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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! I couldn't choose canon or domestic au so I got salty and decided a criminal au, it won't show much about criminals but take it anyways

It's been a few years for the lovely couple of Tyrian and Arthur being together for such a long time, and not to mention partners in crimes as well and serving Salem. Tyrian has been sent on an assignment with Cinder, and while Arthur was picking out a engagement ring to propose for Tyrian and all the rings seemed to be a bit extra until Arthur gazed up on a detailed ring with colors of rose gold and black "Perfect." Arthur said with a small smile across his face, when he picked out the ring and payed for it he soon walked out the store with the ring box in his bag. Arthur had this whole proposal planned with a romantic dinner and dancing, even for Arthur he didn't expect himself to be this in love and together with Tyrian longer than he can imagine and finally he will give the chance to for them both.

Arthur entered their house of course with no sight of Tyrian "I still got time to prepare for everything." Arthur said getting himself a bit nervous, he paced around the place preparing himself and hid the ring in the box in his handbag and placed the bag in his office and started preparing more and more for his proposal. Hours have now passed, Arthur has everything prepared he just needs Tyrian to arrive but finally a weak knock came to the door and Arthur practically ran to the door and opening it to find Tyrian, but he was covered in bruises and small cuts. Tyrian looked up to Arthur giving a small weakened smile before falling into Arthur's arms "Tyrian!" Arthur shouted in panicked of course catching Tyrian and rushing him to his office.

When Arthur got Tyrian into his office all he felt was panic and worry, but he knows Tyrian is strong enouch to make it through all his injuries, with the injuries he has now and the ones in his past. After long moments of patching Tyrian up and awake on the comfortable bench Arthur took his time to get a glass of water for Tyrian, but what Arthur didn't know was the handbag was next to Tyrian and with his curiosity of course Tyrian will take a peek into it. Tyrian brought the handbag to his lap and digged through his stuff "Ah yes my sweetheart's most original things he keeps in his bag." Tyrian teased a bit, of course with original stuff it's usually spare pencils, paperwork, folders, and his scroll but what caught Tyrian's attention the most was a ring box and of course with Tyrian's curiosity he picked out the ring box and when he realized what it was his eyes widened and when he opened the box to see the detailed rose gold and black ring he was still shock, of course in a good way.

Arthur finally entered his office with a glass of water "How are you feeling dear?" Arthur asked but when he saw Tyrian holding the ring box he almost dropped the glass of water "Arthur what is this?" Tyrian asked tilting his head still shocked but Arthur was speechless, he had this whole planned and in the moment now Tyrian found out his plans and honestly Arthur should have planned if Tyrian found out, and just so it happens now he did. Arthur started to approach Tyrian and when he did he took the ring box out of Tyrian's hand "Arthur? Arthur dear what are you doing?" Tyrian asked as both of their minds start racing left and right and without hesitation "I will love you with no strings attached." Arthur said getting on one knee and seeing those golden eyes of Tyrian and the pupils dilating "I swear I had a whole speech prepared dear but, will you do the honors of making the rest of my life beaming, Tyrian Callows will you marry me?" Arthur asked when tears started forming, he feared of rejection but how could he when they have together for such a long time, well to be fair they are criminals but that's besides the point "Arthur Watts yes! Of course I will!" Tyrian shouted in joy, if he could Tyrian would launch himself to Arthur with arms wrapped around him but instead they shared a sweet and long kiss and when it broke they smiled at each other with tears of joy started to fall.

