Breakfast in the morning

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr, this is a domestic au where Faunuses exist anddd this is kinda short so-

Tyrian wakes up in the morning with having Arthur's arms around him, but Tyrian has planned to make breakfast sense Arthur does it so much and he thought it should be his turn. Tyrian slithered out of Arthur's arms and sneaking out of the arm without wanting to wake up Arthur, as much as Arthur has done for Tyrian he wanted to return the favor for Arthur besides, supposedly that's what couples are suppose to do for each other.

Tyrian got to the kitchen and got everything he need to make eggs and bacon "This should be easy, right?" Tyrian asked himself scratching his head, but Cinder and Hazel walk in to see Tyrian doing his attempt of making breakfast for him and Arthur "Uh Tyrian?" Hazel called out to him and Tyrian turn around to see the both of them "Oh hey, I'm just hanging around the kitchen" Tyrian smiled awkwardly, Cinder rolled her eyes "Do you need help?" Cinder asked "Absolutely otherwise I would have been toasted" Tyrian laughs nervously.

Cinder and Hazel began to help Tyrian making breakfast, and finally after they were done Cinder and Hazel walked away doing their own business which is Cinder tempting to put something on fire with Neo, and Hazel is there to stop them as always, but other than that Tyrian is proud of their work.

Arthur wakes up to see Tyrian is gone, "Oh please tell me Tyrian isn't messing with, well anyone" Arthur said to himself quickly getting up from the bed and ran out the bedroom but he was stopped by seeing Tyrian in the kitchen "Tyrian?" Arthur saw two plates of eggs and bacon "Hey wattsy" Tyrian walked over to Arthur "Did you make this?" Arthur asked as Tyrian's arms slip around Arthur's neck "I mean yes but thankfully Cinder and Hazel helped otherwise I would have been on fire, now come on let's eat breakfast" Tyrian smiled "Alright, I suppose we all should we be lucky that you three didn't burn down the kitchen" Arthur joked although smiles back.

While eating breakfast Arthur looked to Tyrian "Why did you have the idea to make us breakfast? I could have done it myself" Arthur asked obviously confused "Arthur dear you have made breakfast many many times I thought it would be kind to return the favor, also because I love you" Tyrian responded kissing Arthur on the cheek and continuing eating breakfast.

For the rest of the day Tyrian and Arthur helped Hazel to stop Cinder and Neo to put anything on fire, it was quite normal but it's Cinder and Neo to be completely fair.

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