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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! I'm sorry if I'm salty but I made this into a domestic au where faunuses exist because why not, anyways I tricked myself into writing fluff right into writing angst and comfort fic, I honestly have no idea what the angst is but it's there

Arthur was always the stoic and pushing feelings down when he was vulnerable so he just bottles up his feelings to forget it later on, and in Tyrian's opinion it's not really helpful for his dear doctor to do those and concerning him at the same time. But in the morning Arthur was a bit vulnerable and he felt weak towards it, Tyrian on the other has recognized that same feeling and vulnerability that Arthur has and so the faunus approaches the doctor with one question "Are you feeling alright Arthur dear?" Tyrian asked laying his hands to Arthur's shoulders but Arthur was quick to respond by scoffing a bit and yet he slightly welcomes some of Tyrian's comfort "I'm perfectly fine, why are you asking?" Arthur snapped a bit at Tyrian, he didn't meant to snap at Tyrian but the faunus understood how it could get and he was perfectly fine with it because surely he knows Arthur didn't mean it "You know full well I love you and I'm concerned, and as much as I want to stay and spend time with you my lovely doctor unfortunately I have some task to attend to." Tyrian said moving his hands to cup Arthur's cheeks and gives a kiss to Arthur's head, Arthur only responded by smiling a bit at him "Be careful then." Arthur said as Tyrian simply nodded at to reassure him "Are you going to be careful while I'm out as well?" Tyrian asked getting his coat on and getting ready "Of course I will, you have nothing to be concerned about." Arthur reassured back with a little lie in it but when he watched as Tyrian smile softy a bit and walked out of the house he knew that he could now breakdown at any point and with that point he begins to fear.

Just a few minutes when Tyrian walked out of the house Arthur began to pace around the house trying to figure out what's wrong with him and what has been making him so vulnerable "Push it down it can't bother you if I ignore it completely." Arthur muttered angrily to himself trying his best in every way to push down his own emotions, he can't handle the thought of making himself look weak or such but Arthur can be slightly comforted by the thought of Tyrian getting to comfort Arthur however he can "This is all foolish, every bit of it." Arthur told himself gripping on himself tightly trying his best not to make him seek more vulnerable to his feelings and thoughts, not to even mention although he absolutely hates being alone with them regardless if he has paperwork to distract him or absolutely anything else to distract Arthur long enough. Arthur stopped pacing around the house and decided to have at least a cup of water but that really didn't help him at all "Tyrian is much better to do these things, but he probably shouldn't worry about me right?" Arthur once again found himself gripping onto himself and started muttering nonsense, he wished Tyrian was here for Arthur but he needs to piece himself together or at least figure out how and soon Arthur walks upstairs into his and Tyrian's room to lay on the bed and make himself break into tears and felt himself shake, Arthur knew once he started he can't quite go back "I can do this." Arthur said trying to encourage himself until he says "I can't do this by myself." He said with a hoarse and breaking into more tears, he hates all of these feelings getting to him but Arthur knows he has to figure out to handle feelings like his own.

And on the other hand for Tyrian he was just about finished doing the simple task he told Arthur he was going to do "And now time to see my lovely doctor Arthur." Tyrian said with joy and clasped his hands together in excitement. Once Tyrian arrived back home he swings the door open "Arthur I'm back!" Tyrian yelled excitedly and when Arthur heard him walking into the house and tries to be quiet from all that crying but the amount of silence that took over in seconds by Arthur not responding has the faunus worried that something happened and looked around a bit from downstairs before looking upstairs and just when Tyrian got upstairs he heard a quiet sob and he was quick to open their room door only to find Arthur in tears "Dear what's wrong why are you crying?" Tyrian asked in a soft tone as he sat next to Arthur on their bed, he was always worried how much Arthur bottles up feelings and put them down to ignore it "I'm fine, I don't cry." And yet here is Arthur crying and practically lying to Tyrian's face and the faunus lays his hand on Arthur's shoulder comforting him "Arthur please you're crying, tell me what happened." Tyrian said giving Arthur some time to answer, he was quite patience with Arthur and yet every time Arthur tried to explain himself there was failure in his words until he said "It's nothing to be concerned about." Arthur remarked but that didn't stop Tyrian to try and comfort him "Arthur dear you've been there for me countless times, I believe it would be my turn." By saying that it left Arthur speechless, he has no idea how to respond to his dear Tyrian's comfort and he wouldn't want to be rude either "Are you sure?" Arthur asked seeing Tyrian being surprised a bit but Tyrian nods at him to reassure Arthur that it's okay "You know you can talk to me that and you can swear, cry, or scream. It doesn't matter, just talk until it's all out." Tyrian reassured raising Arthur's hand to plant a kiss which leads for Arthur just to cry a bit more to his comfort and as Arthur welcomes all the comfort from Tyrian and yet he doesn't know how to respond, which was okay with Tyrian of course but eventually Arthur gathers up on what to say "Thank you Tyrian, I wouldn't know how to respond any other way but thank you." Arthur thanked him and rests his head on Tyrian's shoulder just to quietly cry more, Tyrian gave him a few minutes before having to comfort Arthur again.

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