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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! I want to make it clear this will be in the canon show and this should be credited by a headcanon my friend found on tumblr

Despite Arthur working under the hands of Salem and taking her orders he truly does despise how she treats Tyrian, but with keeping their relationship a secret from Salem it may be even harder for Arthur to watch their goddess spite Tyrian. But as of currently Arthur was in his office working as per usual, but as he was alone with his own thoughts Tyrian barged into the office with his fists clenched "And what brought you here dear?" Arthur asked getting Tyrian's attention and watched Tyrian's tail close the door behind him "Tyrian I will ask again, what brought you here?" Arthur asked once again getting just a bit worried and suspicious for Tyrian.

Tyrian has yet still haven't answered or just thought Arthur wouldn't care when he was working, but of course little did Tyrian knew he was wrong "I disappointed our goddess." Tyrian answered almost shaking, Arthur stood from where he sat "You know she shouldn't be, she doesn't have a reason to." Arthur tried to comfort with the thought of their goddess made Arthur angry at her "Arthur my dear one does not disappoint our goddess." Tyrian said being shameful and disappointed to himself as well, but Salem does this on purpose to him to drive Tyrian to praise her more but it costed Tyrian to appreciate and take care of himself "But you've done so much, you deserve to appreciate yourself as well." Arthur said slowly started to approach Tyrian "No, no I don't." Tyrian ignored and was going to be stubborn to Arthur's point and all the doctor could respond with was a sigh.

Arthur hated when Tyrian has doubted and shamed himself, while yes Arthur does love him he wants the best for Tyrian as well "Yes you do, you always do." Arthur lays both of hands on both of Tyrian's shoulders "And why do you think that?" Tyrian asked and even shaking a bit "Because you're absolutely fascinating, well that and dangerous but that's also the beauty from you." Arthur admitted and felt Tyrian shaking even more and immediately worried that he did something wrong but by Arthur's words it made Tyrian fell silent "And I shall appreciate and praise you, as you deserve to be." Arthur said waiting for anything Tyrian respond to but he won't be impatient for an response either "I don't deserve you either." Tyrian said finally making his response and was all he could even say as well "Is that so? Well mark my words I think I do deserve you, that and praising." Arthur pointed out slowly removing his hands from Tyrian's shoulders, that was until Tyrian grabbed Arthur's hand tenderly "Our goddess is rather lucky to have a hunter like you, but not only that I'm fortunate as well." Arthur comforted yet again, he could have sworn Tyrian is holding back a flow of tears.

Both of them fell to silence, Arthur truly did praises and appreciate Tyrian as he deserved to be and the praise and appreciation the goddess can't bare to give. From the moment Salem disgraced Tyrian for a simple task he failed to accomplished he immediately brought shame upon himself, but Arthur was there to comfort and he's still there for Tyrian with despite of Arthur's snarky comments and sarcastic attitude he truly does love Tyrian. Memories started flying but the memories of them were the two helping each other, Arthur giving Tyrian his prosthetic tail, the first confession of love, annoying Cinder with their love for each other, and their missions together and all of those were precious memories for them and worthy to hold onto.

Although back to their silence and comfort it's fortunate for them the silence was bound to be broken "You deserve better, truly." Arthur spoke out finding Tyrian slowly putting his arms around Arthur hugging him and Arthur gladly hugged back and Tyrian thanks him repeatedly by whispering as well. When the hug was separated Arthur saw those golden eyes of Tyrian and smiled a bit "You know, dear you also deserve appreciation." Tyrian pointed out because little did he know it's true the fact Arthur was also disgraced "I don't think so, you're the one who deserves it the most." Arthur snapped back a bit being ignorant to himself "I believe that's quite to late, I already praise you just as much for our goddess." Tyrian assured holding up both Arthur's hands and intertwining them "I love you." Were three words Tyrian simply said putting such affection and appreciation in those words as well and a way to make Arthur smile more like a fool and he gave Tyrian a kind kiss on Tyrian's forehead.

The two stayed in Arthur's office just for a few more minutes spending time together with talking, a few shared kisses, and some hand holding and it was all in peace for the first time in a while "This is nice, thank you Arthur." Tyrian admitted smiling a bit at Arthur "It's my honor Tyrian, you know that I love you and I try my best to be there for you, just know that." Arthur said with such appreciation and support he has for Tyrian "Oh I do know that darling, and now that you said it I want you to know that I will also be there for you." Tyrian reassured and looks at Arthur "And I'll make sure I will remember the both of us are here for each other." Arthur said bringing himself in to hug Tyrian and of course with Tyrian being Tyrian he hugged back. Through everything they have been through together or not they make sure the other feels safe on whichever string Salem pulls them in danger, but most importantly that includes being appreciated and praised.

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