Pirate au

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also uh, just an heads up Tyrian is the captain and I know Salem should have been but she is still is the immortal witch but leads them to treasure and tells them about magic so, also faunuses exist in this au-

Tyrian's pirate crew was known for being assassins and stealing, of course stealing because that's what pirates are well known for. They have just made a deal with the leader of the Branwen pirates, to assassinate James Ironwood and in return for assassinating him they will receive millions of gold. The crew got into Atlas with the help of Emerald's illusions and shortly they break into the castle of Atlas.

Speaking of the castle, Arthur has just walked out of Ironwood's office after having a discussion on how to lure and capture pirates. Arthur was walking around the castle and he stopped his tracks when he saw a girl with light mint green hair "Excuse me may I help you with something?" Arthur called her out, the girl with light mint green hair was in fact Emerald "Uh, I lost my brother he was just walking around here" Emerald lied, she knows why she and the others are really here for "Well I can help you find here, come here" Arthur offered "Oh uh I rather just find him myself" Emerald started to sweat but all of a sudden the rest of the crew ran out of Ironwood's office with the ace ops chasing them "Emerald we need to go we failed!" Mercury shouted to Emerald.

Emerald and Arthur saw the crew being chased by the ace ops then all of a sudden Emerald grabs Arthur by the arm and starts running with the rest of her crew "They got Arthur!" Harriet shouted having to just notice Arthur was captured by the pirates "Unhand me!" Arthur shouted at Emerald "No can do mustache!" Mercury yelled back running ahead of them. A huge castle window was right ahead of them, the window where the ship was in front of "Window up ahead! We're going to jump!" Tyrian ordered "We are not going to jump!" Hazel shouted trying to be reasonable "Well you don't have the captain hat now do you Hazel?!" Tyrian yelled back. Then just like that Tyrian, Hazel, Mercury, Arthur grabbed by the arm still, and Emerald jump through the glass and breaking it into pieces Tyrian just laughs maniacally and the rest scream and they land on the ship, although the ace ops didn't have the chance or didn't want to jump.

The ship was sailing away by Roman, so it was to late for Arthur to go back and once he stood up looking around being aware of his surroundings he realized he was on a pirate ship "Emerald, who is that?" Hazel asked Emerald pointing at Arthur "Uh, so funny story I ACCIDENTALLY kidnapped him, or actually we did" Emerald responded feeling apprehensive, Tyrian put his sword away in his scabbard "Well we did fail assassinating Ironwood, but you did capture his friend" Tyrian said smirking "Well just you know my name is Arthur Watts, and I really doubt you would want to keep me around" Arthur crossed his arms. Immediately right after Arthur said that he has thrown into one of the rooms the ship has, he was thrown by Hazel for the record.

Arthur stood up from the floor banging on the door and shouting and the others can hear him from the room "Can't we just throw him into the sea?" Cinder said rolling her eyes being annoyed of Arthur "He is a close friend of Ironwood, who is also the guy we are trying to assassinated and besides I'll go talk to him" Tyrian said looking at Cinder then walking away to the room Arthur is in "Place your bets he is going to either recruit or throw him off the ship" Mercury said crossing his arms, everyone expect Salem and Neo did a bet on it.

Tyrian unlocked the door and walked in and closed the door behind him, Arthur immediately looked at him dead in the eyes "You know you are disturbing my crew right?" Tyrian put his hands on his hips "And of course not to even mention Salem and Cinder" Tyrian said almost annoyed "Oh really? I'm disturbing your crew? Your the ones who kidnapped me" Arthur snapped at him "You could make it worth it, Mercury and Cinder want to throw you off the ship but the rest won't because you are a friend of Ironwood" Tyrian said, he won't let him get thrown off luckily "Oh really, well what do you think?" Arthur asked him "Throwing you off the ship" Tyrian said almost laughing "Hold on, what if one of your members gets hurt? I can help them sense I'm a doctor" Arthur tried convincing Tyrian "Well, a doctor huh? I suppose I can keep you around besides you do seem kinda cute" Tyrian said smirking as Arthur blushed a little "Oh well um, thank you?" Arthur said getting a bit nervous and Tyrian kept on smirking.

"Does this mean I can come out of the room now?" Arthur asked him "Oh of course doctor" Tyrian said opening the door for him as Arthur walks out, Tyrian walks out with him "My bastards if I could have your attention" Tyrian said as everyone looked at him "I will like to introduce you to our doctor, Arthur Watts who I may just keep alive because he is cute" Tyrian said with yet again having a smirk "Really? Do we have to keep him around" Cinder said being annoyed "Well you aren't the captain now are you Cinder? I want everyone to treat our new member kindly" Tyrian commanded "You never gave a introduction like that before" Roman said only to light up the mood somehow "Well I suppose you could say I'm his type" Arthur joined in trying to lighten the mood "You probably are" Tyrian said, he didn't join in trying to lighten the mood he was deadpan on that and everyone stares at him "What?" Tyrian looked around to everyone.

At night everyone was asleep, well expect for Tyrian and Arthur. Tyrian was up looking at the stars and the sea, Arthur decided to come out of the room since he couldn't sleep then he finds Tyrian up as well "Couldn't sleep captain?" Arthur asked, with almost a joke and walked up next to him "You could say that doctor, I'm just admiring the stars" Tyrian admitted to him "I haven't been able to see the stars sense I was always in my room writing and somewhat creating" Arthur said crossing his arms "Oh really?" Tyrian asked laughing a bit. For a few minutes it's been quiet, they had a few glances of each other but now it was just getting slightly awkward "So why did you become a pirate?" Arthur asked looking at Tyrian "As a child I was an out cast, of course being a faunus because my parents didn't think living in a land that has faunuses and I sick of it being that one kid who was different from others, and when I learned what a pirate was I was dedicated to be one and look at where I am now" Tyrian explained it all to him "Oh well I'm sorry to hear that" Arthur tried to comfort him "Oh don't worry, that's what my victims usually say before they take their last breath" Tyrian said laughing a bit, Arthur smiles at Tyrian.

"So any other members?" Arthur asked him "Well yes actually, her name is Salem" Tyrian looked at Arthur "Salem? As in the immortal witch correct?" Arthur was a bit shock, but who wouldn't be fully shock about a immortal witch joining a pirate crew? "Yes? I know it comes to a shock but wait till you hear about the Branwen pirates" Tyrian said as he smiled widely "I rather not" Arthur said jokingly "Sure Arthur, sure" Tyrian said crossing his arms. For the rest of the night they just kept on talking and getting to know each other.

 The next day Tyrian hasn't left Arthur's side, well maybe only for a few minutes he was separated from him. It wasn't difficult for Arthur to get along with the others, expect for Cinder they both annoyed each other constantly but for the most part Arthur and Tyrian has gotten along very well, and acted like Emerald and Mercury's parents, Roman and Neo would tease about that.

Author's note: heyy sorry if this was long, I will do a part 2 tomorrow or right after this-

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