Pirate au pt.2

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Here's pt.2 of the pirate au, my brain is finally storming up ideas so hAH now all of you somewhat read my parental idiots being idiots 

Three months, it's been three months for Arthur staying with the pirates and just enough for Arthur and Tyrian to fall in love, they don't see it but the rest of crew does and it's been torture to see these two idiots being oblivious. As of right now Cinder and Roman watch Arthur and Tyrian flirting and being oblivious "I'm going to throw them off the ship" Cinder said, and she wasn't joking "Okay maybe don't do THAT" Roman said putting his hand on Cinder's shoulder "Just relax this is the most happy we have seen Tyrian, well other than assassinating and stealing" Roman tried convincing Cinder not to throw them off the ship "Fine, you do have a point" Cinder said pouting.

Hazel walks up to Arthur and Tyrian "Salem needs you captain" Hazel informed Tyrian "Thank you Hazel, and I'll see you later" Tyrian looked at Arthur and winks before walking away, Hazel looked at Arthur "Are you two a thing?" Hazel asked Arthur "Hah! I wish" Arthur said walking away. Once when Tyrian walked into Salem's room the room was filled with witchcraft and potions "Salem? What do you need?" Tyrian asked Salem "Me and everyone else saw how you and Arthur act around each other, you are fool in love Tyrian" Salem drinks her tea "In love? Well yes I am, I just don't know if he feels the same way" Tyrian said putting his hand on his neck rubbing it and laughing nervously "Again, you are a fool of course he is in love" Salem said face palming. 

And back with the rest Emerald walks up to Arthur "You know the captain is in love with you right?" Emerald asked Arthur tilting her head "In love? With me? Yeah right tell Mercury I didn't fall for the joke" Arthur laughed a bit "Seriously you don't see it? Everyone else expect you two know" Emerald crossed her arms "Well while yes I am in love with your captain I'm assure he doesn't feel the same way" Arthur said putting his arms on the back "For a being a smart doctor you are so dumb and oblivious" Emerald said smirking "Okay IF he is in love with me what do I do?" Arthur asked Emerald "Good question me, Mercury, Neo, and Roman have an idea" Emerald said grabbing Arthur by the arm leading him to Mercury, Neo, and Roman.

After a little while as Tyrian comes out of Salem's room everyone saw another ship towards them appeared out of nowhere "Is that the Branwen pirates?" Arthur asked whoever can answer his question "Oh come on you met them before, that can't be them" Roman squinted his eyes trying to recognize the ship "Yeah that's definitely not the Branwen pirates!" Tyrian shouted and Arthur finally realize what it was as well, it was the Atlas ship "Three months and they found us?!" Emerald said almost panicked "Relax I'm sure they are only here for me, if I return to Atlas either kidnap me again or stay away to be stay alive" Arthur said as he is willing to sacrifice himself for the others, but Tyrian won't let him do that "It should be your choice to stay or go back Arthur" Tyrian walked up to Arthur putting his hand on Arthur's shoulder. The crew got ready to attack if needed "Arthur stay right behind us" Tyrian commanded, Arthur nods agreeing to Tyrian's plan "Don't kill anyone" Arthur tried to make Tyrian promise "Can't promise that dear doctor" Tyrian smirked at Arthur, all Hazel could do is face palm.

The Atlas ship arrived right next to their ship, it could be seen that the ace ops, Ironwood, and even Winter Schnee "Tyrian Callows I would suggest if you return a friend of mine, Arthur Watts!" Ironwood shouted to Tyrian "First how did you find us and secondly we can make an arrangement general!" Tyrian shouted back "Qrow Branwen helped us, and if any arrangement I make it will be that you give us Arthur back!" Ironwood tried convincing him "Why are they yelling at each other when Ironwood can just come down to the ship" Hazel said face palming, Tyrian heard what Cinder said and decided Ironwood should come down, and he did. When Ironwood came down on their ship Tyrian and Ironwood stood right in front of each other "You either give us gold or you have to fight to get Arthur back" Tyrian said as he had his hand on his sword ready for anything "I won't be fighting anyone, but my ace ops and miss Schnee are willing to battle" Ironwood said crossing his arms but then Arthur separates the two of them.

"No one is fighting anyone, Ironwood for the years I have been in Atlas were great until of course I was kidnapped but when I was about to be thrown off this ship I became their doctor and but for these three months I think I'm better off with them than Atlas" Arthur looked at Ironwood "And it will be MY decision to stay or go, and I'm staying" Right after when Arthur said that only he and everyone else expect for Tyrian knew why he is staying, he's staying for the thrill and Tyrian "Arthur once you made your decision you can't go back, but you are my friend and I must respect your decisions but that doesn't mean I won't stop finding and even arresting pirates" Ironwood out his hands behind his back "I know what I'm getting into Ironwood" Arthur said smirking "Well then, so long my friend" Ironwood said grinning, Ironwood got back onto the Atlas ship and everyone has sighed of relief when nobody had to either get hurt or die.

"I can't believe your staying" Tyrian said laughing a bit "Well as you know it's my personal reasons" Arthur said patting Tyrian's shoulder "Gods give me strength" Cinder said clenching her fists. Night has arrived and everyone expect for Emerald, Mercury, Neo, Roman, Tyrian, and Arthur were awake, Arthur and Tyrian stood beside each other looking at the stars just like the first time they got to know each other and the other four watched Arthur and Tyrian "You know Arthur, I'm glad you stayed I like having you around" Tyrian said looking at Arthur smiling "I'm glad I did decide to stay" Arthur looked back at Tyrian smiling "Then why did you decide to stay?" Tyrian asked raising an eyebrow and at this point Emerald, Mercury, Neo, and Roman quietly chanted for Arthur to finally tell Tyrian he loves him "I stayed because I love you Tyrian" Arthur said almost panicking, he can't believe he actually said it he has his thoughts running all over the place worrying about everything "Well lucky you dearest doctor I love you as well" Tyrian said as he puts his arms around, Arthur found his hands around Tyrian's hips and just like that they finally kiss, their kiss goes on until it lasted because Mercury fell and made a loud thud and sense that happened Roman, Emerald, and Neo walked out of the hiding spot "Finally!" Roman cheered "Go back to sleep, all four of you before I chase you all!" Tyrian shouted at them letting go of Arthur, the four ran off into their rooms.

Tyrian sighs and finds Arthur laughing a bit "Why don't we just go back to your room and just sleep" Arthur said walking to Tyrian and intertwining their fingers "Sounds good to me love" Tyrian smirked "Nicknames? Already?" Arthur asked being smug "You love it sweetheart" Tyrian lead them both to Tyrian's room. Don't worry they didn't do that, they just fell asleep together with them holding hands and possibly cuddling. The next day in the morning everyone surprised the couple with a party because finally their torture was lifted.

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