Pool day!

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DISCLAIMER: credit the cover artist Maelwyth! I'm going to make this chapter chaotic as possible also domestic au again, the first paragraph can be explained, lesbiab les bean lesbian because I can't with describing what men are wearing at the pool-

On a hot summer day they plan to go to a pool to cool off, once they have arrived Emerald is wearing a one piece, Salem isn't going in but she is wearing a summer dress, Cinder is also wearing a one piece, and whatever males wear at pools.

Tyrian, Emerald, Mercury, Cinder, and Hazel are having their fun in the pool but Arthur is chilling with Salem. "Why aren't you going into the pool watts?" Salem asks Arthur "Because I refuse to and I will" Arthur watches them having fun, well mostly Tyrian, and Tyrian catches Arthur looking "Come in the pool wattsy! The water is fine!" Tyrian waved to Arthur smiling "No thank you honey I'm fine!" Arthur waved and smiled back and this made Tyrian feel a little down so he asks Hazel for help.

Hazel and Tyrian sneak out the pool walking towards where Salem and Arthur are sitting at "Oh wattsy~" Tyrian purred out as Hazel quickly got behind Arthur's seat and Arthur immediately looks at Tyrian "Yes dear?" Arthur is a bit suspicious about what is about to happen and suddenly Hazel picks Arthur up "HAZEL?! PUT ME DOWN PUT ME DOWN" Arthur shouted and Tyrian smiles widely and Hazel throws Arthur into the pool and Tyrian laughs maniacally and Tyrian jumps into the pool and Hazel just gets in the pool.

"I can't believe you threw me in!" Arthur complained splashing at Hazel "Tyrian made a deal with me, anyway I'll be going in the slides with Emerald and Mercury" Hazel catches up to Emerald and Mercury. Tyrian swims up to Arthur smiling putting his arms around Arthur's neck "Hey wattsy" Tyrian is bastard but Arthur loves him anyway "Why did you made a deal with Hazel to throw me in the pool?" Arthur asks "I wanted you to have fun with us, I love you Arthur you should spend time with them more when we go to places" Tyrian explained, this was wholesome to Arthur and smile, and Arthur kisses Tyrian and of course Tyrian kisses back.

While that Emerald and Mercury slide down the slide getting them to the bottom, and following them is Hazel going fast down the slide and he crashes into Mercury and Emerald. Tyrian, Arthur, and Cinder watch "OH MY GODS" Arthur shouted as Tyrian laughs maniacally and Cinder face palms and Mercury, Emerald, and Hazel swims up to the surface "I THINK I HEARD ONE OF MY BONES ALMOST CRACK" Mercury shouted "Top ten things you see before you get into a coma, Hazel sliding down at top speed" Emerald commented trying to make a joke "You know I'm sorry but you guys didn't swim away" Hazel tried making a point.

For the rest of the day of having fun at the pool and with the accident of Hazel crashing into Emerald and Mercury, Arthur did have fun with them but most importantly with Tyrian, he still was bothered the fact he was throw into the pool but other than that it was great.

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