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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This might be a domestic au where faunuses exist so we're back at it again for like the tenth time even though with scrolls existing because I am way to used to that, but this was both wholesome and a bit angsty to write

It was midnight and the quiet rain outside of Tyrian's window was absolutely bothering him and yet not as bothering as the nightmare that awoken Tyrian, the faunus' tears continue to stream down his cheeks as he clings onto a pillow while laying on the bed as his unbraided hair covers his face. The worst part for Tyrian was that Arthur wasn't here for him while at work, but the faunus knew that the doctor was caught up with his own work even at middle of the night, although Arthur wasn't doing work at home and Tyrian wouldn't want to bother him, so he let's go of the pillow and walks downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water but he couldn't with another small breakdown, the glass of water Tyrian was holding is shaking with some water spilling out. The faunus knew he needed Arthur, or to at least hear his voice and so Tyrian makes sure to gently put down that glass of water and scattered to his scroll and called Arthur in high hopes that Arthur will answer his scroll and knowing full well that the doctor is still awake even at this time, it was fortunate to Tyrian that Arthur did answer "Tyrian, are you alright? You are aware it's middle of the night correct?" Arthur was immediately worried and knew something that had to happen to the faunus "I'm fine. But can you come over please? I don't want to be alone right now." Tyrian would like to think that his voice didn't crack even just a bit, the doctor had a small suspicion in the faunus' response "Are you sure you're alright?" Arthur's voice was kind and had worry as well, Tyrian couldn't bare to get the truth out but neither can he lie to his beloved doctor "No, no I'm not. But it's nothing to worry, I just need you to come over right now, please." That's when Tyrian's voice was hoarse, Arthur sighed and wanted to somehow comfort the faunus "It is something to worry Tyrian, I'm coming over. It'll take a hour but I'll be there." Arthur said with once again a soft and kind voice, Tyrian was relived and slightly smiled as it gave a small sense of comfort for him "Thank you Arthur, thank you so much darling. You have no idea how much this means to me right now." Tyrian was all softened and felt comforted by Arthur even if he wasn't home just yet "I know it does Tyrian dear, and you really don't have to thank me, you're much more important than work." Arthur informed as he got himself ready, Tyrian felt like he didn't need to speak, so the doctor will once again "I'll see you in about a hour. I love you." He spoke once again to Tyrian, there was a small comfort and the sense of warmth washing over the faunus for only a minute "I love you too." Was all Tyrian could respond with before he hanged up. The faunus lays on the couch slightly crying to himself and waiting for Arthur to come back home and give whatever comfort the doctor could provide for the faunus.

An hour or so already passed, Arthur hasn't come home yet and Tyrian didn't call him but he was patient. All the faunus didn't have the ability to distract himself, all Tyrian could think about was about his nightmare and worries, with the deeper thought of all his worries and nightmares Tyrian started to cry and Arthur opens the door just in time and saw the faunus crying "You're here." Tyrian says with his voice breaking when he saw Arthur, the faunus felt such relief when he saw the doctor "Why wouldn't I be?" There wasn't so much an answer to that, Arthur was always going to be there for Tyrian anyways. Arthur then approaches to Tyrian and sits next to the faunus as he caresses Tyrian's cheek to wipe away his tears with his hand "If I may ask, what happened?" Arthur questioned worriedly with a small hesitation, instead of answering, Tyrian nuzzled Arthur's hand that was cupping and caressing the faunus' cheek while his other hand tucks Tyrian's unbraided hair behind his ear to see him more clearly "Tyrian I'm sorry dear but you know I need an answer so I know how to make you feel better." Arthur was still dearly kind to the faunus, Tyrian sighed and managed to gather the courage to speak "It was a nightmare, then it was all my worries. All of the combination of my worries and this nightmare." Tyrian explained and absolutely shuddered right after explaining himself, Arthur felt sorry he wasn't even there for when the faunus was awakened by the nightmare and being haunted by his worried "Your nightmares can't hurt you, and I'll be there even if it does, and I'm so sorry if I wasn't there. But as for your worries you don't need to listen to them." Arthur comforted, Tyrian welcomed the feeling of comfort but if he was going to explain what his worried thoughts were then the faunus needed the doctor's warmth so he held Arthur's hand and squeezed his hand a bit "I'm not strong enough when it comes to nightmare and you know that, but I do have you there for me as well." Tyrian always felt comfortable around Arthur, the doctor always made sure that the faunus can talk about anything such as his worries and thoughts to Arthur, just when the doctor was going to comfort once again he saw Tyrian having to speak once again "And my worries, all of them are spiraling around. I hate how these thoughts are screaming that I'm not good enough for you." He explained and got choked up while speaking as a few more tears streaming down from his golden eyes "They're lying to you. Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? You've proved yourself to be so much better than me and exactly why I love you every day." Arthur comforted once again and gently wipes those tears away with his thumb, Tyrian believed the doctor wholeheartedly but his thoughts keep taunting him.

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