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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! For the record I didn't have a better title and this fic is just based on my friend's angsty headcanons for Tyrian who I get fic ideas from and I appreciate it, plus these two are already a couple in this so hAH

It was one of those nights for Tyrian, he lays on his bed flashing back to his memories before he joined Salem, he remembered all the blood on his hands and the screams, the desperation he had to cut off his tail as a child, and how he got all of his scars. Tyrian got up from his bed leaving his room, he knows where to go but he doesn't dare to disturb Salem and besides it's not Salem where he is going to it's Arthur. Tyrian knows Arthur will be up in such a late time like this as everyone did, once Tyrian arrived to Arthur's door he gave a knock on the door "Give me a second." Arthur said rushing to the door and opens it to see Tyrian "What are you doing up late?" Arthur asked starting to be concerned, without eye contact or saying anything Tyrian walked in with Arthur moving out of the way "Tyrian answer me." Arthur demanded grabbing onto Tyrian's arm with Tyrian giving him a look, it wasn't energetic nor either a spark it was just numb.

Arthur and Tyrian stood in silence waiting for the other to say something "Tyrian are you okay? I need to know." Arthur tried to get an answer but all Tyrian could do is remain silent "You know I'm concerned for you right? Is there anything you want to talk about?" Arthur let's go of his arm and seeing Tyrian's nod no "Well if that's the case, if you feel the need of it please talk to me but other than that if you're going to stay here take a seat on one of the chairs." Arthur tried to comfort as Tyrian nodded okay, Arthur isn't really good at it but for a doctor and scientist like him he tries his best to comfort. To be honest both of them aren't good with feelings, even if it's with love but here they are in love and together.

Tyrian took a seat on one of Arthur's comfy chairs feeling at least with some comfort, he despised being comforted or doesn't know how to handle it, even if it's Arthur to comfort Tyrian he wouldn't know how to respond back with such comfort received "I'm feeling awful." Tyrian finally spoke as those three words quickly caught Arthur's attention "Is there anything possible I can help with?" Arthur asked willingly to do anything if possible "I don't quite know dear, all I know is that I wanted to see you." Tyrian answered as his tail flickered "See me? I would honestly take that as a compliment." Arthur joked a bit trying to lighten up the mood, he knows it was wrong to try but it felt necessary "I don't go to our goddess all the time dear doctor." Tyrian felt guilt and fear in the thought of even bothering her in the slightest. "Well, if you're ready to talk I'm more than happy to listen and at the very least try my best to comfort as well." Arthur reassured to Tyrian, sure the scorpion faunus may be a challenge to be around with but it's who the doctor fell in love with.

Tyrian took a moment to process everything he would have to talk about to Arthur, to be honest Tyrian hasn't really opened up to anyone about pasts or feelings other than Salem sometimes but with Arthur it felt different as he who is willing to listen "Back when I was a child I remember how much I wanted to cut my tail, my body felt like a cursed body even at that and how much I would cry about my tail how it made me feel alone." Tyrian clenched his fists by just even thinking about it "It's not even that, for those souls I have smite their blood are still on my hands, I can hear them screaming." Tyrian felt himself shaking, not in joy or pride but in fear and even for an huntsmen like him and especially him he too can fear himself. Arthur took a minute to process and prepared on what to say "You may protest against me but, your tail doesn't define you Tyrian and if it's anything I think you'd rather look sharp if I must say." Arthur yet tried to comfort again, he'd be surprised if it actually works "You really think it does? I wish you could have said that to the child I was." Tyrian felt some comfort from Arthur, but he appreciates Arthur trying his best "But as for those souls, some may or may not deserve that but you know it's to survive and they don't define you as well, but let's be honest we can fear ourselves but I'm only scared I would loose you." Arthur had the most worried look in his eyes, he especially fears he would loose Tyrian to a simple mistake leading to demise.

