The mafia

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also this a domestic mafia au where Faunuses exist anyway enjoy, poppy makes a reappearance 

Arthur is practically scattering around the house looking for his cat poppy "Cinder do you know where Poppy is?" Arthur asked Cinder, when Cinder looks at Arthur he looks like a complete mess "No I don't know where your little Poppy is, did you try bringing out cat food or putting a vase at the edge of the counter?" Cinder asked sarcastically "I hate how much that COULD work even thought it's sarcasm, anyway I'll be looking around the neighborhood do not eat my left over lasagna" Arthur puts on his coat walking out the door, Cinder did eat the lasagna.

While Arthur looked everywhere but while he is looking for Poppy, she's with the mafia and apparently they like Poppy, and where they are now is Salem's mansion. Tyrian held Poppy high "Look at this adorable bean!" Tyrian laughed "You know the cat belongs to someone right?" Hazel asked crossing his arms "She won't unless I, you know" Tyrian's tail slips out "You aren't murdering anyone" Hazel looked at Tyrian making it strict "Fine" Tyrian pouts and putting down Poppy and petting her "Why don't you try to find the owner?" Emerald asked Tyrian "That's an actual good idea any of us had from this day" Hazel looked at Tyrian "Fine I'll take this adorable bean who should stay with us to her owner" Tyrian picks up Poppy walking out of the mansion.

Arthur walked far enough to pass some mansions but up ahead he see's a figure holding Poppy "POPPY!" Arthur shouts pointing at Poppy and the person holding Poppy and he immediately runs to them "You have my cat!" Arthur felt joyful, "Yeah you are DEFINITELY the owner" Tyrian hands him Poppy "Thank you so much uh, what's your name?" Arthur asks "Tyrian Callows at your service" Tyrian grins widely bowing "And you?" Tyrian looked up to him "Arthur Watts, your part of the mafia aren't you?" Arthur was always fond with the mafia "Oh dear I am" Tyrian winks and smiles at Arthur "May I walk you home? It's late and usually my mafia gets around town at this time" Tyrian asks Arthur "I suppose, besides you did return me Poppy" Arthur responded and grins at Tyrian.

The two began to walk on their way to Arthur's home "So got anyone back at home?" Tyrian asks Arthur as Tyrian putting his hands behind his back "I do, her name is Cinder and she is an absolute chaotic good fireball" Arthur responded with looking at Tyrian "Are you two dating?" Tyrian asks and Arthur bursts out laughing "Not for a million dollars!" Arthur looked at Tyrian who also seem to laugh a bit "So what's it like in the mafia?" Arthur asks "Hm other than beating up people who are homophobic or something, getting money, our homes needing to be extra secured, and making deals we're more like family, once Emerald and Mercury somehow set eggs on fire!" Tyrian responded with laughing a bit "Right off the bat I'm guessing they're teenagers" Arthur laughs a bit with Tyrian "Oh they are, Hazel found them and became a dad he was suppose to be" Tyrian gives a pat on Poppy's head as Poppy meows.

"So I'm guessing your the leader of your mafia?" Arthur assumed, I mean Tyrian does look like one "Well not exactly, it's actually Salem but if I was the leader I would name it Scorpion King" Tyrian responds and yet still petting Poppy. 

A few hours passes by, Arthur and Tyrian started to get to know and trust each other but they got to Arthur's house. "You wanna come inside stay a little longer?" Arthur asks Tyrian as he puts down Poppy "Hmm maybe" Tyrian grins, Cinder opens the door "There you are Arthur it's been hours!" Cinder complained "And I got hungry and ate your lasagna" Cinder smirks "Cinder I asked you SPECIFICALLY to not eat my lasagna" Arthur crosses his arms "Oh who cares, anyway who is he?" Cinder points at Tyrian "This is Tyrian, he is the one who found Poppy" Arthur explained, Cinder rolls her eyes and walks away from the door "Well I better get back to my crew" Tyrian looked at Arthur "Wait before you leave, can I get your number?" Arthur asks "Of course" Tyrian pulls out a sticky note and pencil, they both give each other's phone number "Well I'm off my way, see you soon wattsy" Tyrian leaned up to Arthur kissing him on the cheek, Tyrian turned away from Arthur and walks away smiling "Uh thank you!" Arthur shouted waving goodbye, at this point he is a blushing mess.

Arthur and Poppy walked into the house, Arthur closes the door behind "What took you so long getting inside?" Cinder asked "I think I got myself in the mafia by falling in love with one of the members" Arthur put his hand on his forehead "That quick? Wait till Roman hears about this" Cinder snickered "Oh shut it" Arthur snapped at Cinder. From that day Arthur and Tyrian continued seeing each other and falling in love but Arthur sometimes had to bail them out but they do eventually be together and it all started by looking for Poppy.

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