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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! I honestly have no idea what I did with this fic but its domestic au where faunuses exist

As night fallen Tyrian returned to his and Arthur's home slamming the door behind him, which has alarmed Arthur and he immediately got up from the couch "Tyrian?" Arthur called out for Tyrian but he was left shock to see bruises and plenty of other injuries, Tyrian didn't respond and instead he ignored Arthur and walked off into his and Arthur's home and locked himself in the room, this of course sets off Arthur getting worried. Arthur walked up to their door and started knocking on it and asking for Tyrian to open the door "Tyrian please open the door honey." Arthur begged but of course Tyrian being stubborn kept refusing "It's nothing to worry about Arthur." Tyrian said getting a pack of bandages out to wrap around the bruises "Regardless you know I can and will worry." Arthur said as he also refused to step away from the door, Tyrian didn't say anything else which of course sets of Arthur to worry even more "You want to be stubborn? Fine." Arthur slightly snapped but that didn't stop him from doing something for Tyrian.

Arthur walked away from the door and got his jacket on, he's plans to get something for Tyrian regardless that he would beat up whoever injured his dear Tyrian. Arthur stepped out of the house with his hands in his pockets and looking for anything that he could give to Tyrian but there was no luck to it "How am I even suppose to be a good partner to Tyrian if I don't know what I'm doing?" Arthur asked himself practically shaming himself while at that because did they promise to protect each other? Of course they did, it's been their one priority for their relationship. Arthur walked from the neighbor to the town trying to find something for Tyrian that could make him feel better and yet he couldn't find anything "This is pointless I swear, and I'm suppose to be the one who should figure out what he would need at this point." Arthur complained feeling as if he failed to be someone perfect, that was until he lay his eyes on something beautiful that reminds Arthur of Tyrian's golden eyes, and that is ranunculus yellow flowers.

Many things can remind Arthur of Tyrian such as a beautiful designed dagger, his mischievous smile, and others but seeing those yellow ranunculus flowers sparks it all of how much pretty things can remind Arthur of Tyrian, it was fascinating really for Arthur "I have to get those for Tyrian." Arthur demanded himself and he walked to the flower shop and bought a bouquet of yellow ranunculus flowers, he walked home with all kinds of thoughts running around left and right. He thought to himself that he was suppose to dedicate himself to protect Tyrian as much as Tyrian would do for Arthur as well, with the faunus injured back at home of course the doctor felt guilty for him but Arthur knew Tyrian is capable himself and he respects that but he's going to worry for Tyrian anyways.

Now back to Tyrian he was also capable of bandaging himself up, he sat on the edge of the bed as well with his unbraided hair covering some of the blood on his face, it wasn't his blood at the very least "Hopefully dear Arthur isn't worried that much, he shouldn't be either." Tyrian told himself but feeling the pressure on his shoulders with the thought of getting Arthur worried, it didn't feel right for someone like Arthur to worry for such a person like Tyrian but here they are together being the absolute chaotic couple they are. Tyrian started to play with his own hair as he got more and more nervous on how Arthur would react to his injuries, but he was capable of his own injuries by himself. A few moments or so pass by and yet Tyrian still sits on the edge of the bed staring at nothing, but soon enough Arthur returned home and closed the door behind him with the bouquet of ranunculus and wasted no time to walk up to their room door and knock once again "Tyrian, I'll ask again to please open the door." Arthur once again begged but as stubborn as Tyrian is, he actually unlocks the door and opens it and finding the yellow ranunculus bouquet in Arthur's hands "You bought me flowers?" Tyrian asked going soft for this especially, well that and there was a soft voice in that question "Yes, yes I did because if you weren't going to explain what happened I'm not just going to let you be alone as well." Arthur said as Tyrian quickly threw his arms around Arthur hugging him, and of course Arthur hugs him back with the bouquet still in hands "You were this worried weren't you?" Tyrian asked letting go of Arthur and stepped out of the entrance so Arthur can get into the room "Of course I did, you were stubborn to not open the door so, I got you these flowers." Arthur said laying the bouquet of ranunculus on the desk gently "Well they look lovely that's for sure." Tyrian said almost smiling a bit, he was actually quite flattered Arthur brought flowers.

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