A Taste of Ylissean Life

288 11 88

I don't own Fire Emblem.

Happy 100th part of TSP!


In which friendly faces stop by for a visit, Diana bounces around with her feelings, Macentos has (another) meltdown, and a prince gets his karma as a steely Exalt threatens him with his eyes. On the other hand, Lucina and Morgan just want snacks in order to sit back and watch everything unfold.


"It's too bad Diana couldn't join us. She would have loved a walk in the outdoors."

With an arm over her brother's shoulder, Lucina guided him through the crowded streets of Southtown, glancing around. "Macentos really has been piling work on her ever since she outsmarted his suitor contest."

Morgan frowned at that, leaning against his sister. "True that. It's been over a week - he should really get over it."

"It's Macentos, Morgan. I'm pretty sure he can hold a grudge over spilled milk."

"Let's not talk about Macentos," Inigo said, turning around and walking backward so he can face the siblings. "I'd rather only talk about pleasant things on pleasant days like this."

"Agreed." Morgan nodded. "So, where are we going first?"

Lucina glanced at all the shops bustling about in the Southtown square. "Well we could go-"

"No, Luci, we're not going shopping. We all know you have horrible fashion sense."

"I do not!"

"Sorry, honey," Inigo said with an apologetic tone, although the smile on his face said otherwise. "If you can scare off Diana into never going dress shopping with you ever again then I'm sure it has to be as bad as people say."

Lucina sighed, shaking her head. "My little brother and my fiance are teaming up against me. Quite nice."

"It's because we love you, Luci."

"Sure you do."

Morgan pointed enthusiastically toward the tavern called Night Watch, which he knew happened to be Diana's favorite. "What about we stop by there for a quick drink and a little break for now?" He tugged on Lucina's sleeve. "Come on, Luci, I know we came out here for fresh air but can we do that after we get some drinks and maybe some food? Plus I want to sit down for a bit. There's this book I want to talk to you about!"

Ruffling her brother's blue hair, Lucina glanced at Inigo. "Fine with you love?"

"Whatever the prince commands," Inigo snickered. He was targeted with a flying hit from Morgan and promptly dodged by running straight into the tavern.

The bartender, Lucina recalled his name was Rupert, grinned widely when he saw the trio. "Ah, the Sorcerer Princess's family, ay? I'm guessing you're her siblings?" He clearly recognized Lucina and her companions from how often they go around town and sometimes just to patrol the town to make sure everything was okay.

Inigo seated himself at a table, and Lucina dragged Morgan over with her to sit with him. "Yes sir. Well, technically I'll be her brother by law in some months time. How often does our Diana frequent here?"

"More than a young lady should." Dusting off his hands, Rupert patted them on his apron and approached the group. "So what do y'all want? I don't suppose you guys like tea like Lady Diana does, ay?"

"She gets tea...at a tavern?" Inigo's eyebrows were raised, but he looked amused more than confused. "Sounds like Diana, all right."

Rupert raised his hands. "Hey, we only keep it stocked for her and her only."

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