It's a baby!

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist cover Maelwyth on tumblr! Also this baby will be female and named Garnet, also I'm not good with babies and writing them and this would have to be domestic au with Faunus in it, so uh enjoy

Tyrian, Hazel, and Cinder are going on a walk, Arthur was going to walk with them but got caught up with some work of his. An hour later the three came back home and when Emerald and Mercury opened the door they were in full shock in what they saw and immediately ran away into the halls of the rooms "NOPE!" they both shouted.

Arthur got up from his desk wondering what was that about, until he got to Tyrian, Cinder, and Hazel and Arthur's eyes widen "Tyrian, what is that?" Arthur asks as Cinder sips her smoothie "A smoothie" Cinder responded sarcastically and smirked and Arthur glares at Cinder "It's a baby" Tyrian smiles widely and Arthur's eyes widen into shock and Hazel face palms and Cinder still yet drinks her smoothie.

Out of Cinder and Tyrian, at least Hazel could put in some context "We were peacefully walking until a stressed woman with this baby in her arms walked up to his and just hands the baby to Tyrian, she asked us to take care of her for a little while and I gave the address so she can pick her baby up" Hazel explained "So then what's the baby's name?" Arthur asks Hazel looking at the baby "The mother said her name is Garnet" Hazel soon walks away giving Arthur a bag with baby stuff "Wait don't leave me here with a baby!" Arthur shouted as Hazel but Hazel just ignored him, and Tyrian is in the living room teasing Garnet that she could not grab his tail with her baby arms.

Tyrian's tail waves around the baby, at least with him being safe and as soon as Arthur walks into the living room seeing what's happening he immediately picks up the baby, accidentally holding Garnet by her feet "You can't wave your tail around by a baby love" Arthur said knowing to himself he would sound like a mom immediately and Tyrian giggles "Yet you are holding little Garnet upside down" Tyrian points out "At least I am ten percent good with children" Arthur said immediately tries to carry the baby correctly "Oh really?" Tyrian said putting as Arthur gave up carrying Garnet and puts Garnet on the couch, when Tyrian and Arthut talked about who is better with children Garnet crawls away somehow.

It took them TWO minutes to see Garnet is gone "Where's the baby?" Arthur soon panicked looking around in the living room "It's hasn't been an hour and she isn't dead calm down" Tyrian stated, the both start searching everywhere. They started scattering everywhere even Tyrian looked if Garnet was in the dishwasher "SHE'S NOT IN THE DISHWASHER!" Tyrian yelled somewhat panicked, Emerald walked in to see what kind of chaos was going on "You already lost the baby? I expected Mercury to" Emerald commented "Little girl do you not remember when we ACCIDENTALLY left you at the store?" Tyrian asked looking at Emerald "Yes?" Emerald said in a bit confusion "I'll do it again" Tyrian deadpan looking Emerald dead in the eyes "That's not surprising, just know when you and Watts have a kid I'll tell them how you left me in the store" Emerald said crossing her arms and walking away "We'd be great dads, if we find Garnet" Arthur said rolling his eyes "Arthur Watts are you suggesting we have a child?" Tyrian asked yet still searching for the baby "We can talk about it after dear" Arthur informed.

Arthur and Tyrian looked for Garnet for what feels like forever, they didn't dare to check Salem's room neither did they check Cinder because they know how much they scare kids, they checked rooms separately and when Tyrian got to Hazel's room he found Hazel playing peek a boo with Garnet "Hazel YOU had Garnet all along?" Tyrian asked walking over to the two and picking up Garnet "She crawled into Neo's room and Neo immediately gave her to me" Hazel explained "Ah well at least Neo didn't do anything wrong" Tyrian said in relief and Hazel agreed. Tyrian returned to the living room where Arthur was standing and Tyrian held Garnet up like in the Lion King "I found her!" Tyrian shouted in victory and Arthur immediately sighs of relief and grinned.

