Hold my hand

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! And I'm once again having no clue where this takes place and just randomly wanting to write this is just an excuse, so w o o

Tyrian always wondered what was going on inside of Arthur's head, or worried most of the time. For only a few days Arthur would be awfully quiet and being alone with his thoughts of his own, and Tyrian is ever so worried about him, as Tyrian makes his way to go and see Arthur and knowing him well enough that the doctor should be in his office of their home and once Tyrian gave a knock on the door but there was no answer "Arthur?" Tyrian called out his name, and yet there wasn't any answer from Arthur, Tyrian then began to slight worry for his dear doctor and knocked on the door once again "Arthur, I'm entering into your office." Tyrian says as a slight warning while assuming Arthur was working. When Tyrian opens the door, and all that the faunus found was the doctor asleep on his desk. Tyrian sighed and walked into the office to take care of Arthur by carrying him in his arms, slowly did it made Arthur awake a bit as Tyrian was carrying him out of Arthur's office, Tyrian walked into his and Arthur's room to carefully lay Arthur on the bed and pulls the blanket covers on Arthur. But just before Tyrian could leave the room, Arthur was awake enough to see that Tyrian was leaving their room "Wait, Tyrian." Arthur called out his name tiredly as he reached his hand for Tyrian, almost immediately did Tyrian turn around to look at Arthur as soon as the doctor called out his name "Could you stay?" Arthur requested, and really it was a request that Tyrian could never turn down, Tyrian enjoyed the warmth of Arthur's arms holding him "Of course I'll be happy stay with you, just as long you learn to take care of yourself." Tyrian said with a teasing tone in his voice as he held Arthur's hand in his and gave a simple kiss on the top of Arthur's hand, Arthur sighs tiredly at the little teasing comment Tyrian made "I make no such promises." Arthur replied, Tyrian shook his head in slight disappointment for the lack of self care Arthur has for himself, but at the very least the doctor has Tyrian to remind him to take care of himself. As soon as Tyrian lays on the bed with Arthur, the faunus wrapped his arms around the doctor to hold him "Are you comfortable?" Tyrian asked, absolutely needing to be certain that Arthur could rest comfortably "I'm fine." Arthur reassured with his voice quiet and calm, Tyrian was relieved that Arthur was comfortable "I'm glad." Tyrian then planted a kiss on Arthur's forehead, Arthur just gave a small soft hum before he drifts off to sleep in Tyrian's arms holding him. It was easy for Arthur to rest easily with Tyrian being there with him, even if there were times where Arthur falls asleep with his head resting on his desk while Tyrian has to carry him and to be careful not to wake up Arthur. As Arthur is sleeping ever so peacefully with Tyrian, the faunus couldn't help but play with Arthur's hair as he smiles widely to himself before Tyrian falls asleep.

Eventually as long and restful moments pass by, Arthur wasn't in the arms of Tyrian. And yet Arthur was still asleep, he started to slightly toss and turn in his sleep and surprisingly it hasn't bothered Tyrian when he was sleeping peacefully. But soon Arthur woke up in sweat as he was trembling with shortness of breath, Arthur's heart rate was pounding and soon there would be tears in his eyes, Tyrian then was slowly waking up to hearing Arthur's quiet whimpering, the faunus slowly sits up from the bed and saw as Arthur was trembling as tears fell from his face "Arthur? Dear?" Tyrian was immediately worried for Arthur, he knew that the doctor was in an panic attack, it occurs time from time and yet Tyrian has been there to comfort however it made Arthur feel safe and sound. Arthur turned his head to look at Tyrian, still as the doctor was shaking while he shed tears "I'm sorry to wake you up Tyrian." Arthur uttered out to Tyrian with his voice shaking and yet calm, Tyrian remained silent as he gave Arthur an soft and worried look and lays his hand on Arthur's shoulder just to try and comfort him, but Arthur only slightly trembled to the touch of the faunus' hand on his shoulder. Tyrian knew exactly how to calm down Arthur when he is in a panic attack, but of course Tyrian would be worried for Arthur "Concentrate on your breathing, darling. Stay in the present." Tyrian was breathing calmly so that Arthur could follow the same breathing so that he could ease his breathing during his panic attack, Tyrian could only help that he can comfort Arthur. Eventually Arthur's breathing was at ease, as much as Arthur was grateful and comforted by Tyrian's help, Arthur wanted Tyrian to not worry "Go back to sleep." Arthur told Tyrian with his voice quiet and cold, Tyrian shook his head, he was refusing to go back to sleep after he has to make sure that Arthur was at ease so he could sleep as well "I'm not sleeping without you, especially when you woke up shaking and whimpering. And besides, I'm already awake." Tyrian reminded in a quiet and reassuring tone, Arthur shook his head but soon the doctor was shaking more with tears falling from his face and his breath was shortened. Tyrian quickly sits next to Arthur, or at least sitting near him enough where there's still space between them "You're safe my dear, I promise nothing could harm you. Just breathe in and out, Arthur." Tyrian says as he gently traces his cold fingers on Arthur's shoulder, where one of his burnt scars are. As Tyrian continued to try and help Arthur, the doctor closed his eyes shut and tried concentrating on his breathing but all he saw was fire, Arthur's eyes open again, his green eyes were widened in such fear while Arthur desperately tried to concentrate on his breathing as Tyrian tried to help his dear doctor with his panic attack by carefully instructing Arthur on his breathing.

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