The Second Chance | 7

175 11 12

I don't own Fire Emblem.


"The bandits aren't just ordinary bandits..." Alina swallowed. "They're a group of people called the Blood Magic Tribe. They're famous for stealing magical items that could be classified as sacred and dangerous, and using them for the wrong reasons, such as world domination."

Alina looked at the two siblings right in the eye, who both seemed to pale at what she said.

"And apparently," she sighed. "Their next target is something in the Ylissean Palace. Or as tonight's events have proven, something to do with Lady Diana."



Chrom sighed, leaning back on his chair as Alina argued back and forth with Macentos. "We must!" The Supreme Councilor scolded. "Do you not think of the well being of Ylisse? Don't be so utterly selfish!"

"I am thinking about Ylisse, unlike you lot! I will not have a lowly servant become affiliated with our plans!" Macentos snarled. "It would be an irrational choice!"

"Do we have any other choice?! This is the only lead we have!"

"I don't see this as any other lead when we already have the enemy's name! They might have just given us the chance to attack and destroy first!"

"Have you forgotten our mission? Find out the bandit's purpose under their nose and exterminate them from there! Attacking first would immediately wreck itself all together!"

"So you're going to suggest that we let this opportunity to save our palace fly away as if it's fumes floating in the wind?!"

"Letting that chance go gives us a bigger opportunity, especially now that we now have a clue about what they want!"

"This so called clue you speak of might bring the ruin of our kingdom! This is far too risky, I may say. What a foolish idea!"

"As if your idea wasn't even more risky and silly! Attacking the enemy would unveil our plans, and everything will go to chaos!"

"As if letting a low class maid know official Ylissean operations is any better!"

"ENOUGH!" Chrom snapped, slamming his hand on the desk in front of him. Surprisingly, for a huge room, the sound echoed throughout the councilor's meeting room, startling the wits out of everyone. 

"This is no time for arguments!" Chrom shouted, trying to lower his volume a little bit. "We must reanalyze the situation and focus on what would be the best decision for this matter, but arguing with each other is not the way! Best you two sit down and think rationally before the bandits get an even more huger advantage at us!"

The Supreme and Head Councilors looked like deer caught on headlights as they plunked down on their chairs with heavy sighs from each.

Lissa sent her brother an exasperated look, which Chrom reciprocated before turning back to the mass of councilors that were seated below him.

"Because my last attempt to explain our current situation ended up in quite a fiasco, let us refresh, shall we?" Chrom began. "We now know that the bandits attacking our home is the Blood Magic Tribe, a cult of bandits that are widely known in stealing magic artifacts for their own good. The attack last night has unveiled different things about them - they possibly want something here in the palace walls, and they have spoken for the first time, revealing that they wanted to involve Lady Diana, the bodyguard and Lady in Waiting of Suitor Margaret Liasion, in their plans. As of the current situation, we are unsure about why and how Lady Diana is needed for, and what the Blood Magic Tribe want from the Ylissean Palace."

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