Movie night

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also domestic au with Faunuses in it alright enjoy-

Emerald,Mercury,Neo,and Roman were out doing probably something stupid, Cinder went shopping for clothes or weapons, Hazel at the gym, and Salem out doing her own things having the house keys and so it's just Tyrian and Arthur at home.

Tyrian lays on the sofa bored and crossing his arms "Tyrian dear what are you doing?" Arthur walks into the living room with a cup of coffee "Being bored and planning mischief on either Ironwood or Jacques" Tyrian looks up to Arthur "Well perhaps we can do that later I have an idea" Arthur sipped his coffee "Murder? Car chase? Accidentally getting into a mafia?" Tyrian got up excited "Absolutely none of those, I was thinking of a movie night but it's a horror movie" Arthur finished his coffee "Oh What movie? Annabelle,Jaws,Jigsaw,Ring,Halloween,Scream, or perhaps a Stephen King movie?" Tyrian was quite the horror movie fan.

"It's The Conjuring, you get the movie ready I'm getting popcorn" Arthur walked to the kitchen "Why can't I cook popcorn?" Tyrian got the remotes ready setting the movie up "Because you burnt it the last time and we had to get a new pot dear" Arthur reminded Tyrian "Okay fine you got me there" Tyrian crossed his arms.

Arthur had one bowl of popcorn ready that they were going to share, he walked into the living room sitting next to Tyrian on the sofa and putting the bowl of popcorn between them. The movie started, they were enjoying their time eating popcorn, holding hands, some cuddling, there were some moments Tyrian giggled at some of the scenes, and watching the movie mostly and after the movie Tyrian and Arthur were both scared but neither want to show that they were scared.

"I have to go to the bathroom" Tyrian smiled at Arthur and got up walking to the kitchen and grabbing two sharp knives and then walking into the bathroom "And I have to put this bowl into the kitchen, simple as that" Arthur got up grabbing the empty bowl and pulling out his gun and walking into the kitchen. Arthur put the empty bowl slightly on the edge and put his gun next to the sink and started washing the dishes, but all of a sudden the bowl fell over and Arthur immediately grabbed his gun and pointed at nothing "NOT TODAY SATAN" Arthur shouted pointing his gun at the bowl and Tyrian finished being in the bathroom and immediately runs to the kitchen with the two sharp knives "What happened?" Tyrian said not seeing any danger "It's uh just a little wind pushing the bowl" Arthur said lowering his gun.

"It could be possible we were both scared of the movie, and I suppose that's okay to admit" Arthur starts cleaning the mess "Hm, well wattsy I would have to agree" Tyrian smiled and yawns, once Arthur was finished cleaning he got up from the floor "You wanna go to sleep?" Arthur asked and Tyrian nodded immediately.

Arthur and Tyrian got ready to bed, with the two sharp knives Tyrian picked and Arthur's gun on the nightstand just in case. Arthur and Tyrian soon fell asleep with Arthur big spooning Tyrian and with Tyrian's hair unbraided. Safe to say to watch horrible horror movies that don't really scare anyone.

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