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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This would yet again be domestic where faunuses exist, pretty sure I've done this already but I wouldn't remember so I hope you enjoy!

For weeks it's been nothing but such pressure from work for Arthur and he dearly misses seeing Tyrian but it was soon he could see the faunus again but only to work from home, it was fortunate for him really. And as for Tyrian, he of course missed Arthur and fantasizes about the little reunion he would have with Arthur and the time they will spend together to make up the time they missed together, but that is after he finishes up work at home. In a quiet and calm at dawn time, Tyrian was sitting on the sofa waiting for Arthur to come home, the faunus took long glances at the door as if he expected Arthur to open that door and give Tyrian a long hug alongside of little kisses the faunus missed and so much more than simple kisses and hugs, but finally the front door opens appearing it to be Arthur himself, the moment Tyrian saw Arthur his golden eyes light up in excitement, the doctor takes off his jacket and throws it on the couch "I apologize if I'm late Tyrian, I was caught up-" Arthur was cut off by Tyrian hugging the doctor, the faunus held him close and tight as his tail wraps around Arthur's arm affectionately, the doctor smiled as he felt the warmth of Tyrian and with his tail around Arthur's arm "Don't apologize for being late Arthur, I'm just glad you're home my dear." Tyrian says with a kind voice and smiles at him, Arthur smiled back and kissed the faunus' forehead, Tyrian felt absolutely ecstatic when he felt Arthur kissing his forehead "At the very least I can work here at home, and of course that also being able to see you once again." Arthur was grateful for all his pressure on his shoulders paid off when he finally reunites with the faunus, although Tyrian knows exactly how focused and under pressure the doctor is and while it made the faunus a bit concerned he would always make sure to take care of Arthur "Are you sure you can't take a little break?" Tyrian questioned as he slowly let's go of Arthur, the doctor sighs at the question because of some of the work he has to do, Arthur would perfectly rather be spending time with Tyrian than do any work "Unfortunately no, but I promise when I'm done working we'll have time to spend with each other." Arthur reassured and once again kissed Tyrian's forehead, the faunus felt upset a bit, not at Arthur but at work "I hope you can promise that, as long if you're home then everything is fine." Tyrian says with his voice still calm and kind, Arthur was relieved and smiles softly "I do, now if you excuse me I have some work to. I love you Tyrian." Arthur said and walks away into his office "I love you too." Tyrian sighed and watched the doctor walk away and immediately goes back to missing him, but as long if he's home it'll be all what the faunus wanted.

Arthur sat down on a chair in front of his desk with a pile of paperwork on his desk as well all while Tyrian was still in the living room on the sofa and thinking about Arthur, and while the faunus was thinking about the doctor he was rather either worried about the doctor or glad that he was here, and finally Tyrian then decides to check on Arthur to see how well he was doing with all those papers he has to sign and write. The faunus stands up from the sofa and walks into Arthur's office with his tail swaying left and right calmly and slowly, he saw the doctor at his desk with that pile of paperwork, the doctor was writing with his free hand resting on his chin with his eyes focusing on the papers and hasn't noticed Tyrian walking into his office "How are you doing Arthur my dear?" Tyrian called out and approached to him slowly, Arthur looked up to the faunus and smiled a bit by noticing Tyrian's presence while he had his voice kind and calm for Arthur "A bit tired from all of these papers, but it's nothing to worry about." Arthur responded and went back to writing, he heard Tyrian sigh and felt his arms wrapping around him from behind that was gently holding him "If you're a bit tired we both fully know that you're fully under pressure, take a break." Tyrian says trying to convince him and yet Arthur hasn't budged one bit from the faunus trying to convince Arthur to take one small break from work "Tyrian please, I know how worried you are for me and I missed you dearly from all those weeks. But I need to do this." Arthur calmly remarked while he kept on working with the papers, Tyrian wasn't angry but rather started yearning for the doctor "Then at the very least promise me finish up your work quickly." Of course it was another way of saying that Tyrian misses Arthur and all their time together, the doctor felt a bit guilty sense he couldn't keep that promise but then again he'll try his best "I'll try my very best darling." Arthur reassured as Tyrian kisses the doctor's head, the faunus trusted him fully "You better. But if I may ask dear, did you eat anything?" Tyrian spoke in worry, as a matter of fact Arthur actually didn't, but he didn't want to worry the faunus and yet he couldn't lie to Tyrian either "No, I didn't but I promise it's not worthy anything to worry about." Arthur responded and remained calm for Tyrian, the faunus got concerned quickly "Arthur you need to learn to take care of yourself more." Tyrian lectures and gives another kiss on the doctor's head and quickly walked out without saying anything else, Arthur glanced at Tyrian walking out of his office and got a bit concerned if he said anything wrong to the faunus, but he kept on working while thinking about Tyrian.

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