Tyrian smiled a bit when Arthur said that "I didn't think you would." Tyrian said being surprised, of all people that would be scared to lose him was his dear love, a dear disgraced atlesian scientist, and not to mention of course a doctor "Of course I would Tyrian, ever since that bastard James disgraced me I had nothing left but that is until you came along." Arthur said with a small smile on his face, he thought he would have joined Salem for vengeance against James but as lucks has it he found love for Tyrian as well. Tyrian felt comfort he couldn't respond to, that was until Arthur came up to Tyrian giving a warm embrace hug with Tyrian hugging back gripping on him trying not to cry "Just know I am here for you Tyrian, I just hope you would as well." Arthur held onto Tyrian just for a few more seconds before letting go "Of course Arthur." Tyrian responded with being soft, in response Arthur gave a kiss on Tyrian's forehead "Good, and just know I do love you, always." Arthur included loving him despite what Tyrian has done and including his past.

Arthur yawns in exhaustion "Tired?" Tyrian asked worried because it was him who disturbed Arthur "A little, you're welcome to stay for the night if you'd like." He offered getting into bed "I'd like that." Tyrian jumps onto Arthur's bed getting comfy and resting his head on Arthur's shoulder trying to sleep "You can't sleep can you?" Arthur asked with Tyrian's head still on his shoulder "Nope." Tyrian responded to his question "Of course you would." Arthur joked making Tyrian laugh a bit, and there it was Arthur being soft for Tyrian finally laughing after his sorrowful night and not to mention Arthur being proud of himself for making Tyrian laugh.

They stayed like this for a few minutes in peace, well for Tyrian it was finally peace but he still won't forgive himself for what he did but he can have at least this calm moment to himself with Arthur as he felt backing those tears so Arthur doesn't have to worry about him anymore even though Arthur will worry about Tyrian without hesitation, and besides Arthur has been never worried or concerned for anyone until he met Tyrian and no one has really been worried and concerned for Tyrian his whole life. "Well if you can't sleep I can get one of books and read it to you if you'd like." Arthur offered and getting up from the bed "That could help thank you dear, even though all of them are boring." Tyrian teased and laughing a bit, Arthur smiled and bit by Tyrian laughing and rolling his eyes as he picked out one of his favorite books.

Tyrian thought back on his sorrowful memories and everything that happened to him, he began to cry silently and shaking. To Tyrian's thoughts he really doesn't deserve Arthur, for someone like Arthur he can be snarky and a bastard Tyrian dearly loves but on this night Arthur showed how hard he will try to be there for Tyrian. It only took a few seconds for Arthur to notice Tyrian crying and shaking and he quickly rushed to Tyrian with the book in his hand "Tyrian are you okay?" Arthur asked immediately laying down the book on the bed as he cups Tyrian's cheeks wiping some tears away with his thumb "You care a bit to much dear." Tyrian said through all the tears "I care because it's you Tyrian, you do realize when I tell you I love you I actually mean it so yes, I do care a bit to much because I can and I will and you won't be able to stop me from caring about you." Arthur gave Tyrian another embraced hug, Tyrian can't handle the coming but welcomes it snd for in response Tyrian hugs back tightly and crying a bit more. Once they separated from the hug "Thank you." Tyrian whispered, his voice shaked saying those two words "Of course Tyrian, as I said I'm here for you." Arthur said sitting next to Tyrian on the bed "Now shall I read this to you darling?" Arthur asked with Tyrian nodding his head yes wiping away his tears and unbraiding his hair.

Arthur began reading his book out loud, from what Tyrian knows it's a murder mystery which is one of Arthur's most favorites. As Arthur continued to read to Tyrian, the faunus slowly drifted off to sleep with resting his head on Arthur's shoulder and when Arthur finally noticed Tyrian is asleep he closed his book and gives a quick kiss on Tyrian's forehead before falling asleep with Tyrian. And so the both can finally rest with each other with the troubles swept away, Arthur still felt worried for Tyrian but as for the moment both of them will let it rest for now Arthur is still there for Tyrian.

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