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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist Maelwyth on tumblr! Well uh, I'm back on my Nuts and Volts, it's been like what? Almost months, here's a little this and plenty more to come, be warned about Tyrian's canon typical violence

Another night and another massacre, Tyrian and Arthur have been sent to yet another mission in Vale for the next couple of days, Arthur had already booked a night in Vale for Tyrian and the doctor to rest in after their task. Meanwhile in Arthur's room, the doctor and the faunus were getting prepared for their mission, Tyrian smiles admiringly at Arthur and wrapped his tail around his beloved doctor's waist "So, darling, how do you think we should treat ourselves after our mission?" Tyrian purred, softly chuckling as Arthur turned to give a small smile, one of the many smiles that the faunus adores of Arthur "Well, usually I was hoping to get some rest before continuing on our task, but it seems like you, my darling, have different ideas." Arthur mused and softly chuckled as Tyrian smiled widely at the doctor's words "Ah well I know how much your beauty sleep matters so much." Tyrian teased, letting out a soft chuckle to teasing Arthur, the doctor rolled his eyes and smile a bit "Darling, both you and I know that you and our tasks are far more important than just beauty rest." Arthur reassured, adoringly as well, Tyrian let our another chuckle that was just a little unhinged "I admire you and your words my dear doctor, but dear brothers you make it so dramatic to whenever you won't get your rest." Tyrian says ever so lovingly, although with a little side of teasing. Arthur turned to face Tyrian with a small smile on his lips, just one of Arthur's many smiles that catches Tyrian off guard "If you stop teasing me with your adoration, you should be getting ready as well." Arthur gently reminded, Tyrian hummed quietly and shrugged "Alright fine, I'll be getting ready. But once we get to Vale, we should treat ourselves with a nice date as reward." Tyrian grinned as he walked forward to the duffle bag with his weapons, extra knives, and some pairs of clothes. Tyrian would hum joyously to himself and to the collection of knives, smiling widely to everything he has prepared for the next few days he and Arthur have in Vale, the doctor takes a peek at everything Tyrian has packed, a little smug smile began to form "Really? How many knives do you need darling?" Arthur quipped, the faunus had gently scoffed at him for that little quip, Tyrian's tail wraps itself around Arthur's arm as a token of affection "Arthur, my dear witty and lovely doctor, I need all my knives for everywhere I go. But it's not like you always bring your poetry around, must I say it's endearing and irritating." Tyrian said with both a teasing tone and an admiring voice, Arthur rolled his eyes and his smug smile grew adoring "I can make many poems about how annoying and handsome you are." Arthur flirted, Tyrian softly chuckled out of being so flattered by the doctor's charm, Arthur had smiled at how flustered Tyrian looked "Save your endearing and witty poetry for later, Arthur. Now come along darling, let's go to Vale." Tyrian carried his duffle bag and smiled widely at Arthur, the doctor chuckled and got his bag as well. Arthur and Tyrian arrived in Vale with the stolen airship, they had to make sure that they were hidden well enough for nobody to find them, Tyrian had smiled widely when he saw every chance to draw out some blood from the poor innocence, but he knew to be patient for that to come, for now Arthur and Tyrian have to settle into the hotel before getting ready "Ah Arthur, you always bring me to the most romantic places before we were to shed some blood." Tyrian purred in a grimacing way as his hands find themselves gently grasping onto Arthur's shoulders, the doctor smiled and held one of Tyrian's hand that lays in his shoulder "It's always my best intentions to romance you." Arthur remarked, softly chuckling at seeing how thrilled Tyrian is for their task to shed blood and a little romance afterwards "I look forward to our little romance after our task." Tyrian said adoringly as he gently squeezed Arthur's hand in his, the doctor softly chuckles, he adored the way that the faunus was so intrigued by Arthur and their loving moments after such a tiring massacre.

