This is home

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also this is another criminal domestic au where faunuses exist but with baby Azalea, I hope there's more context to this story but for some context these two aren't together yet but yeah soon they will so uh enjoy, but I swear the original idea had fluff at first and the rest being fluff as well but nope, this took longer than I expected so I hope for anyone who reads this still enjoys it

For such a long time Arthur and Tyrian have worked together and of course the longer they knew each other the closer they got, and there were times when there was comfort the both needed for but when the faunus may have accidentally adopted little baby Azalea the doctor was always there for Tyrian to help him and all, and yet with all the time they spend together little did they know that Tyrian and Arthur were in love with each other with all those time the faunus and the doctor helped and comforted each other. But continuing on, it was a quiet evening as the faunus all but trembles in fear as Tyrian returns to his home with panic in his eyes and heavy breathing while he tried to carry his baby held carefully in his arms but the faunus didn't seem to be injured, even if there was someone attempting to hurt Tyrian and Azalea, he no longer felt safe in his house and so out of pure panic and fear the doctor calls Arthur, the doctor of course answered "Tyrian? Is everything alright? You haven't answered any of my calls." Arthur questioned worriedly while sounding a bit frightened if anything happened to Tyrian or his daughter, although it took a few seconds to say anything "No I'm not alright, something happened. Can I and Azalea come over? For a few nights? I don't feel safe at home right now." Tyrian says in a hoarse and hesitation in his voice while he felt paranoid, considering how dangerous their work is there would be a bit scars then and there "Of course you can Tyrian, do you want me to come pick you up?" Arthur offered, Tyrian felt himself slightly trembling to the doctor's kindness "I'd like that. Thank you." Tyrian felt his voice breaking a bit to Arthur being dearly kind and comforting to him "Anytime you need me to protect you, I'm not afraid to do so Tyrian. I'll be right there soon." He promised and quickly finished the call to get himself ready to pick up Tyrian and Azalea from their home, the faunus also gets everything he needs ready to go. It took a few minutes for Arthur to arrive at Tyrian's home but once he did the doctor didn't even have to knock, the faunus was there to immediately opens his door with such relief to see Arthur "Are you ready to go?" He asked as Tyrian nodded in response, Arthur slightly smiled as he and Tyrian quickly walked to the car and got in, the faunus had Azalea in his arms while she was asleep peacefully. While driving it was completely silent, Tyrian was looking out the window while Arthur couldn't help but grow more concerned when the faunus was quiet but the doctor couldn't just ask if he was doing alright now, he took his time to be patient with Tyrian when he decides to talk, but Arthur wanted to speak to Tyrian for a moment "I'm sorry what happened to you, if I could I should've been there to protect you." Arthur says with his voice softened and accepted that Tyrian didn't want to respond because he understood that feeling as well, but as for the faunus, he felt a bit now safe with the doctor.

Once they finally arrived at Tyrian's home they got out of the car as the faunus first got his daughter out of the car while the doctor took the things that Tyrian and Azalea needed with him as Tyrian and Arthur went inside the house, when they entered the house Arthur closed the door behind him and made sure the door was locked for Tyrian and Azalea's safety "Do you need anything right now such as a glass of water?" Asked Arthur as Tyrian just sits on the sofa as he still held Azalea "I don't feel like I need anything right now, I'm just a bit frightened right now." Tyrian responded as he shivered a bit by a small thought of himself getting hurt while he fears the possibility of Azalea being taken away from him "You and your daughter safe here, I promise but you and I know how exactly it's dangerous for us both. But to be attacked randomly is terrifying." Arthur comforted as he sits next to Tyrian in the sofa to lay his hand on the faunus' shoulder, Tyrian felt himself to tremble at the touch and comfort "I wasn't able to do anything. Sure I didn't got hurt, but I wasn't strong enough to protect my own daughter." Tyrian says as trinkets of tears were in the corner of those golden eyes of his, Arthur looked at Azalea and back to Tyrian with such concern "And you two are still here, you're still strong, perhaps stronger than you realize." Arthur tried once again to comfort Tyrian and hoping that it could comfort him, when Tyrian went to try and respond to the doctor, he suddenly had a little thought of Arthur holding the faunus close to him with all his worried and fear washing away, Tyrian wanted to quickly stop thinking about Arthur in a loving way, sure he's in love with the doctor but the faunus was still in fear for what happened "But what could've happened if I actually got hurt? What if Azalea was taken away?" Although neither of them would know who would want to hurt Tyrian and Azalea, but there has been threats and such from enemies that they'll get revenge, and yet for Tyrian, Arthur, and the others they work with didn't believe such a weak ego could "I know for a fact you would never let anyone hurt your daughter, and besides if she were to get kidnapped then we would go rescue her." Arthur promised with a small urge that he wanted to smite whoever did this to Tyrian, the faunus felt some tears about to stream down his face but he didn't let those tears stream down "Then I should've been strong enough to defend myself and Azalea, but promise me that me and my daughter are safe here, please." Tyrian was being harsh on himself while begging slightly for Arthur to promise the faunus about his home being safe and secured, the doctor was absolutely heartbroken to see Tyrian being like this, so he does whatever he can to comfort "I promise that you and Azalea are safe here Tyrian, trust me." Arthur says in a softened voice as he saw Tyrian holding his baby daughter a bit closer, the doctor was a bit softened more when he saw the faunus smiling a bit softly at Arthur.

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