Florist and tattoo artist au because why not

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the artist Maelwyth on tumblr! And yeah this is definitely not something I had in mind that I wanted to write but at this point I'm writing for myself, and yet here we are, I honestly had no idea why I'd added Weiss but again here we are and as always Tyrian remains a faunus 

From across the street, the flower shop was just across from the tattoo shop, just the two shops where Arthur and Tyrian work at, where Arthur works at the flower shop and Tyrian working as a tattoo artist at the tattoo shop. A few times Tyrian would visit Arthur at the flower shop, just to try and charm the florist, as Tyrian would visit Arthur at the flower shop there was times where Weiss would lightheartedly tease how they act like such a couple. While on the other hand, Arthur would visit Tyrian at the tattoo shop with a simple flower, while Mercury would tease. And of course in Tyrian's many visits to the flower shop, Arthur smiles a bit when he see's the tattoo artist "I'm not surprised to see you again, Tyrian." Arthur said, leaning over the counter and smiling a bit, Tyrian widely smiled at Arthur and leaned over the counter "Oh I'm sure you're not that surprised, you're my favorite florist." Tyrian replied charmly, Arthur smiled fondly of Tyrian's comment "Flattering as ever." Arthur says ever so fondly with his voice, Tyrian laughed a bit and smiled lovingly at Arthur "Oh please tell me you've asked him out on a date already." Weiss had smiled a bit teasingly, while she did hope that the hopeless florist asked the tattoo artist for a date. Tyrian raised a brow while Arthur shot a glare at Weiss while muttering brat under his breath "You know it's rude to intrude on conversations." Arthur scolded at the girl just as she walked away with the bouquet of flowers she held, while Tyrian just smiled amusingly at Arthur "Was the brat right? You were wanting to ask me out?" Tyrian inquired Arthur, the florist started to feel just a bit flustered as Tyrian asked the question "Perhaps I was, but sense that brat Weiss ratted me out, there isn't any point of avoiding it anyways." Arthur managed to reply, Tyrian tilted his head and simply smiled "Well then, go ahead and ask." Tyrian kindly encouraged Arthur, the florist let's out a breathy laugh and nodded "Alright, well, Tyrian would you like to go out on a little date with me?" Arthur questioned and watched as Tyrian would smile happily and clasped his hands together "Oh I thought you would never ask, of course I would love to go on a little date with you, Arthur." Tyrian happily said, all with a little teasing at the first part of the words he spoke of, Arthur would let out a quiet breath and smiled "Perfect, then I'll see you by six." Arthur informed, just as Tyrian would be nodding his head agreeing with the florist's little plan "Alright dear, I'll see you by six." Tyrian chimed at Arthur, the florist couldn't help but smile a bit in a way that Tyrian called him dear "You don't perhaps have an idea for a date, don't you?" Tyrian inquired with a little curiosity in the tone of his voice, Arthur realized he had no idea where to go and simply chuckled nervously "I was hoping you would have an idea." Arthur admitted, Tyrian would only just chuckle a bit "We'll just have to find out when we meet again, I'm sure of it." Tyrian reassured the florist, Tyrian would smile and accidentally brush his hand against Arthur's hand, simply holding it for a moment before the faunus realized he felt the florist's hand. Both Arthur and Tyrian fell into silence, a light blush across their cheeks as Tyrian quickly slipped away from Arthur's hand "Right, right I'll see you then." Arthur quickly stammered out and smiled at Tyrian "Of course, I can't wait for our date." Tyrian kindly said before he had left the flower shop, smiling happily as Arthur had a lingering look at him.

While Arthur was feeling all light and joyous, Weiss walked by with a small smile on her face "You can thank me later after your date with Tyrian." Weiss quipped as she smiled, Arthur scoffed at Weiss and shook his head at the white haired girl quipping at him  "Absolutely not Weiss, you ratted me out that I was going to ask him out. I was going to ask him on a date even before you ratted me out like that." Arthur scolded at her, Weiss rolled her eyes and simply shrugged "And once again, you can thank me later. You were always stubborn anyways to do anything." Weiss remarked, Arthur just sighed and once again gave a scold as a reply. Now, as for Tyrian coming back to the tattoo shop, his tail sways left and right happily and while Mercury noticed Tyrian's joy, he raised a brow "What's got you all happy? Did you steal something valuable or was it that you visited that Watts guy at the flower shop again?" Mercury asked with a chuckle, Tyrian rolled his eyes at the brat and clasped his own hands together and smiled widely "No, but Arthur has asked me out on a date, so I'll be leaving by six." Tyrian replied happily, taking a seat on the spinning chair "Oh finally, so what the wedding is next week?" Mercury quipped at him, regardless if it was the brat lightly teasing the faunus and the florist, Tyrian still smiled "Very humorous of you, Mercury. As much as I'd love to, I would rather wait until Arthur is ready." Tyrian adoringly said, completely distracted by thoughts of Arthur "That's actually kind of sweet, coming from you, the same guy who's given some asshole a terrible tattoo on purpose." Mercury lightly said to Tyrian, the faunus simply shrugged and laughed a bit "To make it perfectly clear, it was utterly and completely worth it." Tyrian defended himself, both of them would laugh a bit before another customer had walked in. Eventually, just before six, Arthur would visit Tyrian at the tattoo shop and looked around to see if the faunus was around and yet all he saw was the brat with the grey hair "Where's Tyrian?" Arthur inquired the brat from the counter, Mercury looked up to the florist and raised a brow before he had recognized Arthur, just as Tyrian had blabbering on about Arthur "Oh, right, you're Tyrian's boyfriend." Mercury was teasing lightly, the brat had a smirk on his face as Arthur was slightly annoyed by the teasing and muttered little brat under his breath. Just before Mercury and Arthur would bicker at each other, Tyrian then arrived finally with this widened smile on his face, a mischievous and joyous smile "Another terrible tattoo to some asshole?" Mercury asked Tyrian, the faunus nodded his head and chuckled at the brat "It's completely worth it." Tyrian remarked proudly, finally when he noticed Arthur, that wide smile of the faunus' turned into a soft and genuine smile. Tyrian was distracted for a moment about Arthur, until Mercury snapped his fingers at him "Wake up, he's standing right there, Tyrian." Mercury quipped at him, gesturing to Arthur standing there, Tyrian glared at the brat before the faunus turned back to look at Arthur and smiles happily at the florist "I'm surprised to see you here." Tyrian remarked as his tail sways left and right slowly, indicating that he is absolutely happy to see Arthur visiting the tattoo shop "I don't recall it being my first time visiting you, Tyrian." Arthur reminded him as they both chuckle while Mercury rolled his eyes at the two of them.

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