The bar

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Also a few character appearances such as Neo, Roman, and Junior and this is SOMEWHAT a domestic au? Where faunuses exist?

Arthur and Tyrian went out to get a few drinks at Junior's bar, probably as a date but who knows "Another round you two?" Junior asked already pouring the drink into their glass and Tyrian does a small clap "Water tastes amazing for something that has no taste" Tyrian said before laughing manically and drinking, Neo somewhat softly hits Tyrian's head with her umbrella and Arthur and Roman laughs at Tyrian for getting hit by Neo.

"Okay bUT when you touch something colder than you it sucks the energy out of you" Arthur said rubbing his head then takes a sip of his drink "TRUE!" Tyrian laughs yet again, Arthur gets off his seat but almost falls and stumbles upon the karaoke booth "hIT IT NEO" Arthur yelled grabbing the microphone, Neo shrugged not knowing which song he meant so she just puts on a random song (Maybe Never Gonna Give you up but-) and Arthur starts singing terribly to the song, and Tyrian starts cheering for him loudly.

"THAT'S MY HUSBAND RIGHT THERE" Tyrian cheered raising his arms "you two aren't even married" Roman said looking over to Tyrian "I mean, not yet" Tyrian laughs continuing to cheer for Arthur "Babybear whenever you are ready to POSSIBLY throw Tyrian and Arthur out of the bar" Roman looked over to Junior "I'm not doing that honey, besides they are our friends" Junior rolled his eyes, Neo raised her hand to volunteer to throw them "Neo no" Junior looked at Neo as Roman laughs.

After the song Roman and Junior sighs of relief, but Arthur falls off the stage and Tyrian bursts out laughing but also running to him to check if he is okay "Their braincells just left I can feel it" Roman crosses his arms watching Tyrian help Arthur to get up but yet laugh together and fall together "I remember when you were like that, dumb and cute and yet you still are" Junior smirks at Roman "First of all how dare you be accurate" Roman smirked back at Junior 

Neo just watch the two couples, she smiles until she saw Arthur and Tyrian standing on chairs pretending to battle with invisible swords "ARTHUR WATTS MY LOVE YOU WON'T WIN THIS BATTLE" Tyrian yells laughing manically and Neo rolled her eyes and grabs her umbrella walking to the chair Tyrian stands on and with her umbrella she made the chair tipped enough for a person to fall and just like that Tyrian falls onto the ground "WEE WOO" Tyrian shouted, Arthur immediately got down to help Tyrian and asking Tyrian if he is okay repeatedly.

Luckily after that fall Tyrian had of course he was okay, he just got more chaotic "Let have a battle of ice skates but they have knives taped to them!" Tyrian shouted taking another sip of his drink "I don't even have those and I'm not taking you to a ice rink" Roman said rolling his eyes "Let's have a knife battle instead" Tyrian said laughing a bit "No one is having a knife fight Tyrian, as MUCH as I want to encourage you, your way to drunk" Roman stated just absolutely tired of this and Tyrian stares at him expressionless "How can your body replicate the feeling of falling from high altitudes in a nightmare if you've never fallen like that before?" Tyrian asked still staring at Roman expressionless "Arthur get your boyfriend he's scarring me!" Roman shouted to Arthur.

An hour later, Roman called Hazel to come pick them up sense they were continuing their crazy shenanigans with Neo and scaring some other people in the bar, when Hazel arrived he saw that Tyrian and Arthur were on the floor as Neo dances around them "Oh thank gods you are here Hazel" Roman smiled with so much joy "Of course, I'm always willing to help" Hazel walked to their bodies and picks them up "We're so high from the ground" Tyrian giggled "That's because you're being carried by Hazel" Roman said patting Tyrian's head, soon enough Tyrian and Arthur are in the backseat of Hazel's car as he is driving.

"You guys doing okay back there?" Hazel asked, the two just laughed "Taking that as a yes" Hazel kept his eye on the road. Tyrian looked at Arthur cupping his cheeks "Compliment me" Tyrian asked for Arthur "You have eyes" Arthur said smiling, "Aww thank you sweetie" Tyrian smiled and giggling, minutes past but these two behind idiots "Rain must be really scary for an ant" Tyrian said fiddling his fingers "Wait till they hear the weather news" Arthur chipped in for Tyrian's shower thought "Sometimes you two terrify me" Hazel sighed "Aw but you care about as as well" Tyrian said laughing a bit "Somehow" Hazel said rolling his eyes.

While the ride Arthur and Tyrian fell asleep with Tyrian laying on Arthur's shoulder and Arthur laying on Tyrian's head, and finally the car ride was calm for Hazel. Once they arrived home Hazel picked up Tyrian and Arthur walking towards the door of the house with the luck of Emerald opening it and helping Hazel to get Tyrian and Arthur into their room and on their bed, once they were successful Arthur and Tyrian were quickly in each other's arms, Emerald and Hazel smiled at the couple and left the room. They had a huge headache in the morning but luckily they were there for each other.

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