Tyrian sat on the sofa and Arthur joins Tyrian sitting on the sofa adjusting Garnet on Arthur's lap. Garnet tries grabbing Arthur mustache, he doesn't notice it at first until he feels his mustache being pulled "OUCH" Arthur shouted and picks up Garnet "Apologize you small baby" Arthur's eyes squinted and Garnet just giggles "Dear babies can't talk" Tyrian said giggling "She had the audacity to pull my mustache Tyrian" Arthur still felt threatened when Garnet pulled his mustache "She's a baby that's what they are suppose to do, pull and touch anything" Tyrian pointed out and laughed a bit.

"But she may sit on my lap then, at least I don't have a mustache" Tyrian picks up Garnet putting her in his lap and kissing Arthur's cheek "Of all people you are good with babies? I expected Hazel to be good with them" Arthur smirks at Tyrian "It's my charm, babies love my tail and my braided hair, just as long if they don't pull my hair" But then Tyrian immediately watches a show about murder and Arthur immediately had to reacted "You can't watch this in front of the baby" Arthur grabbed the remote changing it to cartoons "Says the one who thinks I'm good with babies" Tyrian pouted and Arthur rolls his eyes, and Garnet just claps her hands.

Salem walks in seeing the baby and she softly smiles remembering when she had children "And who's this little baby?" Salem speaks out making Arthur and Tyrian jump a little "Oh uh, this is Garnet we are babysitting" Tyrian explained and Salem nods understanding him "Well enjoy having a baby around, it's a challenge" Salem said walking away. Tyrian and Arthur looked at each other "Do you think we could have kids?" Tyrian asks Arthur smiling "You know what? Maybe even though our pasts are, well interesting I think we can" Arthur smiles back at Tyrian "Well that and we need a hundred parenting books" Arthur stated.

All of a sudden Garnet cries loudly making Tyrian and Arthur jump "Oh gods oh gods she is crying, what is we do?" Arthur panicked a bit and Tyrian hands Garnet to Arthur and tries making funny faces for her, but she continues crying "If someone doesn't shut the baby up I will do it myself!" Cinder shouted "The only baby that should shut it is you Cinder!" Arthur snapped back at Cinder "You are both acting like babies" Tyrian muttered rolling his eyes.

"Wait! Maybe she's hungry or she just needs a change?" Tyrian making his theory "Try making a drink for her" Arthur gently pounces Garnet on his lap "If I could think of a drink that babies can't drink I would" Tyrian stands up from the sofa grabbing the baby stuff bag and running to the kitchen making the milk for the baby for the bottle, he made sure to put it at the right temperature and pours it into the baby bottle and Tyrian runs back to Arthur trying to calm down Garnet.

Tyrian sat down on the sofa and gives Arthur the baby bottle "You want ME to give her milk?" Arthur asks Tyrian "Well you could practice with babies perhaps?" Tyrian helps Arthur holding Garnet and Arthur grabs the baby bottle and has Garnet drinking the milk "Am I doing this right dear?" Arthur asks Tyrian "Yes love you are, first times a charmer" Tyrian smiles and Garnet finally starts calming down.

After that, Tyrian and Arthur started hanging out with Garnet being like her parents and they played with toys and games, watch tv,and making funny faces. Tyrian, Arthur, and Garnet fell asleep on the couch with Arthur big spooning Tyrian and both of them holding Garnet. The doorbell rang and Salem is the one to answer "May I help you?" Salem asks seeing a woman "Yes I'm here for my baby" The woman waves hello "Oh of course" Salem smiles walking to the living room to the couch picking up Garnet and the bag and returning to the door and giving Garnet to the woman "Thank you so much for babysitting, I hope if it won't be much trouble maybe you can babysit other times?" The woman asks holding her baby and the bag "Of course, she had a wonderful time with Tyrian and Arthur" Salem softly smiles and the woman smiles back walking away back to her car and driving away.

They did get to see Garnet again and Tyrian and Arthur were absolutely excited, they would start talking about having a baby in their life and it excited them.

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