Sleepless nights

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This is SOME kind of au probably just domestic where faunuses exist 

It was the middle of the night, Arthur woke up to his and Tyrian's shared bed just to find Tyrian's side empty and while it did worry him for a second he doesn't doubt that Tyrian is just playing tricks. As much as Arthur didn't want to get up he has to in order to bring Tyrian back to bed, Arthur walked through the dark and into the living room it's still yet to be dark and even the kitchen and nowhere near he see's light. "Tyrian? Tyrian where are you?" Arthur tried calling out quietly as possible yet no answer and not even a sound "Tyrian stop your foolish games, I love you but I frankly doubt I can make you breakfast in the morning when I'm awake in this ungodly hour" Arthur said still looking around but looking to the kitchen again he see's a figure sitting on the counter.

By the sight of this even in the darkness Arthur sighs taking a few steps into the kitchen and turning on the lights, the figure was in fact Tyrian. Tyrian also hissed at the light when Arthur turned it on "Tyrian what are you doing?" Arthur asked crossing his arms "I simply couldn't sleep, but I could consider knocking myself out with a pan" Tyrian explained and laughed a bit "You know at this point perhaps I could help with that dearest" Arthur joked or half heartedly deadpan and Tyrian laughed "Besides that what are you doing here especially in the kitchen and sitting on the counter?" Arthur asked taking just few more steps into the kitchen "Well like the unholy man I am my dear I will give no answer to that" Tyrian said clasping his hands and Arthur rolls his eyes.

They talked for a bit just random things, and strangely enough they fit in a conversation about how they might attempt to make the tallest jenga and have it fall on Cinder, but moving on to the point "You know what though I am feeling a bit in a mood for hot cocoa" Tyrian admitted "Well lucky for you Tyrian, you're automatically not allowed to make hot cocoa but as your responsible boyfriend I'll make you hot cocoa" Arthur said already starting making it "Oh aren't you delightful" Tyrian said in an absolutely adoring voice and finally got out of the counter walking to the living room "Are you going to pick a movie?" Arthur asked still busy on Tyrian's hot cocoa "Oh yes indeed, sense I'm the one who stayed up I'm choosing horror" Tyrian lays on the sofa choosing a horror movie.

Arthur finished making Tyrian's drink successfully and Tyrian finally choosing a movie, yet it was still night so to them it's completely calm. Arthur gave the cup of hot cocoa to Tyrian and he already started the movie, while the movie they both cuddled but also held hands, the only reason why they didn't full on cuddle was because Tyrian was drinking hot cocoa and Arthur was afraid he would spill the drink on Arthur but they did enjoy their time together. After the movie Arthur got up from the couch having to get something and Tyrian finished his hot cocoa and set it down on the coffee table and soon fell asleep while the credits rolled, because who knows maybe horror movies have extra scenes at the end.

Arthur came back into the living room to find Tyrian asleep on the couch "Of course he watched the credits and immediately fell asleep" Arthur said rolling his eyes, it was actually kinda charming and foolish of Tyrian to do in Arthur's opinion. Arthur picked up the mug and walked into the kitchen just to wash it and put it away "And now to take care of my chaotic bastard boyfriend" Arthur said to himself walking back to the living room, Arthur has no concern for others in the house sleeping or at least trying because to be absolutely fair everyone expect somehow for Tyrian has woke up Arthur and it's a huge con for Arthur and Tyrian to live with the rest. 

Arthur first grabbed an pillow lifting Tyrian's head carefully and putting the pillow under his head, if it were to Cinder she would put the pillow on Tyrian's face and that probably happened once but we won't get into that. Arthur grabs an blanket putting it over Tyrian "And that's how you take care of your local bastard boyfriend" Arthur said walking back to his and Tyrian's room so he can finally sleep. Little did Arthur know Tyrian returned to their shared room bed, yes he did cling onto Arthur you should know this by now but getting back to the point they both sleeped peacefully with at least four hours of sleep.

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