Tyrian has put on the ring and was absolutely fascinated by it, and how hard working Arthur was "I'm sorry dear but you had a whole speech prepared? Cheesy." Tyrian teased a bit and laughed a bit and Arthur just held his hand "I had a romantic dinner as well, I was going to propose to you there." Arthur informed but Tyrian had a smirk across his face "That's still cheesy dear." Tyrian said absolutely admiring Arthur and lays his head on Arthur's shoulder "Well to be fair, it was all for you and I take honor in that, but if you're still hungry I can just cook something and you can choose a movie." Arthur offered but Tyrian didn't want to ruin Arthur's whole plan "Well despite my injuries, I actually think we should go to dinner." Tyrian said accepting the offer getting up and his tail raised, Arthur did wanted to make this romantic for the both of them "Well then we should get ready dear." Arthur said getting up from the bench with Tyrian, both of them smiled at each other and they quickly got ready to go out for their romantic dinner.

After their dinner and their romantic moments they decided to walk to home, and yes Tyrian and Arthur did have to get dropped off by Hazel, but when Arthur and Tyrian told about the proposal even Hazel was excited and happy for them and would gladly help with wedding plans but now getting back to Arthur and Tyrian peaceful walk. The both held hands and brought back so much memories "Do you remember when we first met I was covered in blood?" Tyrian brought up laughing by the memory of it "And you even gave me a high five, and here we are going to get married." Arthur said making it yet again romantic "I don't regret that high five." Tyrian reminded, he's been saying that multiple times and Arthur was guaranteed he was going to remind him this time "Of course you don't, but if it's these memories we're bringing up I still feel bad for almost hitting you with that pan." Arthur said and making both of Tyrian and Arthur laugh "To be fair you thought I was a simple stranger." Tyrian said smirking and making an absolute fair point. Arthur and Tyrian continued to talk about anything really, maybe even for what lies ahead of them when they get married "Would it be easier for us to be married even if we were criminals?" Arthur asked being a bit concerned about it as well "Of course it will, we trust the others to keep us alive and besides we work together remember?" Tyrian reassured but with knowing of the dangers, but they will always protect each other "Well that is a known fact everyone knows dear." Arthur once again pointed out and Tyrian smiled at Arthur, they continue to walk hand in hand back to home.

Arthur and Tyrian arrived back to their house Tyrian immediately got into his pajamas and quickly flopped on the couch "It took you that quickly to change?" Arthur teased a bit and gave a kiss on Tyrian's cheek before walking off to change as well into his own, well less childish pajamas and he joined Tyrian on the couch of course with being big spoon "How do you think the others will think of us getting married?" Tyrian asked wrapping his arms around Arthur "Just as they found out when we started dating, asking multiple questions and it would allow them to cause more shenanigans, but with a hint of helping out with the wedding plans." Arthur answered, the both of them held each other closely and a few peaceful moments pass by until Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury barged in and this was normal for the three to interrupt a date "YOU PROPOSED?!" Cinder shouted angry that Arthur didn't even tell them his plan "If it makes you feel better Hazel didn't get to know but found out about the proposal first." Arthur snapped at Cinder without either Tyrian or Arthur got up from the couch "What she's TRYING to say is that we're all happy for you." Emerald piped in alongside of Mercury slow clapping "What could make us more happier children is you all three leaving." Tyrian said being an absolutely mock of it as well "Alright fine, have fun with you and your husband." Mercury said rolling his eyes but with Arthur and Tyrian hearing that husband part they smiled at each other, and of course soon enough Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury left of course with telling everyone else expect for Salem, for that was going to be a personal talk.

Both Tyrian and Arthur still held each other and continued their little peaceful moments and just by the thought of calling each other husbands spiraled pride and joy for Arthur and Tyrian. "I still can't believe I can get to call you my husband." Tyrian purred and smiled upon Arthur "Well while I could say the same, we can show off how many times we call each other husband right in front of Cinder." Arthur said taking pride in that, but of course he won't forget the fact of his true meaning of getting married to Tyrian "That does sound quite fun dear." Tyrian responded and laughed a bit of how much potential they have to annoy Cinder more. But they stayed like this for the entire night until the sun rises and thus so many wedding suggestions from others and plans were an impact, but it was for their love they are doing for and a brighter happier path, regardless of being criminals.

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