Dark Heart | 2

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


The woman quivered under Diana and Lucina's hold, eyes quickly skimming whoever was surrounding her bed. Clearly, she was terrified and on her guard.

And then her eyes landed on Chrom.

A blood-curdling scream slipped out immediately.


Several things happened so fast that Diana barely had time to acknowledge them.

The woman began thrashing and screaming her head off, and such an action would immediately cause chaos for everyone. She attempted, or appeared to attempt, to get off of the bed, resulting into Diana and Lucina struggling to wrestle the woman back into a seating position. That proved to be immensely difficult, so immediately Margaret and Morgan leaped to their help.

In the midst of the frenzy, Chrom snapped out of his shocked exterior and called for some backup in a panicked voice, and several guards came crashing through the wooden doors of the infirmary to assist the other four, but it was strangely futile even with a crowd of people struggling to restrain the panicked young woman.

Diana would've thought that was a bad idea to bring in more people, because of course while she couldn't blame Chrom for doing the first thing that came to his mind, bringing in more people would make her panic even more than calm down. But the sorceress was way too busy trying to get the woman to lie down that her mind was wiped away from any other thoughts.

She didn't know how she managed to figure it out but she later guessed that some gut instinct told her to sedate the woman - there wasn't any other choice. Immediately as that idea slammed into her frenzied mind, Diana snapped her fingers, focused on the woman, and shouted "Sleep!".

The woman stopped struggling in everyone's arms and collapsed, once again unconscious.

Everyone stared at each other and the woman uncomfortably, minds still processing what had just transpired in the last three minutes.

Margaret was the first to speak.

"Well done. She's knocked out. Now we have to wait all over again."

Diana reached over and shoved Margaret with a roll of her eyes, causing the heiress to snicker.

The sound of the laughter snapped everyone back into the real word. Robin dismissed the guards, seeing as her husband was still in too big of a state of shock to do anything.

The tension moments after the guards left the room was thick enough to be cut.

"Good gods." Lucina basically fell into the seat next to the infirmary bed. "What the hell was that?"

"She looked at Chrom and all hell broke loose," Margaret shrugged.

Chrom did a double take. "W-What, you're saying this is all my fault?"

Margaret raised both her hands. "I'm just saying what I saw."

"Sorry, Father, but she's right," Diana said with an apologetic smile. "The woman did lock eyes with you before the hysteria started."

"Are you sure she didn't look at Robin? Maybe that's why she started screaming." Chrom tried to defend himself.

Robin shrugged. "Sorry honey, but I saw it too. She really did look at you before she started freaking out. There was a good second's pause. Now, I don't know if you're the real reason she was panicking, but it's a possibility."

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