Hey remember Rouge Time? Here's part two

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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! I really wanted to do a part two of this for spite of it and to cheer up someone, by the way this has absolutely nothing to do with volume 8 at all, or just N O T H I N G bad ever H A P P E N E D

Tyrian woke up alone on his and Arthur's shared bed but of course woke up to the smell of breakfast as well "He's up." Tyrian told himself rubbing his tired eyes and rose up from the bed and walked downstairs to see Arthur in the kitchen and even singing to himself a bit, Tyrian had a smirk across his face as he snuck up to Arthur silently and wrapped his arms around Arthur, when the doctor felt Tyrian's touch he stopped singing to say "And a good morning to you as well." Arthur spoke with joy and really not distracted by Tyrian "So you come here often?" Tyrian asked still having his arms wrapped around Arthur "We live here together Tyrian." Arthur responsed but laughing a bit, to Arthur it was a pretty clever line "Ah well then good morning darling." Tyrian said softly letting go of Arthur with laughing and decided to help Arthur to make breakfast and make two cups of coffee for the both of them, after both of them completed to make breakfast they sat down and talked and ate breakfast alongisde of drinking their coffee and while all the peaceful morning continued for them they had other plans for the day to spend together, well luckily ones that wouldn't get them in trouble.

Both of them lived in Patch long enough to live freely as they should be doing, even with Salem's influence on Tyrian he pulled through it all, with Arthur. After washing dishes from breakfast they both rest on the couch together "And what are our plans today dearest Arthur?" Tyrian asked hoping not to be absolutely bored out of his mind and not to mention the fact he can and will start jumping on the couch "Depends, do you want to do anything?" Arthur asked and both offered for Tyrian to plan a but as well and immediately Tyrian gets excited for the little plan that was part of their day that he planned for "Surely while we have other things planned, but first for as much as Taiyang is quite the witty man but he said today tonight was suppose to be absolutely magnificent, I even know the perfect spot." Tyrian knows Arthur hasn't seen stars much but this was Arthur's chance especially "Is it the spot where Taiyang surprised Raven by sneaking up and she almost stabbed him?" Arthur asked tilting his head in suspicion, Tyrian nodded in response and laughed "To be fair it was his own fault." Tyrian pointed out laughing a bit more but Arthur smiled a bit to Tyrian's joy of this "If you say so Tyrian, darling." Arthur said giving a small pat for Tyrian and smiled more alongside with Tyrian.

Although while they can sit there and rest they had to get food from the market, so they got ready into their casual clothes, and by casual for Arthur he still looks atlesian "Ready Arthur?" Tyrian called out walking into their shared room but finding Arthur staring at his revolver on the ground "Arthur?" Tyrian spoke with worry and quickly walked over to him to comfort, Tyrian made his tail hit the revolver hard enough for it to slide under the bed and scolded at the revolver as well "It's okay Arthur, we're not in that life." Tyrian quickly reminded just to comfort but it was true, they weren't in that life anymore but whenever they both glance at their own weapons they remember the blood that fell upon to their hands and feeling the memories and pressure on their shoulders, but enough of that as Tyrian helped Arthur snap out of it and soon Arthur and Tyrian were to be out of the house with their keys of course and went to the market nearby. 

They made a list and had enough lien for the food they're going for and as they got to arrive to the market it was a beautiful weather and the people were happy, and yet Arthur and Tyrian continued on with what they need. Tyrian and Arthur walked with a few bags of fruits, drinks, and snacks and when Arthur was waking up ahead a bit Tyrian was distracted from a scene of a child so near to steal a simple apple and so he was quick to help, Tyrian almost has to run there and yet he didn't but swiftly he stole a apple and without anyone looking he gave the child a apple they would have stole themselves "Now, run off to your parents, they'll be worried won't they?" Tyrian said with the child nodded in response and smiled, when he watched the child run off Arthur watched the whole scene and when Tyrian returns to Arthur, the doctor smiled "And you said you weren't good with children, although you did steal an apple." Arthur spoken still smiling and Tyrian smiled as well "Oh but I terrify them, but I suppose I've changed." And it was true, Tyrian did change and so did Arthur, and truly it lead them to a more safe and happier path and without a doubt they will add more to their lives together "We've both changed, for the better good." Arthur said holding his hand into Tyrian's as they both looked up to each other smiling "Indeed we have." Tyrian responded and gave a quick kiss on the cheek for Arthur and thus they walk home again in hand in hand alongside of making small jokes.

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