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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on Tumblr! I once again have no idea why I made this, I simply thought fencing for these two seems like something they would do for some kind of date, but overall being a clown once again I have no idea if this is canon or some other au and surprisingly this was short, and to make absolutely clear that foil is one of the fencing swords in fencing

While Arthur was busy, Tyrian was terribly bored and luckily he had one small thing in mind and yet the faunus would try and convince the doctor to agree to do this idea from Tyrian. The faunus slips into Arthur's office with his tail swaying left and right quietly, Arthur was at his desk "And what do you want?" Arthur asked looking over to Tyrian, the faunus had a smile across his face before answering "Well I hope I'm not bothering you Arthur, I was just thinking that maybe you should stop your boring work and spend time on something else." By Tyrian's offer but Arthur knows full well it would be chaotic "And what were you thinking exactly?" Questioned Arthur once again hearing the faunus laughing a bit befrie answering his question "If you're interested darling, I was thinking about some fencing." Tyrian replied with approaching the doctor more. Arthur thought about Tyrian's request, it wouldn't hurt to leave his paperwork to fence with his lover "I accept your request then dear, I have my fair share of fencing." Arthur says as he stood from the desk as the two walk out of the office "Excuse me but you've done fencing dear?" Tyrian both teased and asked, he of course sounded surprised as well, the faunus heard the doctor chuckle to Tyrian being surprised, and yet the faunus has admired the doctor so much "I know a few tricks, I assume you would know more than me." Arthur replied as he took his hand into Tyrian's hand and Tyrian held Arthur's hand back, but the faunus only could laugh once again "I suppose we'll just have to see which one is better at fencing my dear." Tyrian practically was taunting the doctor, and he gladly took the faunus' challenge to fence "I'm sure we will, and I can't wait to see how it goes." Tyrian said smiling widely ear to ear and looked at Arthur, although saying it once again the doctor still took it as a challenge from the faunus. Arthur and Tyrian arrive they each took one foil, in which it was one of the three fence swords in fencing "Shall we begin darling?" Tyrian questioned holding the foil in his hands and smirked towards at Arthur "Ready as I'll ever be dear." Arthur replied swaying his foil slowly left and right "Although before we begin, you are most definitely aren't allowed to use your tail to win, I trust that you won't use it." Little did Arthur know Tyrian is all full of tricks, so he is most definitely going to use his tail "Whatever you say Arthur dear." Tyrian said as he positioned himself which was pointing the front foot forward with his back foot at the correct angle, Arthur did a small bow to before fencing with Tyrian.

The first one to make a move was Tyrian, he used the basic attack move in which a classic one called the lunge, the faunus made the foil fully extended while his back leg remains stationary as the front leg moves forward "That's an old classic move." Arthur teased but then the faunus was being clever and moved quicker than the doctor can watch his steps, but Arthur did an defensive action where he blocks Tyrian's lunge in which the blade should be moving while the doctor should be keeping his arm as straight as possible "And you were quick to defend yourself dear." Tyrian almost complimented Arthur as the faunus shot another smirk at the doctor, Arthur rolled his eyes, but just when he was distracted for even a slight second the faunus decided to be a bit mischief and make Arthur fall by Tyrian's tail "You said you wouldn't use your tail." Arthur almost snapped and yet tried to stay calm, Tyrian instead laughed and helped Arthur to get up "I couldn't resist, you made yourself vulnerable to fall." Tyrian teased as he gave a quick kiss on Arthur's cheek, on the other hand for Arthur was slightly irritated and decided to point the foil sword underneath Tyrian's chin "I would have to give you credit for being quick and clever, but the tail doesn't count." Arthur remarked as if it was almost a compliment like Tyrian gave, Arthur's comment made the faunus smile happily, it was then the doctor moved the foil away from Tyrian's chin to kiss the faunus, the doctor perfectly caught Tyrian off guard while he was stealing Tyrian's foil sword. When Arthur broke the kiss from Tyrian he stepped back away from the faunus to have both foil swords in his hands "You kissed me just to steal that foil sword from me? I love how clever and bold enough you are to do that." Tyrian said approaching him slowly as his tail swings left and right slowly "Yes I did, and yet you seem to be also vulnerable enough to let your own weapon stolen." Arthur teased as he smiled at the faunus approaching him "Very clever of you darling, but it's not called fencing if the other doesn't have their sword." Tyrian remarked and laughed a bit afterwards as he pointed at his foil sword that the doctor has in his hands "Well if you want it back you're going to have to take it from me." Arthur says as he puts one of the swords behind his back and the other pointing at Tyrian who was almost in the doctor's reach "I'll take it up as a challenge then darling." Said Tyrian with both of his legs bent a bit to readily move speedily towards Arthur.

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