A new family

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This fic is all thanks for a friend giving ideas, this is also a domestic criminal au where faunuses exist and Tyrian and Arthur have been married for some sO

Tyrian and Hazel were sent to assassinate a woman named Corrin Auburn, the two made their way into the mansion. Hazel was securing the house making sure guards weren't around as Tyrian made his way to find Corrin, and once he did he found her, she was simply walking to a room but right before she could Tyrian ran to Corrin as he murdered her out of cold blood with his prosthetic tail with the poison injecting and with her screaming in pain, at this point all securities and cameras were out. Tyrian quietly laughed as he watched the bloody body dropped on the floor, before he moved on he heard a cry from one of the rooms Corrin was walking towards to and to Tyrian's curiosity he followed the cries.

Once Tyrian entered the room and found a baby crying in her crib, the faunus finally realized Corrin was a mother to this baby and he simply couldn't bring himself to murder the baby, besides it all reminds him when he was only a child with being all alone having no one until Salem came along. He walked towards the crib picking up the baby "And what's your name little one?" Tyrian asked looking around the room to see if he could get any answers and finally see's toy blocks from the shelves saying Azalea and finding out her name finally Tyrian grinned a bit "Azalea I see? Well Azalea you have a new home." Tyrian grinned widely at Azalea, all the baby could do is smile. Tyrian ran out of the room carrying Azalea trying to find Hazel but it was Hazel to find Tyrian "Was the assassination successful?" Hazel asked and his eyes wonder to notice the baby "I never fail a assassination Hazel, but in our best rewards I found this!" Tyrian smiled holding up Azalea "Are you serious? Tyrian we're criminals." Hazel's voice was strict and so were his eyes "Oh but Hazel I couldn't bring myself to leave this baby, now let's leave before it's to late." Tyrian said walking away from Hazel, all Hazel could do is sigh "This might as well just happen." Hazel walked out with Tyrian.

But back to Arthur he was busy watching tv and checking the clock every so often for when Tyrian comes home "We've been married for so long, even as criminals it feels like we've been married longer and yet I would thank half of the mind of Salem to take care of Tyrian when she found him." Arthur said to himself making a cup of coffee, he lost track of time how long Tyrian has been gone but hopefully he doesn't have to bail out Tyrian again. And yet another hour has passed and Tyrian and Hazel are still gone "It shouldn't have taken this long to do a simple assassination." Arthur face palmed starting to get worried for Tyrian, on missions there's a rule to not disturb them with calls and messages so of course this would increase Arthur being worried for Tyrian even when it was especially Tyrian got his tail cut off, ever since Arthur joined Salem in being a criminal he truly haven't felt this great about himself, well that was until he met Tyrian.

Arthur sat on the chair resting for a while until a knock came on the door, he got up quickly running to the door and opens it to see Hazel standing in front of Tyrian as the faunus was in his hood "Hazel why is Tyrian behind you?" Arthur looked up to Hazel demanding to know "Before you see this, Tyrian wanted me to catch you if you faint out of shock." Hazel made his way into the house as Arthur steps out of the way "Tyrian what is he talking about?" Arthur asked looking at Tyrian and seeing the baby in his hands, his eyes widened in shock "Is that what I think is it?" Arthur asked not looking at anyone or anything else other than the baby "It is." Tyrian smiled widely walking into the house closing the door behind him with his prosthetic tail "How did you even get that?" Arthur asked Tyrian trying to process everything "First of all her name is Azalea, and before you get angry the woman we assassinated was apparently the mother of Azalea, and I couldn't bare myself to abandon her without a parent, so then here we are." Tyrian explained holding up Azalea to Arthur.

Arthur knew how Tyrian's childhood was, but to Arthur as well they can't just abandoned the baby "We've been married for such a long time, and yes even though we're criminals and don't think you will escape that conversation about us raising Azalea as criminals, I think it's about time we can have a daughter." Arthur said taking Azalea from Tyrian's arms as he carries her in a slightly wrong way "Aw Arthur I knew you'd say yes!" Tyrian cheered and clasped his hands together, Hazel cried a bit in being happy for Arthur and Tyrian "Hazel are you crying?" Arthur asked looking at Hazel standing close to Tyrian as he still carried Azalea "I just get emotional when this happens I'm leaving before I cry more." Hazel immediately walked to the door and opens it walking out and closing it behind him, as they watched him leaving Hazel leave Azalea reached for Tyrian's braided hair and yanked on it "OW!" Tyrian yelled trying to get Azalea to let go as Arthur laughed a bit "She's already a daughter to me." Arthur quickly helped Tyrian with Azalea pulling his hair as he continued to carry her.

