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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! Me and a friend had screamed about this angst fic idea, but jokes on her I'm sneaking in both fluff and angst, anyways I once again have no clue if this would be a criminal au or takes place in canon, most likely criminal au because I have looped myself on that 

While Arthur was suppose to go on a mission with Hazel, he was a bit caught up with other work from Salem that Tyrian was generous enough to take his place to go on a mission with Hazel, besides the faunus knows the doctor has been working and being exhausted about it as well, even bags under his eyes were visible enough to tell anyone he's been tired. As Hazel waits patiently outside from the door for Tyrian to get ready for the mission "And are you sure you'll be okay?" Arthur questioned with being worried for Tyrian "Of course I will, and if I get in trouble I'll make sure to call you." Answered Tyrian with the hope that will calm down Arthur at the very least "Just be safe out there Tyrian." Arthur said with more worry in his voice, Tyrian gave a small chuckle and approached to Arthur "I promise." Tyrian reassured, then they pull in for a lingering kiss, Arthur's body was against Tyrian's body as the doctor's hands were on the faunus' back and his tail started to wrap around Arthur until they were interrupted when Hazel by saying "We need to go Tyrian." Hazel reminded with slight annoyance in his voice as Tyrian and Arthur looked over to him with both being unamused on how rude Hazel "Right, just give me a minute." Tyrian said as he looked at Hazel who sighed and nodded to the faunus, he turned back to look at Arthur "Call me when you're on your way back home." And of course Tyrian promises Arthur that, and so he gives the doctor a kiss on top of his hand "I will, I love you dear." Tyrian said smiling softly at him, Arthur smiles back softly at Tyrian "I love you too Tyrian." Arthur responded back and watched as Tyrian turned away from him to walk out the door. When the door closed Arthur took a deep breath to calm himself down from panicking, even if he wasn't the type to panic it has it's own moments where he will panic about Tyrian "He's going to be okay. Tyrian promised that." Arthur told himself just for small comfort, he started pacing around the house finding small things to do just to distract himself from worrying about Tyrian, it wasn't the first time he's been worried and nervous about the faunus, even if he promises the doctor he will always return safely and yet not this time. 

And now back to Hazel and Tyrian, they've just arrived to their location and lurking in the shadows "On my signal, take that guard out." Hazel said looking towards Tyrian who took out his weapons "You think I don't already know that?" Tyrian said with mischief knowing full well he's going to see blood splattered everywhere. A few minutes Hazel looks over at Tyrian giving him the signal to take out the guard and when he ran at the guard he saw James Ironwood and stopped in his tracks with anger filling his eyes knowing full well what the tin man solider did to Arthur, Hazel got confused by whatever the faunus saw but when the guard called out Tyrian, he turned to look at the guard and quickly slaughtered him out of anger. Tyrian started running off and when Hazel saw the faunus running he was both in shock and confusion "Tyrian!" Hazel shouted his name angrily and yet Tyrian ignored him. He went towards for his new own target, Ironwood, and on the other hand for Hazel he saw guards swarming around him and soon did Hazel scoff at all of them "Alright then, change of plans." Said Hazel as he cracked his knuckles and neck preparing himself to fight. Tyrian slaughtered two guards behind James that was suppose to protect him, and yet the lifeless bodies of theirs drop to the floor and made James turn around to see the faunus "James Ironwood, for such a cold heart of yours how could anyone still stand by your side to work with you?" And certainly it would come across to Tyrian's mind just so he can somehow smite James for what he did to Arthur "If you're looking for a fight, you might as well get one." James warned as he got out his weapons, both were so determined to have a head start to run at each other to battle. And now on the other hand to Arthur, he was relaxing himself with a cup of tea and whatever means necessary to distract himself from worrying about Tyrian, he knows full well he can't check up on how Tyrian is doing with the mission but little did he know that even if Tyrian was capable, he was in danger. Time pass as Arthur finished up his cup of tea "I should take a nap, it should pass some time at least." Arthur told himself as he lays himself on the couch and getting himself comfortable with pulling a blanket over himself to take a rest. Once again an hour passes at least for Arthur napping but then he was woken up by the sound of his scroll ringing, he rises from the couch and rubbing his eyes, he grabbed his scroll to see Hazel was calling "Hazel? Why is he calling me?" Questioned Arthur as he answered the scroll "You need to get your office ready. Now." Hazel informed strictly and immediately hanging up, this sets off for Arthur to panic that something happened to Tyrian, and while he was busy panicking he quickly ran to his office to prepare the room he and Tyrian has in their house.

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