Wounds and stitches

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DISCLAIMER: credit the cover artist Maelwyth on tumblr! THERE IS BLOOD WARNING so if you are uncomfortable with it, that's perfectly fine I can make another chapter, also I wanted to name the title stitches get snitches-

Tyrian has returned from a mission with Hazel, it was suppose to be a simple mission but Tyrian got a little carried away when a hunter and huntress spotted Tyrian and Hazel. And now currently Tyrian sitting on a desk and is in Arthur's office as he got whatever he needed ready "Don't let the blood drip on my desk, and don't lick it either, that's just disturbing" Arthur walked over to Tyrian. "How did you even get these? Salem said it was suppose to be a simple mission love" Arthur asks as he has begun stitching Tyrian's open scars.

"Well, yes it was suppose to be a simple mission, but a huntress and hunter saw us both and I had to do something and let's just say, Hazel went hazelnuts" Tyrian laughed manically at his own joke "Please, please don't ever say that ever again" Arthur wanted to face palm but he can't his hands are full because of the stitching.

Tyrian watched as Arthur stitches up his scars, he was almost done thankfully "Did I worry you wattsy?" Tyrian asks being concerned "No, not at all" Arthur lied, of course he was worried he couldn't bare the thought going back to a life when Tyrian isn't there. But of course Tyrian knew he was lying "Wattsy dear you don't have to worry, I'm a hunter and Hazel is, well Hazel but you most of all worry me specifically not sleeping for some nights and only drinking coffee for the whole day, but dear please know I will be more careful" Tyrian comforted Arthur, and so Arthur did feel comfort.

And so finally Arthur was done stitching up Tyrian, Arthur steps back to put his stuff away and Tyrian jumped off the desk walking towards Arthur by behind and he puts his arms around Arthur "Thank you wattsy for stitching up the scars" Tyrian felt Arthur turning around to face Tyrian "It's my pleasure Tyrian, besides I love you what do you expect?" Arthur smirked "Fine fair point, I love you too" Tyrian smiles at Arthur.

Soon enough they were both sleeping on their shared bed, Arthur being the big spoon and Tyrian being the little spoon.

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