Lost In History | 12

129 9 83

I don't own Fire Emblem.

*craws out of a grave*


Hi. It's been (another) hot minute. There's a longer explanation down below on why I've been gone for a while. Regardless, sorry it took so long!

I probably don't stress this enough. But seriously you guys, thank you for your support. Whether you're a silent reader, you're an active commenter, or you're someone who left this book halfway, I'm so grateful for you guys. Thank you for everything.


Odelle curled into her blankets, and grabbed a pillow to hug to her chest. Her maids bidded her goodnight and closed the door behind her.

By the next morning, her pillow was stained with tears. Her cries had been muffled by the feathers of the soft object she had been hugging to her chest. She had been alone, the entire night. Like she had been every other night.

Only that night, she had been aware of her loneliness.


Frederick was summoned to his lord's study.

His footsteps were heavy as he walked down the hall. He couldn't tell why, but he was feeling jittery and nervous.

It had been barely twenty four hours since Diana Celeste's grand escape. The entire scene was still under investigation, but so far, there was no new information uncovered.

The investigators were confused. The council was confused. Everyone was confused. Literally nothing made sense. Why Anguis was even there in the first place, why Diana's allies targeted them instead of just running to escape...how the entire situation had happened in the first place.

He was confused too. As much of the truth has he did know, Frederick knew very little of the plan. But his Queen's letter had stated enough for him to piece the dots together. Somehow, Diana Celeste had collaborated with his Queen and their allies to eliminate Bane's band of bloodthirsty mercenaries. He couldn't understand much of what else had happened, but he trusted his Queen enough to leave it in her hands.

He couldn't quite wrap around what Robin had been discussing in her letter though. She had been vague enough to leave Frederick dazzled with confusion. A book that could...twist reality? This life wasn't even their real one?

It seemed impossible. Frederick did trust his Queen, but it sounded too unbelievable to dissect properly. He couldn't even comprehend-

"Enter," Chrom's voice said roughly behind the door. Frederick paused on his mulling, and realized that his body had willed itself to knock while he had been distracted. He swallowed, turned the knob of the door to Chrom's study, and pushed it open.

Chrom's eyes lacked any kind of energy when Frederick glanced through them. The cerulean blue was dulled and drained of life, just like they had been since the escape had happened. This hadn't stopped his lord from taking responsibility for clearing up the battle and leading the investigation after it, but Frederick had worked with Chrom long enough to understand his body language more than nearly everyone else.

Chrom was exhausted. He was confused, tired, and breaking.

Frederick bit the bottom of his lip and approached the table.

"What have you called me here for, my lord?"

No words were exchanged at first.

"Where's my sister?" Chrom asked first. His voice, laced with the desperation of a man who needs rest, haunted Frederick's ears.

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