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DISCLAIMER: Credit the cover artist Maelwyth on tumblr! I will try my best to make this as chaotic as possible, also this is an domestic au but Faunus still exists.

"We should try cooking" Tyrian said being very very bored out of his mind "You do remember the last time we tried making cookies?" Arthur reminded Tyrian, they almost burned down the whole kitchen "Okay well making very small cookies was worth it" Tyrian admitted being as stubborn as he could be "It really wasn't dear" Arthur responded almost sounding tired "Can we try at the very least? I'll try listening I promise" Tyrian promised and clasping his hands as Arthur sighs  "Fine, come on" Arthur gets up from his chair and Tyrian smiles in excitement and clapping his hands.

They both walk into the kitchen, minutes later passed nothing happens yet until fire spirals out of the pan making Arthur terrifed and Tyrian laughs maniacally "FIRE!" Arthur shouted getting a towel trying to stop it but it caught on fire and Tyrian slaps the towel out of his hand and steps on it repeatedly.

"TYRIAN HONEY THERE IS STILL FIRE" Arthur shouted panicking he grabbed a bucket luckily filled with water and threw the water onto the fire and Tyrian "aww you were trying to put out the fire because I was hot~" Tyrian purred and smirked "Tyrian there was an actual fire in the kitchen" Arthur said face palming "I stand by my point dear good doctor" Tyrian winked at Arthur and as much as Arthur was probably flattered he just sighed "We should just order pizza" Arthur grabbed out his scroll.

Tyrian tried putting away the burnt food into the trash, one thing they didn't notice was the towel that was still on fire. "Uh Arthur the towel is still on fire" Tyrian points at the towel on fire and Arthur only slightly panicked "Then put it out!" Arthur grabs the bucket filling with a good amount of water and pours it onto the towel, he already ordered pizza.

Arthur looked at the kitchen and Tyrian as he is still soaking wet "I'll clean up the kitchen you go dry up" Arthur started cleaning and Tyrian did as he told. Soon the pizza guy arrived, Tyrian v answered the door and gives the guy money and takes the pizza "Wattsy the pizza has arrived!" Tyrian walks into the living room putting the pizza on the table.

Arthur wasn't done cleaning the kitchen but he would want to eat first, they both sit on the couch eating the pizza "So it's official we can not cook fancy food?" Tyrian asked looking at Arthur "Yeah pretty much it's safer that way, we'll just need Hazel to cook" Arthur responded kissing Tyrian on the cheek and continuing eating pizza. No one questioned why their kitchen looked like a mess, they just know Arthur and Tyrian messed up the kitchen. 

Nuts and Volts oneshots because I canWhere stories live. Discover now