Another nuts and volts au? Most likely

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! First I wanna explain the au, it's a domestic au where faunuses exist of course but plot twist both Tyrian and Arthur are like 19 or 18, basically an young domestic au but also with where Cinder is the adoptive sister of Arthur because my friend came up with that one and I really liked that idea so credit them for that one! But it should be included that uh a dear friend have made Salem as Tyrian's mom so, but she'll only be mentioned a few times including Arthur's parents so and I forgot to mention that these two aren't together yet, so hope you enjoy!

In the peaceful night Arthur is sitting on his bed simply reading a book, it was going to be a calming weekend considering his parents are out for a business vacation for a week at least and yet he's stuck with his adoptive sister Cinder, but at least she wasn't as controlling or manipulative as his parents. But in the meanwhile, Cinder walks into Arthur's room "I'll see you at Tyrian's house right? I'll be leaving early to go, he's probably going to pick you up though." Says Cinder as she crossed her arms with a small smile across her face "Yes I'll be there, and what do you mean he's coming here to pick me up? It's his house we're going to after all." Arthur replied putting his book down and getting up from the bed "Whatever, Tyri is still going to pick you up, and besides we all know you like it." Cinder taunted and right before Arthur could scold her, the girl already left in a hurry "Such a brat." Arthur mumbled to himself, as a few minutes pass he starts hearing small rocks hitting his window, at first he was a bit scared but when he approached the window he saw Tyrian with at least three more small rocks and when the faunus saw Arthur from the window he smiled widely and waved his arms around with dropping the rocks. Arthur opened the window as he slightly smiled "You know, the house does have a door. You could've knocked." Arthur says loud enough for Tyrian to hear, the faunus chuckled "It's more fun this way, just come down here." In which immediately after Tyrian saying that, Arthur makes sure to grab his coat and while putting it on he walked downstairs. Once he arrived at the door to open, Arthur saw Tyrian at the front door and they immediately smile at each other "I'm assuming your parents are out?" Questioned Tyrian hoping that the answer was yes, and lucky for him it was exactly the answer yes "As usual, but please tell me your mom isn't home as well, she keeps scolding me." Not to mention like she was almost testing Arthur as well, the faunus only slightly laughed in response "There's no need to worry. Now let's go, we can go to our favorite spot before going back to my home." Tyrian says as he gently grabbed Arthur by the wrists and practically started luring him away from his house, at the very least Arthur gets to close the door behind him but Arthur couldn't help but almost heavily blush when Tyrian was holding his wrist "Right of course, it's been our favorite ever since we met there." Arthur pointed out as they began to walk next to each other.

Even in such a rich neighborhood like Arthur was living in they would never let faunuses live here and even if some were capable of living in the neighborhood were surely to be scolded and treated harshly, that's part of the reason why it worries Arthur so much that Tyrian would be bold enough to step into the neighborhood, luckily the faunus always was able to hide his tail "You know, I'm always so fascinated that you manage to sneak your way into the whole neighborhood with hiding your tail." Says Arthur as he waved his hand around, Tyrian beamed a smile at him "Well it's not like you have a clever way to sneak out of your house." Tyrian lightly joked and in response Arthur gave a small nudge to Tyrian with his elbow, the faunus chuckled and looked over to him with such admiration. It was clear to others that Tyrian and Arthur are in love with each other but these two are so clueless about it, although even for Arthur it's not tolerated to be in a relationship with a faunus but he was willing to take that chance, even with Tyrian, but in response to Tyrian's comment Arthur then says "Maybe you should help me sneak out every once in a while then." Arthur suggested as he heard the faunus to laugh a bit but of course Tyrian would be more than glad to help him. After a few minutes of talking together, perhaps they walked together a little too close enough for their hands to brush by accident, in result both Tyrian and Arthur got flustered but they continued to talk together "If I may ask, why did you want to go to our spot before going back to your house?" Arthur asks, he would never thought anyone would do that with a person like Arthur himself, it would make him wonder what he did to deserve a kindness like that "Because I like hanging out with you of course. And if that's not enough for an answer then honestly? You make me happy for every second I'm with you, I'm especially surprised you felt calm and safe with being around a faunus." Replied Tyrian as he smiled at Arthur, and yet unfortunately he was ever so oblivious to the faunus but Arthur smiled back at Tyrian "I'm glad to hear, and I like hanging out with you as well." Arthur says while he was a bit surprised someone like Tyrian would want to hang out with Arthur, it honestly has brought warmth to him considering how selfish and strict Arthur's parents are and as for the faunus, he blushes slightly at Arthur's response but as they continue to walk together side by side and talking more.

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