Date Night

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist of the cover Maelwyth on tumblr!

Arthur has been working non-stop and it's concerning Tyrian, even he hasn't been able to see Arthur but that's about to change. Tyrian walked up to Arthur's office door without knocking he walks in instead, he finds Arthur writing on papers on his desk he doesn't even notice Tyrian walking in.

Tyrian walks up to the desk and sits on it "Ohh wattsy" Tyrian spoke out and finally Arthur looks up from his desk "Tyrian? What are you doing here?" Arthur finally stopped writing "You have been working hard I thought you might need a break with a date night" Tyrian quietly giggles "But I'm busy I'm not done writing with this-" Arthur was cut off by Tyrian slamming a hand on Arthur's desk, this honestly terrified Arthur but for his own sake he might just need a break as Tyrian said "You need a break this is Ironwood all over again about you being mad at Ironwood being restless and reckless" Tyrian would have a point though, Arthur had his moments time from time being absolutely mad about Ironwood but he did agree with Tyrian.

"Alright fine, do you have somewhere in mind?" Arthur asked, Tyrian thought he wouldn't get this far in convincing Arthur so he just needs something absolutely random "I thought I wouldn't get this far" Tyrian laughs, Arthur face palms and gets up from his desk "Of course you thought that" Arthur said getting up from his desk.

Arthur walks over to his radio he puts in a song, a old timey style song he may have heard back when he use to live in Atlas  "Perhaps maybe I have an idea my dearest" Arthur walks towards to Tyrian holding his hand out "Tyrian Callows would you like to dance with me?" Arthur asks Tyrian "Oh wattsy of course" Tyrian lays his hand onto Arthur's hand.

They begin dancing like fools in love, this wasn't their first time this was most of their date nights, but Tyrian didn't mind he loved dancing with Arthur. Tyrian was glad to see Arthur not working but little did he know Arthur loves Tyrian more than his work. But while dancing they both may have stepped on each other's foot, almost fall, or even fell completely but they would just laugh it off.

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