? That's suspicious" Emerald crossed her arms "No he's DEFINITELY doing something" Mercury said looking in closely, as Tyrian hand the candy to children he snuck a live spider in one of the children's hand, once the child notice the spider they all scream and immediately ran away in result Tyrian laughs in joy "And there it is, although that's a new one from Tyrian" Emerald still remembered that one time Tyrian snuck a scorpion in her room and it still gives her a shiver from that day on "Bold of you to assume he doesn't have an idea everyday" Cinder piped in remembering one time Tyrian was stuck on top on the roof, that wasn't an idea she just likes remembering that.

Arthur has actually helped Tyrian scaring off children, as much as cruel as it is Arthur appreciates Tyrian's spirit of Halloween "You think that's the last of them?" Arthur asked holding an empty bowl of candy "If they warn other kids? Then absolutely" Tyrian said pulling out another bag of candy and pouring it into the bowl but then Hazel takes the bowl of candy "You two may be a power couple but you're scaring children, so I'll be passing out candy" Hazel had a strict expression staring at the both of them "Aw but what's the fun of NOT scaring children?" Tyrian said pouting like a child, Arthur also pouted in result as well. At the very least they did Hazel told, so they just watched horror movies in their costumes.

Arthur may have flinched a few times watching the movie and Tyrian laughed a bit whenever he did, but usually the good thing he could do is cover Arthur's eyes. Emerald and Mercury came back from their own trick or treating, Neo was there to be their excuse as their little sister who wanted to go trick or treating and it actually worked but anyways. The kids wander off to trade their candies as Tyrian and Arthur continue watching horror movies "You know if we do have kids dear, they would be the second scariest person on Halloween" Arthur joked as he tries to get through the horror movie "Oh really? What made you of all people think about this?" Tyrian said with a smirk across his face "Well firstly because of the horror movie and secondly it was just a simple enjoyable thought" Arthur grinned, despite of their pasts they still can be capable of parenting a child it would just be chaotic.

Tyrian and Arthur enjoyed their time together watching horror movies, almost causing chaos, being sweet to each, and annoying Cinder so you could say it's been a pretty good Halloween for the couple. They both stayed up watching horror movies, and yes still in costumes but they could care less about having costumes on the entire day and so they may have threw eggs at Jacques' house but that's something they wouldn't tell but so on it has been a fantastic Halloween.

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