The Second Chance | 4

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I don't own Fire Emblem.


Chrom started to follow his sister, but he couldn't help but think about Margaret's young lady in waiting. She was definitely a unique one, being a bodyguard and a lady in waiting at the same time. She and Margaret had also seemed to develop quite a unique friendship between each other, and not to mention that her beauty was fascinating.

But it wasn't all of that that stunned Chrom the most. It was how familiar she was to him.

And how relieved he felt, seeing her alive, despite only having met her for the first time.


"So they gave you your room?"

"Again," Diana shrugged as she shoved all the trunks that Margaret had brought into the closet, kicking the rest underneath the bed as there wasn't enough room. "Coincidentally. Apparently, it's still being used as a guest room, so I'm staying there. The other Lady in Waitings are also staying in guest rooms, and the bodyguards are in separate rooms themselves. Our rooms are practically aligned next to each other."

"And they just happened to give you yours," Margaret chuckled. "My, it's as if they have a sense."

"It's really weird to be back there too." Diana started to straighten the sheets on the bed. "Strangely, even after a year, all of my stuff is there. Drawings, letters, clothing, everything. It was as if they'd never thought to clean out this room. At least some maids should have went in there to clean sometime during the year, but everything is untouched."

"Not even the dust on the furniture?"

Diana shook her head. "When I got there, I had to wipe the tables and bed down. It was as if the whole entire place had been left alone without another thought."

"Well, let's be honest here - it is a guest room." Margaret pointed out, grabbing a few dresses and hanging them up in her closet. "It's not like they check in there every single day to clean, you know."

Diana paused, giving her a look of disbelief. "I've lived here for a while - and maids here do clean guest rooms every six months. They wouldn't just...leave it blank like that."

Margaret hummed in response. "Strange. Should we wonder why they've left it so barren?"

The sorceress pursed her lips, resuming to her task. "Not right now, I suppose. I think it's best if we just focus on the front task - the courting."

Margaret grimaced at that, flopping down on the bed. "That's something I'm not looking forward to."

Giggling, Diana shook her head as she shoved the last few trunks into the back of the closet before shutting it. "Alright! All done!" She chirped, dusting off her hands. "Onto your junk now," She sighed as she began picking up Margaret's rucksack of extra belongings.

"They're necessary for my duties, you know." Margaret rolled her eyes.

"Like those other dresses are?" Diana teased.

As soon as she finished saying that, there was a sharp knock on the door. Diana moved to get it, but Margaret stopped her. "I can handle it."

Nodding, Diana watched as Margaret moved gracefully to the door, before opening it.

Cynthia stood outside the door, shuffling her feet nervously. She was dressed in very formal but yet simple armor, one outlined of gold and silver. Diana seemed to freeze, nearly dropping the fabrics she had just picked up.

"C'mon, Cynthia, you can do this," the brunette muttered to herself, before snapping her attention to Margaret. "Uh, hello ma'am! I'm here to deliver a message from Exalt Chrom."

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