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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! One swear word, ONE also this is a domestic au where faunuses exist 

On this night there was a thunderstorm going on, Arthur was in the kitchen and Tyrian was sitting on the sofa watching TV as his tail swings back and forth. When a lightning struck their lights and electricity went out and it was all black "SHIT!" Tyrian yelled as he jumped out of the couch "Tyrian calm down it's only a blackout" Arthur assured Tyrian "Well how are we suppose to find our candlelights?" Tyrian asked Arthur "Good question" Arthur put his hand under his chin "I got an idea!" Tyrian said grinning in the dark making his way to where they put their shoes and tries not to hit or fall. Soon enough when Tyrian somehow found his light up sneakers for adults  and stomps his feet on the ground and his light up sneakers glow.

When Arthur saw Tyrian's adult light up sneakers he face palms "Tyrian your a grown man whom I married and you still have those shoes" Arthur said still face palming "First of all, they were a gift from Emerald and I can't say no to that face and second it looks good on me" Tyrian said finally finding the candlelights "Now help me light up these candlelights" Tyrian said finding his way to Arthur. Tyrian and Arthur had their candlelights light up and the candlelights were in the living room, kitchen, possibly the hallway, and bathroom and they were in the living room with blankets wrapped around Tyrian "You look like a burrito you know that?" Arthur said smirking "I'm a human burrito my dear" Tyrian said laughing a bit, they just sat there talking and entertaining each other.

"Do you remember our first date? You couldn't find your pants so you had to wear a long skirt" Arthur said being absolutely smug about it "Oh please you had hide to hide behind me because you saw Cinder in the same cafe we were in" Tyrian said laughing maniacally "It was extremely sneaky of me and you know it" Arthur said being smug once again "She almost recognized you wattsy" Tyrian said rolling his eyes and smiling "Yeah but ALMOST" Arthur said crossing his arms "You weren't so sneaky when we almost burned the whole kitchen" Tyrian said laughing once again "To be fair we didn't have Hazel teaching us to cook, but now we're pretty good at it" Arthur knew that they can be capable be cooking, they just needed to discover it.

Arthur went to their bedroom to get a book, when he returned to the living room he found the blankets unwrapped and the front door "Oh no" Arthur muttered dropping his book, he knows what this could mean and it means Tyrian is outside in the rain screaming "STRIKE ME DOWN ZEUS I DARE YOU!" Tyrian pointed both of his fingers up to the sky, Arthur face palms and sighs "Of course he's doing this, the love of my life screaming at a lightning mythology god" Arthur actually smiled a bit saying this "THAT'S RIGHT I BET YOU COULDN'T!" Tyrian yelled laughing manically, immediately after saying that Tyrian and Arthur hears a lightning bolt nearby "MISSED!" Tyrian yelled "Tyrian get back inside your already soaking wet!" Arthur shouted to Tyrian "FINE BUT ONLY BECAUSE I WANTED TO!" Tyrian yelled back walking back into the house. Arthur grabbed a towel for Tyrian but it was already kind of to late sense Tyrian shaked some of the water off like a dog, Arthur quickly shielded himself with the towel "Honey use a towel" Arthur said giving him the towel, Tyrian wrapped the towel around himself "Why didn't I expect you to do that" Arthur said smirking and crossing his arms "Well one thing is sure you can't stop me" Tyrian said sticking his tongue out a bit "You are such a child" Arthur teased.

Once Tyrian was dried he found Arthur sitting on the couch reading a book, Arthur noticed Tyrian was a bit sleepy and immediately lifted up his book continued to reading it, by lifting up his book it was an invitation for Tyrian and Tyrian being Tyrian he immediately flops onto Arthur already half asleep. It's been a while now but Arthur is still reading a book and Tyrian sleeping on Arthur then all of the sudden the lights and electricity comes back on "Not the lights" Arthur muttered, Arthur is already trapped with Tyrian on him so he does what he could only do which is putting the book on his eyes so he can rest.

The next day Hazel comes in the house, just to clarify Hazel has a spare key to his house just in case if Arthur and Tyrian do something and somehow absolutely idiotic and locked themselves out of the house. Anyways Hazel found Tyrian on top of Arthur both asleep, Hazel found the lights on and turns them off and then grabs a blanket putting it on Arthur and Tyrian and grabbing the book off of Arthur's face "I swear I'm both the father and brother of this found family" Hazel whispered to himself, Hazel stayed to make breakfast. The breakfast does wake the both of them up, for the half of the day Hazel had to face Arthur and Tyrian's constant flirting but if Cinder were there she would tease them and Arthur would tease her back but the point is at least nothing chaotic happened both Arthur and Tyrian and instead it's been sweet and at least a LITTLE chaotic.

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