Come back

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DISCLAIMER: Art cover is by Maelwyth credit them on Tumblr! Also I have absolutely no idea if this is angst or fluff so, in between??

Arthur had to go on a mission with Cinder and Hazel, Tyrian does worry for Arthur when he goes on missions. Currently Tyrian is walking into Arthur room and closing the door behind him as he enters it, he misses seeing Arthur, he misses his lover. Tyrian lays on his bed thinking about the memories he had with Arthur, this could make him cry at some point but he held it in, he shouldn't cry about this right? It's just a mission but the thing he does worry if that he can act so reckless just like Tyrian, as reckless as Tyrian lost his tail.

Of course the snarky doctor could be capable of himself but he doesn't always be careful of it, Arthur, Cinder, and Hazel each had just come back with injuries, "Oh what will Tyrian think of this? The injuries" Cinder said smirking at Arthur "Shut it Cinder I'm still alive aren't I? Besides you weren't capable yourself" Arthur snapped back at Cinder "Now if you excuse me I'm going to go see how Tyrian is doing" Arthur said walking away, he knew Tyrian would be in Arthur's room but he was worried what he would say or do, the doctor is always careful with his words but with Tyrian? Who is a absolutely crazy huntsmen? Probably not.

The doctor walks into his room finding his lover to be on the bed curled up Arthur slowly and hesitatingly walked up to his bed "Tyrian?" He said soft and quiet, Tyrian quickly got up to see Arthur and his injuries and immediately hugs him "Ow!" Arthur shouted and Tyrian immediately let go "Did I-" Tyrian was cut off by Arthur kissing him as his hands trail to Tyrian's hips, Tyrian gently wrapped his arms around Arthur's neck, the kiss lasted, Arthur missed that and he's glad he is back to Tyrian "I missed you Tyrian" Arthur admitted "And I did too wattsy" Tyrian responded as he carefully examined Arthur's injuries. Seriously though this is how they act even if it's missions they can return within a day.

"Do you need help with patching up?" Tyrian asked Arthur slowly letting him go "No I can handle them myself love, but thank you for the suggesting" Arthur responds and gets whatever he needs to patch up his injuries Tyrian watches him "How did the mission go?" Tyrian asks as he fiddles with his own hands "Hm good, Cinder was absolutely the pain in my ass and Hazel did what he had to do" Arthur responds done patching up walking to his bed and lays on it "Lay with me?" Arthur asked Tyrian "You didn't even have to ask wattsy" Tyrian responded laying with him already clinging onto him and Arthur just plays with Tyrian's unbraid hair.

Soon enough they both drift off to sleep in each other's arms, they both felt comfort for each other as they sleep restfully, they both worry for each other truly for so many reasons and many of them was Salem disapproving, disappointed, and most of all mad. But they were careful enough not to do those three as they don't won't to risk their love for each other to the hands of Salem, but bold of them to assume Salem didn't love someone once in her life.

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