The Faunus of Notre Dame Pt.2

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! This is the final part of this, hopefully it wouldn't be a disaster but enjoy!

It's been a week of running and hiding from James, Clover, and the army "We need a better hideout than just a bar Roman." Arthur said to Roman closing the curtains "I'm not leaving my bar, but you guys aren't safe here either." Roman wasn't amused nor scared of the general and his army, besides he is the one serving drinks isn't he? "But I have heard about the Happy Huntresses, they're the ones against the general alongside with the faunus if you can find them I would prefer you staying with them and besides I've been serving them drinks as well." Roman informed, if they were to get the Happy Huntresses on their side the battle against James will be easier, that is because they steal the supplies and weapons from James.

Everyone formed a plan together while Salem stood aside and listened to the plan, to them and maybe even Salem it just might work out. The first step of their plan was to get the Happy Huntresses join them and by doing that they're sending Tyrian and Arthur, as the two got ready putting on their hoods and with Tyrian hiding his tail and finally the faunus and the doctor walked out of the bar walking on their way to the Happy Huntresses "Arthur did Roman gave us the location?" Tyrian asked glancing at Arthur "He did, it's going to be for a while but we'll take the short cuts." Arthur informed glancing back at Tyrian "Arthur may I ask, are you okay?" Tyrian asked, for the past week Arthur has been staying and hiding away with Tyrian and the others but with that week as well Tyrian and Arthur grew a lot more closer "Me? Of course I am, I'm just a bit afraid of James right now." Arthur knew Tyrian will try to comfort him so he will welcome it "Well here's the deal, we'll protect each other." Tyrian said smiling a bit, this was one of his thank you to when Arthur saved Tyrian "Deal, but the next time you go pick up some fight with James I'm joining with you." Arthur said thinking back on that night, how foolish it was of Arthur to think Tyrian would stop have him around as well.

It's been quiet for a few minutes while making their way to the Happy Huntresses until they got to the deep streets of the city, for Tyrian's own safety he wrapped around his arm into Arthur's arm "Are you okay?" Arthur asked looking at Tyrian "I'm doing just fine, I just remembered these streets when I was younger and having our grace take care of me." Tyrian said trying looked away from any eye contact with the people around "I won't let anything hurt you, don't worry." Arthur comforted letting Tyrian continue having his arm around with Arthur's arm "We'll be arriving soon enough." Arthur informed or at least comfort in any way possible. A few more minutes later they arrive in a dark alleyway, they found a wooden door on one of the building sides "This should be it." Tyrian said letting go of Arthur's arm and knocking on the door, a woman with blue hair and amber eyes who immediately pulled out her crossbow staff "State your names." She demanded not laying her weapon down but before she could say anything another woman appeared "Now May is that anyway to treat our guests?" She said lowering May's crossbow staff, the two woman moved out of the way for the two men to enter and so they did.

Tyrian and Arthur looked around until the woman snapped her fingers "My name is Robyn Hill, you may have heard I'm the leader of the Happy Huntresses, and just like what May here demanded to know state your names." Robyn demanded as well "My name is Tyrian Callows, this is my dear friend Arthur Watts." Tyrian introduced him and Arthur to them "And we're here to gain your trust and help." Arthur piped in hoping she will hear them out. "My help? From one of the ones devoted to their royals? This will be interesting." Robyn implied she will hear them out "Well firstly, I'm not devoted to the royalanymore and secondly James Ironwood is looking for me and Tyrian, he's going to look for any other faunuses if this happens again and we both know we won't let that happen, besides aren't you fighting for freedom and justice?" Arthur explained crossing his arms, Robyn thought long and hard but she needed the truth "Oh really? Well if it's the truth you're speaking of, give me your hand." Robyn said raising her hand for Arthur as well "What is this some kind of trick?" Arthur asked taking Robyn's hand in his "My semblance tells the truth, now with all you just explained is it the truth?" Robyn asked waiting for a response "It is, it's the whole truth." Arthur answered, the answer to what she wanted was actually true and she was shocked.

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