Even though Arthur and Tyrian are together, loving and just a bit chaotic, they didn't have their first kiss in their relationship. Although, Tyrian had always thought about how their first kiss would be, if Arthur would cup Tyrian's cheeks with blooded hands and draw in a kiss from their, Tyrian would be vibrating by joy to the thought. On the other hand, Arthur imagined their first kiss would be from dancing with one another, Arthur thought he would dip the faunus into a kiss to surprise Tyrian with that kiss. But moving on from their first imagines and thoughts of their first kiss, on the same day that Arthur and Tyrian arrive in Vale, night arrives and now they have to get prepared for their task "Darling, are you ready?" Arthur asked as the rings around his fingers glow, smiling softly as he looked at the Queen's Servants on Tyrian, the faunus let out a soft and breathy laugh "Always, my dear doctor, I'm always ready." Tyrian purred, smiling widely at Arthur with such thrill in his golden eyes, his pupils being dilated for the excitement "Perfect, let's get going." Arthur said as he grabbed onto his revolver, smirking at the reflection the revolver had from his emerald eyes. Tyrian and Arthur snuck through the shadows of Vale, cackling was heard from the darkness that Tyrian was in, Arthur had attempted to keep the faunus quiet, but he instead let Tyrian have his dark little fun. Eventually, Tyrian and Arthur arrived to their location of the task "I'll retrieve what we need, you my darling can have your fun with all that bloodshed you've been so fondly speaking of." Arthur said adoringly as he cupped Tyrian's face in the palm of his hand, smiling admiringly at Tyrian "Just as long as you keep yourself safe my dear Wattsy, I'll see you when I can." Tyrian gently grabbed the wrist of Arthur's hand and nuzzled into the touch of Arthur's palm "I'm always careful, it's you that I worry about. But seemingly that I hope you keep your promise, I trust you." Arthur said, gently pressing his forehead against Tyrian's forehead, the faunus smiled, not a wide and crazed smile but a genuine and soft one. Tyrian always adored how worried and strict that his dear doctor "My dear you are endearing, now keep yourself safe, I'll get on with my massacre fun." Tyrian said, letting out a dark chuckle as he slips away into the shadows and sneaking past their enemies, Arthur smiled a bit and went on to his task. Tyrian chuckled to himself, the blades of his weapon make a reflection of his violet eyes, he lunges towards an enemy and slit their throat by the blade "Oh this is already so fun!" Tyrian cackled as the enemy falls to the ground with their eyes widened I  fear, watching the blood make a pool of their own. Tyrian smiled widely at the blood on his blades, he turns to the rest of the petrified enemies and kept his wide smile at them " Well, whose next?" Tyrian asked, tilting his head as he runs his hand down his own cheek with blood, and so it begins. Tyrian has gone left and right, his blades and stinger are covered in blood, making the enemies pain linger on. In the distance, Arthur can hear Tyrian's cackling and the screams of the massacre "At least he's having fun." Arthur grinned to himself, the rings on his fingers glow, continuing to do his task. Arthur smiled proudly of himself as they got exactly what they needed, Arthur went his way hoping that Tyrian would be done with his massacre, but once he arrived to the source of Tyrian's cackling and joyous screaming, Arthur saw the sight of blood and lifeless bodies and along with a mix of Tyrian's own poison on some of th bodies "Tyrian?" Arthur called out, stumbling upon the sight of Tyrian having to strangle someone whose choking on their own blood, Tyrian was smiling like a madman, his eyes were violet. Tyrian glanced over to see his dear Arthur that hasn't even flinched in terror "Ah my dear doctor! Just in time my darling." Tyrian cooed over, looking back on the person he was strangling, watching as the light from their eyes flicker like a candle, slowly going out "Are you quite done, Tyrian?" Arthur asked with a little tone of exhaustion, Tyrian let out a soft and breathy laugh "Yes I am Arthur, rest assure!" Tyrian yelled, sliding his hands off from the lifeless body's throat, Tyrian skipped along and avoid the bodies on the floor to get to his doctor "I did quite well didn't I?" Tyrian asked, letting out a soft chuckle, Arthur nodded his head as a smug smile formed on his lips "A fantastic job at keeping them away from what truly matters to protect." Arthur praised as his hands came up to cup Tyrian's cheeks, wiping away a bit of blood from the faunus' cheek, Tyrian softly sighed in content of the kind praise the doctor has given him "Always witty and lovely with your words, Arthur. Now, you have mentioned a little romancing when we are done with this task yes?" Tyrian recalled, Arthur smiled at Tyrian and nodded his head "Of course, darling. Come along." Arthur said as his hand lingers away from Tyrian's cheek and his hand trails down to hold Tyrian's hand.

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