Twisted Fates | 12

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Rukia's arms were crossed. "If you want to prevent giving Selena a heart attack, I best suggest you walk your way through the dining hall and the back halls to get to your destination. It's the farthest from her quarters."

Anastasia nodded slowly, thanking the gods that her sister had pointed it out. "Of course. I appreciate your advice. Thank you."

The sorceress left without another word, leaving Rukia standing alone in the training field, with mixed thoughts and feelings in her stomach and mind.


"Wow, this place is quite...empty," Diana remarked, "aside from the lava running through the ground, of course."

They had finally made it to the the Bottomless Canyon. The only obstacle left to get across to the actual canyon itself is to get over the Lava Fields, a giant mass of land with long cracks in the grass underneath. Flowing through those cracks was steaming hot lava, and even though they hadn't quite stepped over the land that carried it, the humid air floated over to them, making Diana resist the urge to take off her cape and gloves.

"," Corrin murmured, looking down. She was obviously disappointed that no new allies had showed up where she had told them to. Diana placed a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it comfortably.

"Give it time," she murmured. "I believe that they have faith in you."

Corrin looked at her sadly and sighed.

"Aw," Elise pouted, "there's no one else here!" The blonde princess was the first one to voice everyone's thoughts.

Takumi looked just as disappointed. "It looks like neither Ryoma nor Prince Xander were swayed to join us..."

"Let's not give up yet," Camilla said. "The skies above Nohr and Hoshido haven't completely changed."

Diana bit her lip and looked around. It was extremely hot, and she wanted so badly to rip off her cape. Unfortunately, it was part of her entire outfit as a whole, so she couldn't even tear it off without exposing herself. She did, however, take off her gloves quickly and shoved them into a pocket in her skirt.

"Hot?" Rukia's voice sounded amused as the older girl went to stand next to her.

The sorceress rolled her eyes, dusting off her hands. She summoned a fan and began to rapidly fan air on herself, aiming some for Rukia too. "Tell me about it," she grumbled. "I haven't been in an area so hot before."

"You do need to consider the lava, though." The corner of Rukia's lips tugged into a smile.

"Yes, but it's not like I was expecting to end up here," Diana chuckled to herself. In reality, she didn't. She had completely missed this land of area when she had left the Bottomless Canyon first.

"Your clothes are not suited for this weather, huh?" Rukia laughed, and Diana rolled her eyes.


Diana couldn't help but smile at the exchange of words with her sister. Despite the circumstances and the fact that she had to keep close watch on her and Selena, she was glad they could at least talk normally together.

"If no one is here," Corrin said to the army, looking severely disappointed regardless, "then we'll just have to move forward. Come on!"


Diana looked up at the skies as they swiftly walked over the lava fields, carefully treading to make sure that her skirt wouldn't...accidentally catch on fire here and there. Selena was right behind her as she was next to Camilla, and would every so often pick up her skirt if it accidentally slipped over the cracks. Diana shot her grateful looks all the time, and was glad her friend was there for her despite her alias.

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