Fools dancing in the rain

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Me and my friend had this idea, again but we did make it fluff AND angst, also even though we may not know Tyrian's past it's fun to make it up so that's exactly what we did so enjoy! Also yes I'm hitting this with a domestic au where faunuses exist

It was nightfall and rain was pouring down, therefore it was a perfect night for Tyrian and Arthur to just cuddle and watch horror movies. It was a perfect night until Tyrian started remembering his own past, what he did, and lastly his own mother and with the thoughts of these it made him feel unbalanced and sorrowful "Excuse me Arthur dear I need a minute." Tyrian said getting up from where he sat with Arthur "Is everything alright?" Arthur asked already worried for his partner, Arthur knew a bit about Tyrian's past but to be completely fair Tyrian never talks about it but he has mentioned of his mother time from time "You have nothing to worry darling I just need a moment." Tyrian lied as he got a jacket on and shoes on and walked out of the house closing the door behind him and only leaving Arthur to be concerned, usually when it rains Tyrian can get excited and runs out to play with the rain, it's no surprise either he would but this time for Arthur it felt different for Tyrian.

Tyrian stood in the rain with some tears streaming down thinking about more and more as he remembered what happened to him, the faunus was out there enough for Arthur to begin to get concerned so he had to do something of course. The doctor gets a jacket on and shoes and brought the house keys with him of course, soon he walked out of the house closing the door behind him and saw Tyrian just standing in the rain "Tyrian?" Arthur called out and making Tyrian jump a little and turn around to see Arthur "I told you not to worry dear." Tyrian tried to reassure but bold of him to assume Arthur wouldn't care, besides they both brought comfort, joy, and well chaotic shenanigans into their lives "That's quite to late, I already am so tell me what's wrong." Arthur said approaching Tyrian just a bit more "If you want to be stubborn my dear doctor fine." Tyrian wasn't really great at explaining his past, but if Arthur is going to be stubborn and not go inside the house until Tyrian comes inside the house as well then so be it.

Arthur waited for a response from Tyrian, and he did it patiently "Listen Tyrian, I love you and if you don't want to talk about I will respect that, if there's anything else to do that you want I'm all ears." Arthur comforted as he raised his hand to put it on Tyrian's shoulder "Well, perhaps maybe there's one thing." Tyrian said putting his hand on Arthur's hand where it rests on Tyrian's shoulder "You know how much I desire to dance with a lover in the rain?" Tyrian asked as it's always been his own little wish to dance with his lover, Arthur of course to dance in the rain "You want to dance in the rain? Fine if it makes you feel better then I'll do it." Arthur said moving his hand away from Tyrian's shoulder and backs up a little to do a little dramatic bowing "Tyrian Callows may I have this dance?" Arthur asked lifting his head up to look at Tyrian and raising his hand "Oh Arthur Watts I will be glad to do so." Tyrian said smiling widely as his hand rests in Arthur's hand, with Arthur not bowing anymore the dance begins.

Arthur's hand was lead to Tyrian's hips along with Tyrian's arms around Arthur's neck, the dance was slow and sweet until it was speeding up a bit and so they danced together like no one was watching. Their hands were not in position as the last time but their hands were intertwined and they were smiling like absolute fools, Arthur decided to pull a little surprise and dip Tyrian as he was trying to act smooth and it quite was, well until Arthur accidentally dropped Tyrian due to the rain "Are you okay?" Arthur quickly asked laughing a bit but of course felt sorry "I'm fine dear." Tyrian said with this absolute soft smile across his face, Arthur helped Tyrian up from the ground "Shall we continue?" Arthur asked with Tyrian's response nodding yes, at least this time it was just slow dancing with Tyrian's head resting on the crook of Arthur neck with his arms around him and once again Arthur's hands on Tyrian's hips, they kept slow dancing in the rain as once again two fools in love.

It didn't take a while for Tyrian to remember why he was out here, he started remembering his mother and with the memories spiraling but all those precious memories lead to when Tyrian remembered her demise, he was just lucky enough Salem found him. Arthur thought he helped Tyrian but little did he know Tyrian was slowly dragging himself back into his gloom "You know, I remembered when I was little I danced with my mother when I asked her to teach me to dance and it was so nice and calming." Tyrian said almost made his touch tighten "That's lovely, what happened after?" Arthur hesitatingly asked "I woke up." Tyrian deadpan making his touch tighten feeling as his tears will start again soon "That's what's been bothering you hasn't it?" Arthur asked prepared to comfort Tyrian, but all Tyrian could respond with nodding yes and soon enough the tears rolled in.

All Tyrian described his mother as was kind and encouraging, sure Tyrian is a cold blooded assassin he can be like his mother sometimes and it hurts him by just doing that simply "Tyrian my darling it wasn't your fault, I may not know what happened to her but she raised you well but despite on what you do I'm lucky to have you especially." Arthur said moved his hands away from Tyrian's hips to Tyrian's back to hug him comforting him, Tyrian on the other hand didn't know how to respond but he was so ever grateful for Arthur's comfort "Please don't make me loose you as well." Were all the words Tyrian said making his hug tighter "I promise, with every other promise I made." Arthur said hugging back of course, the rain poured more on the two lovers hugging tightly in each other's grasp.

After comfort and tears the two slow danced the way they did before all the gloom and they danced just for a few more minutes. Tyrian and Arthur decided to go back inside the house and when they did they were soaked wet from the rain, and of course with Tyrian loving the rain he didn't mind "Well that was quite a night wasn't it?" Tyrian said looking at Arthur smiling "Indeed it was, as much as I hate the rain I actually enjoyed it with you." Arthur said smiling at Tyrian but stopped when all of a sudden Tyrian just shakes the water off like a dog and Arthur just face palmed "What? It's fun!" Tyrian said through all the unbraided hair that was just loosen "It's not when your boyfriend acts like a cat but shakes off water like a dog, and he's a scorpion faunus." Arthur complained just a bit but makes Tyrian laugh a bit, he'd be lying if Arthur said he wasn't soft for Tyrian's laugh after he was in gloom and of course then comforted.

When Arthur cleaned up and of course Tyrian didn't because he's just like that, Arthur found Tyrian sleeping peacefully on their shared bed "Who know my partner would look such grace and peaceful in his sleep, even though he's an idiot but that's my idiot." Arthur whispered to himself as joined their shared bed, not even one second in Tyrian's sleep he immediately clinged onto Arthur but of course he didn't mind because of course this happened many other times. Before Arthur drifted off to sleep he played gently with Tyrian's hair a bit, surprisingly it was soft for someone who keeps his hair braided while having quite chaotic shenanigans Arthur puts up with. But finally when Arthur drifted off to sleep the next morning Tyrian found Arthur practicing on how to dance for of course the next time they dance in the rain.

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