Headcanons? In my book?

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Still, headcanons? In my book? It's more likely than you think also this is just my personal headcanons

-Tyrian LOVES bothering Watts when he has to work, for Watts the only way to make Tyrian stop bothering him is tape, bother Cinder instead, or let Tyrian wear Watts' jacket and it somewhat works

-Whenever Tyrian and Watts go on missions with Cinder and Hazel they can and will flirt together, for Tyrian it's just to bother Cinder and Hazel and well of course because he loves Watts ALSO whenever Tyrian and Watts do flirt sometimes Cinder would pinch them to pay attention to the mission and Hazel would just remind them they are on a mission

-I'm 50% sure they would act like Emerald and Mercury's parents but like chaotic good parents, just the type of parents who would teach you how to beat up kids who treated badly to you

-Before Tyrian and Watts were together I think Salem would know if they were in love with each other, but the obliviousness would have killed her and the rest

-Tyrian 900% can and will kill Ironwood for Watts, but bold of me to assume Watts wouldn't join Tyrian in assassinating Ironwood

-These two are such a power couple, mostly because of volume 7 and you can't convince me otherwise

-Tyrian keeps stealing Watts' jacket constantly, of course it would bother Watts but he would let Tyrian have it at least for thirty minutes 

-I can't decide if they can't dance or they CAN dance, either way these two can dance like fools in love

-Listen I know a interaction with basically any schnee sibling and Watts and Tyrian but they would adopt them ALL THREE and you can't convince me otherwise

-Tyrian is really clingy to Watts when they have a bed together and sleep on it together, and by sleep together not by that you filths just pure fluff 

-You know what I'm bringing back them acting like parents to Emerald and Mercury it WOULDN'T BE parents it has to be uncles

-Watts and Tyrian constantly can and will hold hands and have the same vibe as "Yeah we gay keep scrolling" and honestly good for them

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