It's been a long night of playing and taking care of Azalea, well by playing because they don't have any baby toys they played by Tyrian pretending to be the big bad boogeyman and Arthur is the sidekick helping Azalea to defeat Tyrian and playing hide and seek but Azalea was the seeker, it took them a while for a baby like Azalea can't play hide and seek but other than that they watched movies, Tyrian suggested a horror movie but with Arthur having to be a responsible new parent he just puts on a Ghibli film. They did also may have just ordered fifty parenting books for new parents but at least after that they had to go to bed but sense Azalea didn't have crib she had to sleep on Tyrian and Arthur's shared just for a few days before getting Azalea an actual crib and they were careful not to turn in their sleep, besides Tyrian does cling onto Arthur while sleeping.

As Azalea, Arthur, and Tyrian slept peacefully that is until it was peaceful when Azalea woke up crying and making it wake up Tyrian and Arthur immediately "I could have sworn she was a calm baby on the way home." Tyrian said tiredly rubbing his head "She's probably just hungry for milk, you try to calm her down while I get the milk." Arthur informed getting up from bed as Tyrian got to Azalea carrying her in his arms calming down however he can. Once Arthur got to the kitchen he realized they don't have baby bottles and it's the middle of the night so they can't get a baby bottle "Damnit." Arthur muttered slightly panicking about this "Cup feeding!" Arthur immediately grabbed a small cup and gets the milk and making it at the right temperature "And of course I'm the smart dad." Arthur said slowly pouring the milk into the cup. When Arthur came back to the room he found Azalea calm when Tyrian singed a bit for Azalea, and to Arthur it was actually beautiful so he stayed a silent a bit listening to Tyrian but it all stopped when Tyrian noticed Arthur as the doctor held the cup "Cup feeding? Really?" Tyrian asked raising an eyebrow getting up from the bed carrying Azalea "Well just know I'm being the smart dad." Arthur said being absolutely smug "Just help me feed Azalea dearest." Tyrian sat on the edge of the bed still having Azalea in his arms "Of course." Arthur sat next to Tyrian on the edge of the bed.

Arthur and Tyrian worked together cup feeding Azalea, to their surprise or anyone else's surprise it actually worked just fine for two married criminals taking care of their new daughter. After cup feeding Azalea finally went back to sleep and when she did Arthur lays Azalea gently on the middle part of the bed "I'm going to put this away." Arthur whispered holding up the cup walking out the door, Tyrian would have sticked to Azalea but he followed to Arthur having one important question on his mind "Arthur dear do you think we'll be good parents? And even at that do you think our grace will approve?" Tyrian asked being worried, Arthur quickly finished cleaning the cup and putting it away "What makes you think we'll be bad parents?" Arthur turned to look at Arthur and seeing he had worry in his eyes "Listen Tyrian, we wouldn't be the best parents but definitely not terrible either, so I think we'd be great parents." Arthur said smiling a bit "And yes even if we're criminals, but as for our grace of course she would for everything we did for her and every lives we took she can't deny us being parents." Arthur knew for a fact Salem was a mother, but other than that he takes Tyrian's hand in his "We'll be just fine honey." Arthur gave a quick kiss to Tyrian's forehead as Tyrian smiled softly.

When the two returned to their room finding Azalea sleeping peacefully they know for a fact they will be a chaotic sweet family who protect each other no matter what. As the two lay down on their bed Tyrian of course being Tyrian clinged onto Arthur but of course with Arthur's free hand he has it on Azalea's head so he knows she's there and his other hand on Tyrian's head and finally they all slept calmly. The morning after Emerald, Cinder, Neo, Mercury, Torchwick, and Hazel broke into their house and threw a 'Congratulations you have a baby!' party with multiple gifts that help with parenting Azalea, well that and Tyrian and Arthur being frustrated about building a simple crib for three hours but the point is, Arthur and Tyrian entered a new life of being parents and criminals to be honest they loved it.

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