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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This may be also another criminal domestic au where faunuses exist and so I hope you somehow enjoy, also I would like to mention this does have some abuse mentions I just wanted to let some of those know who are troubled by it

Tyrian has been out for a mission for almost a week and dearly missed Arthur, but when he finally returns home after the long mission the faunus has been sent on and Arthur's eyes light up to see Tyrian finally back home and quickly did the doctor walked up to him to give a hug and kiss on the forehead for the faunus "I missed you." Arthur mumbled as he gave small kisses to his cheeks, forehead, and a little kiss on the faunus' shoulder and heard Tyrian laugh softly "I missed you as well darling." Tyrian responded as he cups Arthur's face to give a quick kiss on the doctor's lips, Arthur smiles softly at Tyrian before realizing that Tyrian could have some injuries while he was in that mission "Before we do anything, I need to check for any injuries you have over the week." Arthur informed, Tyrian smiles and nods his head "Ah, you always taking care of me after you worry too much, quite thoughtful and endearing of you." Tyrian lightheartedly teased as Arthur rolled his eyes and smiled a bit as he held the faunus' hand to lead him into the doctor's office. After the doctor checks for any injuries the faunus he may have and after checking for both of their injuries, Arthur gives a kiss on the cheek for Tyrian "Do we have any plans for dinner?" The faunus asked as both of them walked  into the living room, when they made it into the living room Tyrian instead was walking into the kitchen "Perhaps we do, if you feel like it maybe we can cook dinner together." Arthur says with a small cheerful tone, Tyrian although felt as if he needed to pay back for the week that the faunus left Arthur alone "I can do it, besides I've been gone for quite some time and left you alone here. So I thought it might be kind enough of me to cook something for the both of us." Tyrian tried to insist that he could cook dinner and Arthur couldn't decline how kind the faunus has always been to him, the doctor sighed in defeat because he also wanted Tyrian to rest after that he has returned from that long week mission  "Tyrian I'm not exactly sure if you want to cook dinner now after just returning back home, I can't exactly stop you either so if you need any help let me know and I'll be there." Arthur says as he heard Tyrian chuckled softly before speaking once again "Arthur I know how much you love taking care of me, but it's adoring as it as well although little did you know that I love taking care of you. And yes even if I'm back home after a tiring mission cooking would be the most simple thing I've done all week other than slaughtering others." Tyrian spoke with some softness in his voice, well maybe not when he mentioned slaughtering others sense his voice was rather thrilling by mentioning it, Arthur was a bit flattered to how much Tyrian would love to take care of the doctor even if Arthur was more of the responsible one, but Arthur might as well trust Tyrian enough to cook dinner for both him and the faunus.

While Tyrian was cooking dinner, Arthur was sitting at the sofa reading a book when he was waiting for the faunus to finish cooking while Tyrian was in silence, while the doctor was a bit concerned for how quiet Tyrian is because he would tell some details about the mission or teasing comments, perhaps some memories have came up to Tyrian that got him quiet and little would Arthur know that but of course he would be concerned but just as Arthur was about to speak to the faunus, dinner was already ready for the both of them "Arthur darling dinner is ready." Tyrian informed as he took out two plates for the both of them, Arthur stood up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen with a small smile on his face for the faunus. While in the middle of their dinner, Tyrian was once again a bit quiet than usual and so Arthur decides to ask why "Tyrian, is there anything on your mind you would like to talk about?" Arthur asked kindly and comforting just for the faunus, although Tyrian really couldn't respond that himself and so tries to shrug it off so that he could perhaps sneak his way through to not worry the doctor "It's perhaps nothing to worry about." Tyrian's voice slightly trailed off as he spoke, Arthur knew that something could be wrong with the faunus he just doesn't know yet "If I may ask, did something happen on the mission?" Arthur questioned once again, the doctor fully accepted if the faunus didn't want to answer his question, it was quite understandable as well "No, it was nothing about the mission either. I promise it's nothing to worry about." Tyrian tried to use deceit on his own dear doctor, the one he loves and cherishes, he can't even tell the truth to him either without hesitating or choking up or remembering terrible memories and such about his memories before he and Arthur started dating, but all his thoughts were spiraling around until Arthur spoke again to give slight comfort "Despite if you think it's something not to worry about, please don't hesitate to talk to me." Arthur reminded for a sense of comfort that he knew that the faunus needed and after all the doctor and the faunus have been in a relationship together for quite a long time, Tyrian nodded and slightly smiled in response to how comforting the doctor can be "Thank you." Tyrian muttered under his breath and while Arthur couldn't hear him when he muttered under his breath he knew full well that the faunus was thanking the doctor, they continued eating dinner with small talk where Tyrian only slightly smiles and laughs and it was a bit strange for Tyrian to not always beam a smile and laugh uncontrollably and Arthur hopes there was nothing wrong with the faunus but neither would the doctor not hesitate to doctor comfort him.

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