Hotel room

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also sorry if I haven't updated in a while, some of it was not having any ideas for other chapters, but here is this one so enjoy! Also, tHERe'S oNLY oNE BeD

Arthur and Tyrian had a mission and away from home so they had to go to a hotel and staying there for a night, but unfortunately on their way into their room they got some dirty looks although not because they are both men together in a romantic relationship but because of Tyrian being a faunus and all they could react is with a middle finger.

"Tyrian I'm going to get some water, do you need anything?" Arthur asks Tyrian as he grabbed some liens, surprisingly Arthur gathered some energy to go out "I'll just get water wattsy dear " Tyrian smiled at Arthur and he smiled back.

As soon Arthur left the door one second later Tyrian jumps on the chair spinning around the hotel room, with the help of his tail and laughs maniacally as he spins and spins but suddenly he shoots out of the chair landing on the bed "Again!" He shouted jumping on the chair again spinning.

Arthur walked into the store and walking towards to the drinks and grabs two bottles of water "This seemed way to simple, I expected someone wanting to see the manager" Arthur rolled his eyes and bought the drinks and walking out.

Once Arthur got to the hotel and to the hotel room he opened the door to see Tyrian with his fave on the floor and laying there mumbling something saying hi Arthur and the chair slowly spinner, the bed was a mess and so was part of the room "I knew I shouldn't have left you here" Arthur helped Tyrian to get up.

A few minutes passed Arthur and Tyrian cleaned the room and after they were tired. They layed on their shared hotel room bed watching TV, talking, and drinking water "Before I drift off to sleep, I love you Arthur" Tyrian smiles at Arthur giving him a kiss on the cheek and clings onto him resting on his shoulder sleeping, Arthur smiles "I was expecting some random thought" Arthur gently played with Tyrian's unbraided hair.

"We have to see Cinder tomorrow" Tyrian heard what Arthur said and reacted with saying that, and then continues sleeping and Arthur deeply sighs, but soon enough he sleeps as well thinking about what Tyrian said all night.

Nuts and Volts oneshots because I canWhere stories live. Discover now